I think this is enough, now I cant believe Oda made a marvel reference (for those of you who who are unaware Loki is Variant L1130) Anyways anyone else getting Zoro vibes from when Luffy met Loki? I mean compare the two
THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Therefore I believe that Loki will NOT be the major antagonist for this arc. Luffy is a very good judge of charachter and can tell if someone is good or bad, like with Zoro, despite everyone talking bad of Zoro, luffy knew he was a good person, so logically Luffy wouldn't go smiling and walking up to a bad a guy. Also this feels like a very Fenrir-esque situation (if you don't know please research it) in the sense that Loki will cause Ragnarok or in this case All the "Gods" of Elbaf and Loki will clash in some way that will decimate Elbaph. Also its funny now that the name of the tree on Elbaph is literally Yggsadril and it is a one to one replica of what Ygssadril actually looks like
Ofc the only things it looks like it wont have is Grimhaem and Tieferhaem, I do have a sneaking suspicion that there is some underground civilization here