Well this is yet another list in the wiki and it will be about the top five characters i hate the most in One Piece, i have my reasons to hate these characters and i will also give my reasons for their appearance. Feel free to make your own top five or we could discuss mine, with that being said let's kick it off.
5. Spandam. He does have his laughable moments and i do enjoy them but i can't overlook some of the heinous things he has done which include running over on a young cutty flam, beating a defenseless Robin like a coward, calling a buster call on Enies Lobby and shifted the blame to his subordinates which is a scummy thing to do. And for whatever reason he got promoted to Cp-0, which is just stupid and sadly Lucci didn't kill him.
4.Squardo. I have never seen such a gullible man in a show like this one before he took the word of a marine and instead of talking things out with Pops he chose to stab instead despite all the things he had done for him and i get that he hated Ace for his father's actions which is dumb on its own as Roger killed his crew not Ace who wasn't even born back then. And his way of making up to Pops was charging to death and sadly he lived.

3.Vinsmoke Judge. I never thought that a fictional character would evoke such emotions in me Judge is simply a horrible man and even worse father as he subjected his children to experiments before they were even born as a result, they had no emotions in them. Now what he did to Sanji was disgusting to see as he showed no love towards him and allowed to be bullied and the strawberry on the cake was when he kept him in a cage with a helmet and when he was about to leave Germa 66 he didn't care whatsoever for his son. Sanji should have let him die at the hands of Big Mom. Even worse he came back into Sanji's life only to ruin it. Classic

2. Charlos. Ah a classic among otheres no list is complete without him like Charlos is a celestial dragon and with that he feels entitled to everything even living organisms so that he can make them into wives, slaves or just simply as transport which is a disgusting sight as he degrades the lives of other along with his fellow celestials. But that punch from Luffy was satisfying but he doesn't seem to have changed as he wanted to purchase Shirahoshi.

1. Sakazuki. I am sorry for this one but this is how i feel about it. His entire character to me which is just "i hate pirates and justice this justice that" got annoying real fast for me and i simply don't care about his whole gimmick and a major factor in all this was what he did in Ohara where he killed innocent people on a whim which was wrong by the way and he killed a fellow Marine for a simple reason instead of giving him a fair trial for deserting duty, he wanted to kill Koby for just saying what was right at the time. And his obsession with Pirates lead him fighting a pointless battle as the war was won by then. Mabye as time goes by i will like him if he does get a good backstory.