164 Votes in Poll
@ImmeasurableSpeed it's true that they are different categories but that doesn't change the fact they are still quite similar and kind of go hand in hand.
@Seekerbro nah not really. Just because you can punch at a certain speed doesn’t necessarily mean that they can also run at the same speed.
The fastest punching speed in our irl world is 45 mph while the fastest running speed is 27.78 mph. So in conclusion, a persons fighting speed =\= a persons running/flying speed
It's still relatively similar is what I mean, not exactly the same. For example look at the example you just sent, the running speed is only 20 mph slower than the punching speed so they're still relatively similar thus if you have FTL combat speed, it's likely you have FTL movement speed as well
That’s… not how it works.
The whole point, is that travel speed isn’t the same as combat speed. Even if they are “similar”, it’s still not the same. So it’s possible for characters to have FTL combat speed and also have like supersonic travel speed at the same time.
And also irrc, wasn’t luffy struggling to keep up with kizaru’s flying/travelling speed? I could be wrong tho, it’s been a while since I’ve read the manga
"The whole point, is that travel speed isn’t the same as combat speed. Even if they are “similar”, it’s still not the same. So it’s possible for characters to have FTL combat speed and also have like supersonic travel speed at the same time."
What?? This makes absolutely zero sense, like have you seen someone whose combat speed is that drastically different compared to their travel speed? Do you even know what relativity means? The only speed categories that could differ that much is reaction speed and general movement speed, Travel speed and combat speed could never differ that much, ever.
"And also irrc, wasn’t luffy struggling to keep up with kizaru’s flying/travelling speed? I could be wrong tho, it’s been a while since I’ve read the manga"
Kizaru CAN accelerate so this isn't an anti feat
“What?? This makes absolutely zero sense, like have you seen someone whose combat speed is that drastically different compared to their travel speed? Do you even know what relativity means?”
Yes a lot? As I’ve given my example above, there’s a clear difference between a persons punching speed and a persons running speed (40 mph and 20 mph) running isn’t even the same as punching/kicking so I have no idea where you even got that from.
And second, it’s fiction. It doesn’t have to make sense. The same reason why luffy doesn’t destroy the planet with his FTL punches.
Sasuke would win. Because Zoro would get lost on the way to the battlefield
What do you think?