What would've been Luffy's bounty if he had beaten Big Mom (at WCI) and Kaidou (at Wano)? I bet it'd be around 4.5 ~ 5 billion.
123 Votes in Poll
123 Votes in Poll
What would've been Luffy's bounty if he had beaten Big Mom (at WCI) and Kaidou (at Wano)? I bet it'd be around 4.5 ~ 5 billion.
70 Votes in Poll
134 Votes in Poll
I have a theory that Kingbaum is still alive and that he has a connection to Big Mom's Road Poneglyph.
He did die before.
And was able to come back to life.
His body was still intact after being burned by Prometheus.
Homies can eat other homies to absorb their souls to become stronger.
I think Lady Tree fed Kingbaum some homies to resurrect him. It seems like she is the one who stitched him up the first time.
I think this will be significant because I believe Kingbaum will recover the memories from when he was human. Pudding demonstrated that homies still have the memories of their souls' original owners.
So far the Road Poneglyphs have been located where the Ancient Weapons were.
The only exception has been Zou but it is still connected to Pluton. Zunesha is supposed to open the borders of Wano.
It was revealed that Pluton is buried in Wano under Mt. Fuji. Opening Wano's borders means tearing down its walls to unleash Pluton onto the world.
We know Big Mom took the Road Poneglyph and I think its original location will become important.
That's because Vegapunk believes the Mother Flame was used to power an Ancient Weapon and process of elimination points to Uranus.
Similar to how she gathers ingredients I think Big Mom stole the Road Poneglyph and killed the protector who I believe was Kingbaum. Then I think she used his soul to create a powerful homie to guard her woods.
I think the original location of Uranus and Big Mom's Road Poneglyph is Emerald City. It seems like the name is a nod to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Kingbaum's name seems like it's inspired by L. Frank Baum. The story has Fighting Trees in it and it does fit with the Big Mom Pirates fairy tale theme.
118 Votes in Poll
152 Votes in Poll
136 Votes in Poll
Shanks, Blackbeard, Whitebeard
Kaido, Big Mom
143 Votes in Poll
132 Votes in Poll
137 Votes in Poll
110 Votes in Poll
128 Votes in Poll
228 Votes in Poll
143 Votes in Poll
Yes it sounds absurd, especially with the performance she showed during Wano. But I honestly feel like current Big Mom CAN beat (or at best stalemate) Luffy as of right now. Some of y'all might say "oh why not make a poll about this?" Well because the poll is obviously going to be in Luffy's by a large margin and it would be pointless to make one since most of us know the outcome.
Basically my reasoning is simple, Big Mom has somewhat equal durability to Luffy (awakening wise), insane endurance, MUCH better stamina, and somewhat equal haki to Luffy (excluding observation haki). If Luffy's fighting Big Mom only in his base form, then I see him having a shot at winning, but if he resorts to using any of his Gear variants or his awakening, then that'll be in Big Mom's favor since Luffy can't use haki after his Gears runs out and his awakening does heal him whenever he uses it, but it also has the huge drawback that can also make him vulnerable to attacks.
I think A LOT of y'all severely underestimate Big Mom bc of her performance during Wano and how her character is portrayed. She was considered a Yonko for a reason and has both advanced armament and advanced conquerors which can deal massive damage to Luffy if landed. On top of that, she can also heal herself if needed and amp herself as well. And yes, Luff can use future sight, but he only uses it every so often and isn't always using it on the whim like Katakuri which means Big Mom will be able to get a few shots in. And with her insane stamina and endurance, she's deff most capable of outlasting Luffy's Gear 4th variants or his awakening.
126 Votes in Poll
Nami: Castform
This shouldn't be a no brainer. Castform is the literal weather Pokemon. Depending on the day of the weather, it can have three different forms. It's honestly the perfect Pokemon for Nami to have as her ace when sailing on the seas while navigating.
Ulti: Rampardos
This one is a no brainer as well. Ulti's main attacks revolves around headbutts since her Fruit "the Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model: Pachycephalosaurus." The Pachycephalosaurus is thought to believe have had head-butting competitions due to their large bony dome on its head which would've protected them from the vibrations from heat-butting similar to modern day rams or musk ox.
Big Mom: Slurpuff
Big Mom could honestly have quite a lot of potential aces similar to other characters. But, I honestly see Slurpuff being the one that fits Big Mom the most. Slurpuff's sense of smell is 100 times stronger than humans which is helpful when it comes to baking pastries or sweets. And like Big Mom, Slurpuff tends to enjoy sweets itself quite a lot. And kinda similar, but apparently Slurpuff can tell a person's mental and physical condition just by using taking in their smell which is kinda similar to how Big Mom can take a victims life force when they fear her.
Crocodile: Krookodile
This is another obvious one. Krookodile is a literal sand crocodile. It's first stage evolution is literally named "Sandile." But anyway, Krookodile fits Crocodile quite well. Being a sand crocodile with the name "crook" in it's name which Crocodile relates to since he's pirate (a bad one) and has lied to the entire nation of Alabasta that he was their supposed hero trying to frame and overthrow Cobra for his own personal goal which involved Pluton and overall power.
*SPOILERS* don't read if you're before 1068
So I'm on episode 1068 and some stuffs been going down, but I have an issue and a question, so I witnessed Big Mom falling from Onigashima and plummet into a pit of lava right? But Zeus is still alive and kicking, wouldn't he die if she dies since her power would be gone? Or maybe because he's a "special homie" made with her own soul, he's keeping the power going? Or isn't effected by her death because of that? Idk kinda feel she might still be alive, could've probably made the lava alive and caught herself since I'm sure a Lava homie could choose not to burn it's master.