135 Votes in Poll
No roger is a different case. roger actually has feats we can base it on. i dont know where the hell you got that conclusion from. what i mean is we TAKE WHAT WE KNOW FROM THE FEATS THAT ARE SHOWN OR GIVEN. to gauge the strength. roger oneshotted oden and clashed with WB. Garp took on rocks d xebec's WHOLE CREW. and keep in mind they were the most DANGEROUS PIRATE CREW IN THE WORLD. and to be defeated by 2 or 3 people is still impressive and a huge feat. Garp and roger also participated in god valley too. we have feats to actually base on to gauge his strength.
Roger fought rocks, whitebeard , kaido and bigmom that's basically 4 yonkos but he had help from garp so idk
@JsthatGUYLOLL Kaido and Big Mom weren't even in their prime years. Big Mom was around 30 while Kaido was around 21 during God Valley. Usually a character in their prime is around the age of 40. Whitebeard likely didn't even join in the fight since the crew didn't work well together in the first place.
@O00999kjhh No, we barely saw anything from Roger that says he's stronger than someone like Kaido or Shanks. These two have shown FAR more feats than anything Roger has shown. All we have from Roger is statements, hype, or other characters showing off what they can do that upscales them. Show me one fight or battle Roger had that puts him over someone like Kaido cause his fight with Whitebeard isn't all that impressive. Sure he was sick when it happened, but he was still able to use his haki to a great degree meaning his sickness didn't affect his fighting capabilities or his haki usage.
Charys now your lying to yourself. THERES A WHOLE BACKSTORY DEDICATED TO ROGER. its not by how many feats you have we have enough feats OF roger to gauge his strength. and we know that WB is slightly weaker than roger. how many times do i need to say this. ROGER 2 or 3v14 rocks's crew he fought alongside garp. and he literally WON. that says alot. remember rocks crew is the worlds worst pirate crew. and for roger (along with 1 other person) to defeat that is crazy. if we atleast have a good feat to base it on we CAN STILL GAUGE AND SPECULATE HIS STRENGTH BASED OFF OF STATEMENT NOT ON FEATS SOLELY
Yall i think these comments want to start ww3
Yeah, luffy is only 19, and as charys has stated himself, a character usually is in their prime around 40 yrs
Man we can debate about this forever and none of our opinions are going to change. Most of the Rocks crew weren't even in their prime. The only characters on the crew that are strong enough to fight Roger, Garling, Garp, Rayleigh, and likely Gaban were Xebec himself, Shiki, and Whitebeard. Everybody else wasn't in their prime years or weren't on that caliber. On top of this, they mainly won due to the crew not having great teamwork. Teamwork is key to a lot of things and if you can't work well with your crew despite how powerful your crew is, chances are it will eventually fall.
And you're acting like Roger and Garp did most of the work when they literally had marines, the god's knights, and Roger's own crew as backup. If anything, Roger and Garp had an upper hand when you start to realize how many people they had on their side during all of this while Xebec for all we know only had one ship with no fleet. On top of that, Whitebeard could've possibly switched sides or never helped to begin with giving Roger, Garp, and Garling a much better shot at winning. I'm just going to agree to disagree and end the debate here. I still don't see anything that puts Roger over Kaido besides fan hype, speculation, and him having powerful haki.
You are 100% right on the second paragraph .
Conclusion: I dont think you grasp my point fully, but the marines wont do shit to roger there was no statement that said "oh roger and garp along side holy knights faced xebec's crew", we barely know anything about xebec's crew yet your already coming to a conclusion about the crew's strength.
Yeah we do know about:
But we barely know anything about:
Silver Axe
(And theres three more names that didnt get introduced to us)
What do you think?