81 Votes in Poll
@RedHair5467 request, thanks to you I question myself cuz Idk which one of them will stay alive if they battle at once. Idk what to give katakuri to be honest suddenly this giga chad come up I have no idea it exist before. King supposed to be Aerodactyl but it turns out this pokemon has way higher defense which fits lunarian more so dont be fooled by it small size. I chose enel because the speed thats all but Im still not convinced about the outcome
Caesar will !! he can put everyone asleep with gas in seconds
I feel like either jozu (with regice) or king (with corviknight) wins.
Not to hate but i have good suggestion. if you want to fit with the 3 headed vibes maybe choose something like Hydreigon. and diamond or crystal (dont mistake this part for the pokemon games) vibes are sableye or what you put on there, regice. Gas related? weezing line or gastly line. thunder has many options: like zapdos, luxray, galarian zapdos. and all those stuff. but its your choice after all its your polls
I know your idea, but search as for the most powerful poison types come up to be toxicrity. I 'm excited to give him Hydreigon too at first but found out is dark and its not a poison type, it can learn poison move like sludge bomb/toxic but its not its main ability as most of its attack doesnt has poison. luxray already given to law and thundurus chosen because his deity concept and magatama fits enel the reason why I dont give necrozma to kizaru is also because considering his admiral nickname yellow monkey there's none aparently the close shape available is electabuzz and its not even a monkey I think since kizaru often use leg to attack I search for pokemon that at least able to do similar thing, It not my fav light-electric pokemon I think necrozma or zapdos way cooler but I'm sticking to their concept to avoid favoritsm focus too much on the pokemon.
I already give weezing to smoker it'll boring if I use the same pokemon twice and it considered weak since team rocket. I do think of zapdos and weezing at first but on stat gengar was written as the strongest gas pokemon idk why since its didnt look gas shape at all. oh but sable eye has weaker defense 65/75 than regice 100 corviknight 105 and aerodactyl 65.
Misclick, probably Katakuri & Buzzwole.
What do you think?