86 Votes in Poll
This isnt a fight
Its which one you like the most
Oh did not read well but it is till the same anser
Drake is NOT beating Bonney
My guy she turned to fucking nika
I did not mean that , i meant that Drake ans tyrantrum are still my favorite duo
Oh Okay then
Good choice
Erm actually, Tyrantrum has a type weakness to Slurpuff, and I won’t lie Slurpuff is actually a pretty strong Pokemon. So Bonney beats Drake, Slurpuff beats Tyrantrum.
But anyway it’s clearly Bege for the win
Win being which one is coolest not which one wins
Btw its called skakataka
In my opinion its bege+skataka and Drake (we hear you like em young)+Tyrantrum
If want OP bonney can be mew since mew also can copy others power
What do you think?