141 Votes in Poll
"Luffy was messing all the other elders up."
No i dont think so
Even if he is weak he is IMMORTAL
Luffy wins,mid diff. 😎
So false XD
Sorry, did someone say Garling was above ROGER?!
Even if he was, he is currently old. He can be in his prime, or he can be an Elder. You have to pick one.
I saiid a run for his money not stronger than roger btw but it could be possible that he is. but its upto the creators i geuss
"Giving him a run for his money" means defeating someone.
Nope its just pushing someone extremely good at something to their limits but the person (extremely good) still manages to defeat them. its like saying roger high-extreme diffs garling
Shit, you're right.
Lol @SlendVeny3 wanna become friends?
What do you think?