Even after they faced the defeat Kuma of all people why him
Even after they faced the defeat Kuma of all people why him
(This is going to be pretty long so if you don't have the patience to read it, MOVE ON)?
I saw this one YouTuber who does one piece agenda videos, reads the latest chapters, etc etc and he was flat out MAD since Oda keeps saving characters that we thought were going to die. Personally, I'm with him on that. Don't get me wrong, Kuma is a GOATED character and so is Vegapunk. I can see Vegapunk getting saved since his brain was still in great shape, but what was the whole scene with him and Sanji for if Vegapunk knew he could be brought back? And Kuma is no exception. As bad as this might sound, Kuma should stay dead. It takes away the sacrifices he made for Bonney and the hard effort other characters went through to save Bonney and Vegapunk.
That's essentially Oda bringing back Ace out of nowhere. Like what was everything for? The Koby speech would've been for ABSOLUTELY NOTING since both sides lost a lot of people for fighting for what they wanted (marines wanted Ace executed since not only them, but a lot of innocent civilians in the world saw him as a dangerous criminal while the Whitebeard pirates saw him as a loved friend and a valued family member while Luffy ofc saw him as his beloved brother).
All those sacrifices would've been in vain. Everything Luffy did in the war would've been for noting since Ace's death is what eventually motivated him to become stronger to protect his friends. His death was his reality check that their are people far stronger than him that he couldn't beat during the time. Sabo wouldn't have gained his memories after realizing Ace's death as well. A lot of stuff everyone in that war fought for would've been for nothing. I honestly had enough of Oda bating us to feel for a character cause we feel like this character is going to die just to bring them back like bruh, what was the point of me crying if you're just going to bring that character back?
123 Votes in Poll
109 Votes in Poll
Bugggy, Mihawk, Crocodile
Kuma, Doflamingo
There hasnt moria or weevil as far as i know yet
I have a theory that this Pacifista Police is sentient and has kidnapped a Satellite to partner with the Big Mom Pirates.
I think there will be a twist and his personality will be the "Tyrant" identity that the World Government falsely painted Kuma with.
Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro neutralized all the Pacifistas MK.III which highlights the Pacifista Police's absent. Which is notable since he tried to kill Luffy and co. for theft which is less serious.
I think he is PX-1 and that Kuma sent him to a place where he found and ate a Zoan fruit that restored his mind.
I think PX-1 is a Cat Yokai Zoan due to the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi being associated with cats and yokais being so prominent.
Buccaneers have the ability to act even if their wills are removed so this how I think PX-1 was able to eat a Devil Fruit.
Also Zoans have their own free will which why I think PX-1 became sentient.
York revealed that Edison has stopped accessing Punk Records and he wasn't shown to have died. I think PX-1 kidnapped him and will use him to broker an alliance with the Big Mom Pirates.
It seems like Buccaneers are the third race Big Mom wants so I think PX-1 would receive a warm welcome from the Big Mom Pirates.
Also Big Mom is interested in the power of science. She wants to use it for gigantification and she does had a replica of the Punk Hazard lab on Whole Cake Island which Edison could use.
Is it just me or does anyone else think of the Big Daddies and Little Sisters from Bioshock every time you think about the story of Kuma and Bonney? Both Kuma and the Big Daddies were people who were operated on, essentially turned into cyborgs, and mentally conditioned to have all their free will taken away to be tools of their respective governments. Except Kuma consented to the surgery and he was not conditioned with rules to protect Bonney. He consented to the surgery because he was promised a cure for his daughter.
The symbols in Kozuki's crest, the pseudo-Christian cross in Kuma's church and other symbols (Like signs or tattoos in Shandia, Alabasta, and Fishman Island) have one spot encircled by 8 small spots. Could this be the Earth and the 8 no-more-existing(?) moons/planets, that we can see in the Ohara library's 3d model?
Are there theories about this? (Probably yes lol :)).
103 Votes in Poll
Kuma's life was filled with many misfortunes. I want to see him get more happiness. Kuma is one of the best character development I have ever read.
170 Votes in Poll
As of this today I have realised that many of the things I’ve been saying on this wiki for the past two weeks have been untrue, as Bonney is not the daughter of Kuma. I humbly apologise to all.
(don’t know if this goes with the admins new spoilers rule so it would be nice to know)
149 Votes in Poll
I know there are many theories that say Jewelry Bonney is Ginny's clone, or Ginny is Bonney's mother. but Ginny at 37 years old looks similar to Lilith. Their characteristics are also almost the same.
The last chapter of One Piece reminded me of Zoro in the thriller Bark when he received pain from Luffy. At that time he was still able to stand.
So after reading about kumas feats when younger and seen the amount of pain and damage he's absorbed will he release that pain upon you guessed it Blackbeard ?
If some how kuma survives this arc and a version of Vega punk to could Vega punk restore his memories kuma has always helped the straw hats I hope he does manage to survive.
So far the only weakness we know on blackbeard is his low pain resilience and given kumas high pain threshold and his ability to absorb and dish it out it would only be fitting all his pain got released on blackbeard.
After hearing about Kuma and his dad being a new race called Buccaneers I was instantly thinking about Kaido and what race he could be and then I figured it out. Kaido is a Buccaneer but instead of being a descendant of normal giants Kaido is a descendant of Ancient Giants (Don't ask me how that would work) which would explain his size strength and Ancient Giant horns on his head.
129 Votes in Poll