I'm looking for the longest one, from all episodes, movies, ova, etc. Thanks in advance and best regards.
(and yes, I'm too lazy to look for it myself)
I'm looking for the longest one, from all episodes, movies, ova, etc. Thanks in advance and best regards.
(and yes, I'm too lazy to look for it myself)
I have a little question regarding this article.
I'm looking for specific start and end episodes for the Zou Arc and Whole Cake Island End Cards.
The Uta Halloween and Uta Christmas End Cards only appeared in 1038 episode and 10th recap episode?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: Were there no End Cards between episodes 590 and 629?
You know, a site where they list episodes, specials, etc. along with the dates. Thanks in advance!
(p.s. I know there's a wiki page, but I want one that's more forward-looking, so to speak)
Specifically for the anime, what's the chronological watching order now, with or without 'filler arcs'?
Now that the anime has returned to '20 years later' (a subtle reminder that some of us have been watching this for 20 years), what's the current, most-complete chronological order for a marathon?
I've read one piece for like 2-3 years now and looking for a way to experience all the anime content that I've been missing out on, so I made a list of all the One Piece arcs, TV specials, OVAs, and movies. I would appreciate anyone who can contribute something I missed. Here's a link to my blog post containing the list so far: https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:GodUsoland/The_Ultimate_One_Piece_Anime_Experience
Do hey play the come aboard music every time someone achieves their dream? Or is that just when they saved alabasta?
I have to say, Brook is really annoying in my opinion. He's redundant, uses the same jokes over and over again, and is just kind of an idiot. Now, I might have been expecting more out of him or something, but every time I see Brook, I just want to stop reading (yes i read the manga)
Sterry the king of goa kingdom said that the person that sits on the throne in the middle of the world becomes the king of the world.Rocks D. Xebec wanted to be the king of the world and in the reverie arc they showed someone sitting on the throne.Idk if this is true but I have a feeling the person that sat one the throne is rocks.
Gum Gum fruit is a very weak fruit. No wonder He got got cut, frozen, burned, poisoned many times,
He cut himself.
Buggy cut his face.
Captain Kuro slashed him
Krieg impaled him with sharp bullets.
Arlong Bit him
He almost froze in Drum Island.
Crocodile impaled and mummified him
Bellamy smashed his face on the table.
Enel trapped him inside ball
Foxy punched him with spikes
Aokiji froze him
Lucci impaled him and injured him via Rokuogan
Gecko Moriah's bats bit him. stole his shadow
Kuma teleported him
Magellan poisoned him.
BlackBeard smashed his head on stone floor
Kizaru laser kicked him
Mihawk slashed him
Akainu burned his chest.
Jinbe air punched him
Hody Jones slashed him
Caesar Clown poisoned him.
Doflamingo slashed him.
The fish he ate poisoned him.
Cracker cut his arm.
Katakuri impaled him
Big Mom stole his energy
Kaido smashed him with a spiked bat.
Queen's Elephant Lackey poisoned him.
Maybe if he were Logia, he woudn't be injured as much in every battle
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