An abandoned part of the ruins of Mary Geoise:
Sengoku and Koby sit close, Sengoku eating chips while Koby fiddles with his thumbs, looking worried.
Koby: Inspector General Sengoku, may I ask you a question?
Sengoku: stops eating, and lets out a heavy sigh I knew this would come, what is it, boy?
Koby: Well, after the attack on Impel Down, what should we do now? We lost Admiral Greenbull and Kizaru! Two of our biggest fighters! Imu sama and St. Garling went off somewhere and the Gorosei are nowhere to be seen!
Sengoku: Don't question Imu and Garling's actions, they know what to do. As for what we are supposed to do, nothing, our forces suffered a tremendous blow back then, and we are spread too thin. And the Gorosei? I don't know where they went off to, Sakazuki was with them, at least that's what he said last. That's not all who we lost we lost almost all our Vice admirals, Captains, and Officers as well! To make matters worse, Issho just had to betray us! Although I can't blame him...
Koby: What do you mean?
Sengoku: Well, although we say that we protect in the name of justice, we really don't, the marines have become too greedy and corrupt to say that anymore. And as for the good Marines? they can't stop it because chances are that they will become greedy as well.
Koby: ...How did it turn out to become like that? Surely there was a time when we were pure?
Sengoku: Shakes his head Never, since the Marines were founded, Imu was there, slowly making us turn against our ideals...
Sorry for the short one but yeah! this took about an hour lol! hope you like it!