91 Votes in Poll
102 Votes in Poll
I need yall opinions on this, since it could be sm really big. Do yall think gear 5 could have different forms like gear 4 ranging in power and usability? We've already seen luffy have some different forms with gear 5 so me personally I don't think it's too far away. If it does indeed happen it's gotta be against someone like blackbeard or a potential plot twist enemy as shanks.
I saw a theory that said that Luffy will consume the Mother Flame while in Gear 5 and become the true Sun God which he will call Gear 5: Flame Man or something similar. If he does that, I think it’ll be really awesome and a huge power boost. It’ll probably change his energy rather than give him a physical or spiritual boost. If Luffy were to consume the Mother Flame, I think he’ll only be able to fully access its power while in Gear 5, but his fire based techniques like Red Hawk and Red Roc will be more powerful. What are your thoughts?
65 Votes in Poll
I am recently in a fight with someone about why Luffy would beat Naruto. He says Baryon mode would solo all of One Piece. BTW we are using power scaling so don't say "but he doesn't have haki!" It won't work. I myself think Luffy would win because gear 5th has better stats then Baryon. Baryon mode only gives phisical stats like more speed and strength. Even so, I think G5 gives more stats in all spaces besides speed. G5 has more defence, durability, AP, DC, and AOE. It's only downside that we know of right now is that it has a limited transformation time, but so does Baryon Mode. Please help me win this fight, I think he is overdoing Naruto and absolutly GLAZING rn.
109 Votes in Poll
These are just all the fights that I'm thinking (mainly hoping) will happen at the end of One Piece. I'm just listing possibilities, and this isn't in any order or anything. (Spoilers for people not caught up yet)
Usopp vs Van Augur: This one is just a no-brainer, the two of them showing once and for all who'll be the true King of Snipers. Not much else needs to be said. (Though if Usopp doesn't get an Elbaf power up then he's doomed)
Koby vs Kuzan: This could be debatable. Because of what happened on Pirate Island with Garp, Koby likely wants to inflict payback. He'll have mastered all of the Six Powers (including an improved Six King Pistol, used to finish off the former Admiral)
Koby vs Akainu: A second possibility. Based on the experience at Marineford.
Zoro vs Mihawk: The most obvious fight here. Zoro pushes his Nine Sword Style and King of Hell Three Sword Style to its limits, while we finally see Mihawk's true power. Zoro doesn't actually kill him though.
Sabo vs Akainu: I wanna leave BB to Luffy, (for now) and Sabo will take on the man who actually killed Ace himself. By now Sabo will have learned Ace's Flame Emperor and mayybe have awakened his fruit, or at least learned more powerful techniques. (also side question if Sabo learned Finger Pistol how bad would it be because of how strong his fingers are already?)
Luffy (& possibly Sabo) vs Blackbeard: We'll all be very excited when this happens. I think Blackbeard may kill Garp in a similar cowardly method as he did Whitebeard, which results in Luffy raging in Gear 5. (I have a theory which I'll post at a later date) Blackbeard retaliates with both of his awakened fruits. (Or the third fruit theory everyone says) Sabo could finish with Akainu early and join the fight, snapping Luffy out of his anger craze. Luffy will use Red Hawk and Red Roc a LOT during this fight. If Sabo does show up then there'll be a cool fire combination attack to finish the job. Hopefully they do actually kill him.
Dragon and/or Shanks vs The Five Elders: This one literally just now came to me. Depending on how it goes on Egghead this could happen. And also Dragon needs to actually do something after 1100 chapters.
And that's about it for now. I am very tired this was way more work than I thought. I might come up with more ideas another time if I think of any.
I’m bored so I might as well ask the wiki to give me recommendations. I’ll reply later. Complimentary Gear 5 Luffy drawing.
He is to overpowered already IMO
207 Votes in Poll
This would have been a poll but I have things I want to say so I'll just make it into a post.
If you choose option 1, put "I." or option 2 put "II."
I.) Having the divine power that gods struggle to get with the ultimate instinct to dodge anything and everything that tries to touch you without even making effort.
II.) The ability of a mythical god that anything you imagine can come to reality, but you mostly use your og powers.
Again, if you choose option 1 put "I.", and if it's option 2 put "II.", after that you can put any sort of comment you want to make.
Toei Animation has announced in a tweet that Gear 5 is coming to the Microsoft Store in Tuesday April 9th. This is tweet also shared that episodes 1062 - 1073 are also getting released at that time.
Many people are happy about Zunesha's voice acting in the clip shared by Toei in the short clip (I personally haven't watched it yet because I wanna watch it when it comes out)
For Crunchyroll, the episodes would probably air around the end of April of this year, due to Microsoft licensing (I'm guessing from what is have seen so far).
(Please don't argue about sub vs dub, im not trying to have this convo for the 674624874th time)
Rate em all out of 10
Gear 4: Bounce man 🏀
Took me 2 hrs and 34 mins
Zoro🗡️🗡️🗡️🍺 (bruh I couldn't submit this in time 😭😭)
Took me 1 hour and 50 mins
Shanks 🐀 👺
Took me 3 hours and 10 minutes
Nami 🧭 💵 🍊
Took me 1 hour and 10 mins
Gear 5 Luffy 🤣😁🤪🤸♀️
Took me 2 hours and 10 minutes
Portgas D. Ace 🍩🍩🔥
Took me 1 hour and 11 minutes
Which one's your favourite?