Hello everyone,
Today I've edited the Discussion Rules to both add new rules and update old ones. Here's a summary of the changes:
In order to help combat spam posts, we've added a clear restriction on how frequently users can create posts: No more than 3 posts in 24 hours, and only one of those posts may be a poll. In addition, we've made it clear that "Low effort posts" like sharing pictures or memes are not allowed as their own posts. Both of these have already been something the mods have been enforcing in some form, now they're clear and posted publicly.
Most posts here are polls, so I've added a few new rules specifically for polls:
Users may only post one poll every 24 hours. Any made before that time has passed will be deleted.
Any Poll Tournaments or series of related polls must have approval from a Discussion Mod before they're allowed to begin. There are many poll tournaments here that are all the same topic, so this should help shake it up! If you'd like to start one, reach out to a Discussion Mod here on discussions, make a post requesting approval, or reach out to a mod on Discord. Requests must include 1) The topic/structure and 2) An estimate of how long the tournament will run, keeping in mind the 24 hour post restriction. Any polls that are part of it should include an @ tag of the mod that approved it in the comments.
The rule requiring users to comment their own opinion on their polls has been expanded to all topics, not just power level discussions. Additionally, we've clarified that this comment must be added within half an hour of the poll's creation.
A couple clarifications on other rules:
Wiki discussions are to be "PG Rated" and sexual topics aren't allowed.
In addition to not being allowed to post your own personal information, you cannot solicit it from others.
Finally, I've chosen to emphasize one rule above all others:
Any user who goes out of their way to make discussions an unwelcoming environment for others, such as trolling to evoke a response will face consequences.
This wiki is meant to be a fun and welcoming place. No user who continually trolls, demeans, and argues with others will be allowed to be part of the community. There have been a lot of instances of veteran users getting into trouble lately. Let me be clear: it's very easy to violate this rule, even if you don't use insults, threats, or harsh language. Being a part of this community means that you should always strive to be the best part of it, not the worst.
As always, I'd love to hear any feedback, positive or negative about these rules. Thanks for reading!