I'm not sure exactly when but a little while ago, Oda said that he plans for One Piece to end in 5 years, I believe. That might have been a couple of years ago, so it might be more like 3 years now. Do you think he's serious and might actually be able to pull it off?
I'm mainly asking because I've seen a lot of discussion on Twitter especially regarding whether Luffy vs Kaido is truly over and whether Kaidou is truly defeated. Many people are simply not convinced, and assure there's going to be a plot twist coming up which would bring Kaidou back. Others aren't as sure Kaidou's 100% coming back, but if he isn't, then that this was really bad writing on Oda's part.
I don't personally believe that to be the case. I enjoyed the fight so far and am quite relieved that it's finally over. I could be wrong of course, but I really think Kaidou's down for good this time. Additionally, I'm also keeping that timeline Oda mentioned in mind. I haven't followed Oda's commentary closely, so I don't know if he's mentioned dates or timelines and then completely ignored them when it came down to it, and as such am taking him at his word.
If that's the case, then one reason that I think Kaidou's done and the Wano arc is coming to a close is simply because Oda just doesn't have the time to drag out this plot arc any longer. Not if he wants to stick to his timeline anyway. There's so much left to cover as far as the story goes, that continuing Wano would practically ensure that he's not going to finish OP anytime soon.
Again, I might be taking his "5 years" comment too seriously, but as far as I know Oda's never made a concrete statement about when OP's ending like that before. If I'm wrong, please let me know and feel free to share your thoughts on anything I've mentioned. Genuinely curious to hear what you guys think.