What would happen if a pregnant woman ate a devil fruit ? Would the bady also get powers and if so would it be able to swim?
The yami yami no mi isn't a logia fruit or a darkness devil fruit, it's an absorption devil fruit. The black substance he produces is just a side effect of constantly absorbing light. I also think that he awakened the fruit which is why he can steal devil fruits. what do you think?
which Devil fruits and which characters will receive Devil fruits?
I would give the Soru Soru No Mi to Bowser (from Super Mario), the Jiki Jiki No Mi to Robotnik/Eggman (from Sonic) and the Uo Uo No Mi: Seryu model to Lu Bu (from Shuumatsu No Valkyrie)
what kind of person do you imagine would desire a fruit like that?
123 Votes in Poll
Toshi Toshi no Mi is shown to have a very straightforward power, allowing its user, currently Bonney, to add or subtract age to her own body or others. However, it also took an interesting turn of event during Egghead incident.
There, she attempted to take on the form of Nika while fighting one of the elders, I believe it was Saturn. However, she failed at first, and Saturn comments it being due to her not believing such future was real. But when she asks Luffy about it, and he tells her to be free, she succesfully becomes Nika.
So, this. What exactly are the bounds of Toshi Toshi no Mi, if it has any? She recreated the power of another Devil fruit with her current Devil fruit, and, judging by Saturn's words, she could do so if she believed it was possible.
Could she then decide to give herself futures where she can, for example, control and turn into ice, or turn into a leopard, or create candy on her skin? It seems her only real boundary is how much she believes it to be possible, but since she already proved she can emulate Hito Hito no Mi: model Nika by believing in a future where she is free, is there a reason she couldn't emulate any other Devil fruit that exists or doesn't even?
Is Toshi Toshi no Mi the most broken Devil Fruit in One Piece?
Give me some fruit ideas I’m looking for anything
I want the most talented devil fruit inventors in all the lands *cough* @Stellagrr *cough
The sky’s the limit. Good luck.
One of my friends surprised the hell out of me and took me to the Otaku store at the Rockingham Park Mall and bought me this $230 statue of Gear 4 Bounce Man Luffy!
If I Eat a Devil Fruit I can turn into Loch Ness Monster
If I eat a Devil Fruit Zoan Mythical I can turn into a Yeti
So... The last round came quiet unwarned i know contestant of round 2 havent shared their ideas yet but... Well guess i gotta bring back @Animelover6822 from round 1 and @Stellagrr the only person who wrote idea in round two(i liked it very much)
Next devil fruit is hard to create for many reasons :
1. it has to be paramecia but like katakuris fruit it has to be paramecia but simmilar to logia.
2. must have awakening
3. Must have power to control time
4. Has to do something with folding (papers, terrains ,items)
5. you gotta make a character to own this fruit (the person shouldnt certainly be existing in one piece you can just invent him/her)
6. world government should want this fruit so bad(like luffys gum gum)
7. User of this fruit must have to expolre this fruit abilities and its ttue form and power should be in its awakening.
8. Give this fruit a backstory in a void century
9. Good luck;)
I got bored. I thought I was gonna get into the second round of a contest but didn't so I didn't get to use this idea but here we go
The Prop-Prop Fruit
This fruit is hard to categorize it's like katakuris mochi fruit I it paremecia or logia? But with this fruit it's is it zoan or paramedic? So I decided to lean into the zoan aspects.
Now the prop fruit is GREAT for someone like usopp where you run and or hide because this fruit allows you to turn into any object at will this object will be usable such as a raid suit or gun however some things won't be usable such as a fruit you CAN turn into a devil fruit but it won't grant ability's just the bad taste however the downside is you can only turn into things you've seen in the last 24 hours. Now this is also good in sneaking such as turn into treasure as a marine to get into and take down a pirate crew or turn into a devil fruit to trick someone into trying to eat a devil fruit when really it's a kick in the face. You can also use this in pvp such as jump over your opponent and turn into an anvil or just run towards them and turn into a gun. Bang. Imagine an anvil covered in haki falling directly onto your head now that would hurt. Now another downside is you can't be transformed forever after 20 minutes you'll be "dis-armed" unable to hold a transformation for more than half a second until 10 minutes have passed
Now the Awakening this is pretty cool because It kinda copy's other fruits but not well. So with the Awakening you can now turn into modified versions of items such as a gun with legs. You can modify your forms and the 24 hour only thing? Gone. 20 minutes means disarmed for 10? Gone. Now the downside with this fruit is continuous uses means not disarmed but broken each of your forms will have something wrong with them the more you ignore this downside the worse it gets there is 4 stages to this.
Stage one. If you turned into a gun with legs on stage one every once in a while you might fire a blank or the barrel will empty itself.
Stage 2. If you turn into gun legs at this stage the gun might be a little bent and the legs might be a bit slow or short.
Stage 3 if you transform into gun legs at this stage gun legs legs might hurt and the gun would be backwards.
Stage four. Gun legs legs are both broken and the gun explodes after every shot.
If you ignore this and keep continuing to change forms your boned will slowly break and deep lashes will appear on your body and your own form will begin to fall apart.
Now what I meant by it may be able to copy some fruits is this next feature I'd it sees another zoan user for the next 30 minutes it can use that zoans ability but if it does when that 30 minutes is up you will immediately be at stage 4 and the zoan you copied won't be full power anyway if I were to copy Lucci on his awakened form I would become the unawakened version with slightly less speed, still an insanely powerful form, but not it's full glory.
If a Eat A Cube Cube Fruit I can control Lego Blocks and Rubix Cubes
must have awakening.
must be zoan.
must NOT have any thing to do with water.
must enable user to fly in some way.
User of this fruit must be so strong that he could easily kill katakuri
if the fruit of your idea WILL NOT MATCH the filters, or is ALREADY in one piece will be automatically disqualified
and also if there will be two people disqualified in this round at a same time then i will bring one of the contestants who COULDNT get in round 2.
Only @Stellagrr @Hello hello noll and @SigmaMango are aloved to give fruit ideas!
If I eat Fish Fish Fruit Model Leviathan I can turn into half leviathan or full leviathan with sharp claws teeth water powers strong tail and can breathe underwater
SO before i announce the 3 contestants who got into the next round i just wanna say thank you for everyone who took part and sorry to everyone who couldn't get in sadly... For those who didn't pass PLEASE! Don't be toxic. Resepct everybody and my opininion. I was maximumly objective.
The winners are.....
@Stellagrr ! @SigmaMango ! And @Hello hello noll !.
Congratulations everybody! And btw @Hello hello noll consider making your ideas more fun and less scientific i have enough of that at school😭😭
So after a couple of days of thinking about this I came to the conclusion of what will happen in the final arc. So Y'know how devil fruit users aren't allowed to be on the island because they get sick. Well I think that Luffy won't get sick because of the Hito Hito no Mi (Model: Nika) and how it's basically the islands fruit. I think that Oda is teeing this up for the original 5 to be on the island (Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Ussop, and Sanji) because Brook, Robin, and Chopper are going to be sick if it goes in tradition for most devil fruit users. But I believe that Franky, and Jinbei would stay back for them. However I have a feeling that somehow Blackbeard will break the system. But anyways I think that Oda is going to make the original 5 straw hats be at Raftel.
Seeing as Logia Devil Fruit powers are near-impossible to replicate, what kind of power do you think the Seraph based on Crocodile has?