46 Votes in Poll
46 Votes in Poll
Ahh, the taste of a new OP chapter.
39 Votes in Poll
Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Sword Making Contest! In this episode you are to make a sword based off of mythological creatures or gods! the top 5 will get a shout-out in the next episode! good luck!
Inspiration @TwixAshbluff
I was sitting at my family dinner when my dad pipes up “Ye ken the ONE PIECE?” He is a Scottish dude. “Yes I know it” I reply. He looks at me like a mental illness man and says “Aye, a ken wit it is” then he walks off to the local shop. He hasn’t returned yet.
83 Votes in Poll
I think this is enough, now I cant believe Oda made a marvel reference (for those of you who who are unaware Loki is Variant L1130) Anyways anyone else getting Zoro vibes from when Luffy met Loki? I mean compare the two
THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Therefore I believe that Loki will NOT be the major antagonist for this arc. Luffy is a very good judge of charachter and can tell if someone is good or bad, like with Zoro, despite everyone talking bad of Zoro, luffy knew he was a good person, so logically Luffy wouldn't go smiling and walking up to a bad a guy. Also this feels like a very Fenrir-esque situation (if you don't know please research it) in the sense that Loki will cause Ragnarok or in this case All the "Gods" of Elbaf and Loki will clash in some way that will decimate Elbaph. Also its funny now that the name of the tree on Elbaph is literally Yggsadril and it is a one to one replica of what Ygssadril actually looks like
Ofc the only things it looks like it wont have is Grimhaem and Tieferhaem, I do have a sneaking suspicion that there is some underground civilization here
I’m not sure why someone did it but can you please change it back to Elbaf arc.
80 Votes in Poll
109 Votes in Poll
So uh there is only 1 road poneglyph left soo I think it's under Loki's control or governments (I hope gov. we can get a great fight) soo elbaf or Mary geoise arc will got at least 70 episodes because of that
Give me your opinions in the comments below.
140 Votes in Poll
272 Votes in Poll
So, I think we can agree, with the feats he has shown, Kid has no chance against Shanks. But this man is not only going against shanks, but his ENTIRE FLEET AND ALL OF ELBAF AS WELL!!
I cant tell if he’s brave, insane, stupid, or all of them.
So I've 3 predictions that may or may not come happen but regardless these our my predictions
1) now if we go off what Shanks says he down to fight here and now on elbaf (even though he doesn't want any harm to come to the island) or have Kid leave his road poneglyphe and flee but we all know that probably won't happen so I feel like both party's are going flex they power and Shanks probably gonna talk Kid down
2) this one kinda pertains to the giants because I don't know if they would truly help Shanks (even though they said they would back him up) because they have a deep hatred for Big Mom and Kid being one of the people that beat I feel like they might just stay back (but this is if they know Big Mom was defeated by Kid and Law)
3) and finally I feel like it's going turn into a big fight with both pirates group going all out and I do believe elbaf is gonna get heavily damaged in the process
Now again these are my predictions and they may not happen but theirs always a possibility
New chapter. Lucci speaking his mind is quite amusing. S-Hawk having Daz's fruit abilities is cool and kinda fitting.
We see the place where the missing CP agents are and Vegapunk (back to his old age) is there as well.
Meanwhile on Elbaf: Dorry and Brogy are back! Shanks and his crew are on the giants island, and we see for the first time, I think, the emperor's subordinate crews. Kid is getting ready for a round two.
(Break next week.)
Decent chapter. Thoughts?
We know that Usopp has been for a while now the weakest strawhat since nami got zeus as a power up. Usopp hasn't really done much in terms of fighting ability in Wano, if you have seen how bad he did against Page One. His pop greens basically did nothing against Page One, it didn't even stall him for long. So I think that Usopp will get a major powerup in Elbalf that will put him on par with Nami or stronger than Nami. I have a few ideas on how Usopp will become stonger.
Usopp will get a new slingshot or ammo
I think Usopp will possibly get a new type of ammo or slingshot given to him by the giants. It is possible that the giants on Elbalf will take a liking to him and forge him a new slingshot thats better than Kabuto which is made from a special material that is specialized by the giants. Or they have a type of ammo which grows as big as the giants (like imagine usopp shooting giant growing beanstalk or him shooting out a giant-like spears that resembles the giants unique weapons)
2. Usopp will further his observation haki skill level or suddenly awakens CONQUERORS HAKI
Usopp's observation Haki skills haven't been shown again since Dressrosa Arc, I would like to see Usopp be able to snipe from an even crazier range than he sniped in Dressrosa or have him be able to be able to see through a person and their weak points. It would be funny if Go D. Usopp got conqueror's Haki because it has been shown when Usopp knocksout Perona and Sugar that they have like a crying face and white eyes. It would be unlocked when Usopp is facing his villain of the arc and is in desperate need.
3. Finally a Hammer
I think it would be funny if while the strawhats were at Elbalf, the Giants tell them a legend of a hammer that no one has been able to pick up in ages saying the bravest can only pick it up. As people know Usopp has been using hammers as psychological tricks for his enemy. But this hammer will actually not be a fake, this hammer would be a hammer only Usopp could pick up at the end of the arc fighting. It would be as powerful as an actual 100 ton hammer and he could pick it up and use it as ammo for his Kabuto. Also just for fun the hammer would always return to Usopp. And I know Usopp isn't a melee fighter but thats why I think it would be cool to show he has a strong weapon if someone got close to him and attacked.
Overall these are my main ideas for if Usopp gets a powerup in Elbalf.
I think blackbeard ate the mythical wendigo devil fruit.As the mythology of the wendigo strongly draws insperation from werewolf mythology.I also think that's the reason for why blackbeard feelt such an immense pain when ace burned him alive.As wendigos only weakness would be that of the element of fire.Also i think this would tie in strongly with the elbaf arc because the wendigo is said to be a wolf or deer that grows in proportion to the number of people that it eats.It's also very similar to that of the wolf of fenrir within norse mythology.As the wolf known as fenrir within norse mythology also grows in size in proportion to the number of people that it has consumed.The devil fruits ability would also allow him to eat eight devil fruits.Symbolizing the eight moons of the one piece world.Wendigo's are also said to be evil spirits that can strongly relate to that of demons or devils
One of Usopp's dreams is to visit the home of the Giants, Elbaf, and finally become a "brave warrior of the sea". If the next island the Straw Hats go to is Elbaf, then the next arc might be a point of significant character development for Usopp and we might actually see him be the first crew member to achieve his dream. What do you guys think?