Hmm there's still long time until April yet so many question and speculation
-Who is the giant that fell for nami in social media is it fan made?
-Do you think garp really death? Luffy will mad but the question is
Will it open a darker version of gear 5 with spooky laugh
-Will new character emerge with kaido or big mom DF power? as there mysterious shilhoutte in a cover page where yamato helping a girl
Fend him off
-Hancock or vivi either join luffy fleet not as a strawhat crew or captured sooner or later and be handover to tenryuubito so gives more reason for luffy to go to marijoa, Vivi is for obvious reason but boa awakening might be the reason blackbeard wanted it or sacrifice for someone she loves or something since her original lore medusa died but her power is used by athena and symbolism protection and power plus it'll be more emotional turbulence to watch because her trauma
-A member of strawhat will died at the end season is this credible source?
If that theory true then it maybe law DF power created for that purpose, and his survival make it more important
-Zunesha will come to open wano and release pluton
-Pudding will unlock voice of all things and heard the strawhat of joyboy? or item of similar things
-they actually already pass raftel its not an island near lodestar
-lily has nikyu nikyu no mi power its on one piece opening somewhere 1:17
-Imu is lily who become evil since joyboy were killed by his own kingdom,
her creation of the Celestial Dragons could be seen as a form of revenge against a system that betrayed him. The Celestial Dragons might symbolize her disdain for the world that turned against Joy Boy, using them as punishment to the world to enact her will and reshape the world in a way that reflects her bitterness.
The annihilation and racism towards certain race was adamant and her urgency to hide everything is so strong to hide about the real truth and killed anyone with his will to make sure there'll be no change
Im strongly disagree with the last point