This is in order from most recent to like beginning of the year, the perona drawing was in like march lmao
This is in order from most recent to like beginning of the year, the perona drawing was in like march lmao
124 Votes in Poll
206 Votes in Poll
303 Votes in Poll
78 Votes in Poll
118 Votes in Poll
172 Votes in Poll
291 Votes in Poll
Yo, I just wanted to make a funny list so um.. Hajimeyoka!
5. Bon Clay a.k.a (Bon-Chan) (Bentham)
I freaking miss this dude.
That's all for Bentham I guess. He's great.
4. Boa Hancock a.k.a (SexyGumGumBoy) (Luffy Fan Club Leader)
Me: For this pick we will be interviewing Ms. Hancock! Say hello Ms. Hancock!!
Hancock: BE QUIET FOOL!! Don't yell in my presence!!
Me: 😅sorry heh heh. Ms. Hancock, I've-um got a few questions for you. May I ask?
Hancock: Proceed.
Me: Why does the One Piece fanbase consistently rank you on the same level as characters like Luffy or Nami or Ace.
Boa Hancock: I can literally smack a fan over the head with a stick and I guarantee, I'll still be loved. Naze nareba? (Why?) Ware wa Utsukushii kara (because I'm beautiful)
Why a stick??
3. Lord Buggy D Clown a.k.a (God) - ALL HAIL LORD BUGGY- SAMA!!! The literal strongest being in the multiverse. This boy can murder gods with the literal blink of an eye. Even Roger said Buggy was destined for greatness. See for yourself.
His words not mine.
2. Bartolomeo a.k.a (BartoDStrawHatFanboi98) (Luffy Fan Club Co-Leader) - Barto is literally all of us I we got Isekaied into the One Piece World. Plus he's got the same fruit as that old guy from the Oden flashback.
Not to forget, Barto seems to be a pretty big Nico Robin fan.
We all can sympathize with that one.
1. Caesar Clown a.k.a (Gangster Gastino) - Originally he was one of my least favorite characters but probably because he is a pretty crappy antagonist. But you hafta admit. Caesar is the is one of the funniest characters in the series.
And lets not forget, that this is the guy who literally cried after Nami called him human trash.
Watch this video then look me straight in the eyes and tell me you didn't laugh. Bet you can't.
What are your Top 5 side characters?
So he can copy other's appearances right.. does it include their abilities? Or if he awakens his df can he do so? Then he would be OP
Hi Guys just want to ask what do you think is the awakening of Bon Clay's DF?
can you imagine him copying also the DF power of the one he copied?
But since he is a paramecia type DF user i guess he can manipulate his surroundings into something i dunno