Is Luffy confirmed to be asexual
I think it's just that Oda doesn't want to bother with romance is his silly pirate adventure.
Not officially, but there's several things in the story that suggest that he is.
What @/FrostyBoi23 said. I think OP is better without romance.
All of you have Fair points I personally think you will settle down and get a romance after he becomes a Pirate King does his dream
By title I though you were talking about Ace
Anyways Oda says that One Piece is a Shōnen, for boys who don’t gaf about romance, not a Shōjo, which is for girls who do care about romance
I don Think so
I think by the end Luffy will have a kid just for the plot so na
If Luffy ever gets a son, I think he'd most likely adopt one.
It's my headcanon... but it's probobly not canon...
What do you think?