Chusho Chusho No MI (Abstract Abstract Fruit)
(too lazy to make one, I woke up at 4 am to make this)
This fruit has the ability to alter a specific area to abstract versions of themself like pieces of land, a human, an animal basically anything within a 300m radius. while the enemy are in their abstract forms, if they have devil fruits their abilities with be weakened by 50% until the effects wore off (which is about 5 hours). this fruit has similar properties to gear 5 but is still different as the user transform into abstract art along with the enemy of their choice. the user control's anything within the 300m radius. basically control anything or choose to create anything but the only price is that this fruit cannot kill the enemy but can heavily or severely damage the user. in the dimension it will require haki to dmg the user. this move is called Ink Dimension. another move allows the user to travel inside paintings and outside of their choice. the last ability is to bring any painting to real life.
Side effects:
Dizziness (this happens after you use the ink dimension)
You have to pay 10 years of your life (for the last move)
Nausea (heals in 6 hours. this happens after you use the ink dimension. it tends to happen after full blast fights not brief fights but all out fights)
Tiredness (Heals in 1 hour after all out/full blasts fights)
No Known person has awakened it currently.
if they managed to achieve it they will become logia completely and the Ink dimension distance increases from 300m to 600m. moves work outside the ink dimension. but the damage is 50% weaker. nullifies DF abilities (except for rubber since it still uses physical combat except for G5) 62.5%. you now have the ability to travel through paint. and even transform to any painting that is abstract.
Side effects are the same