Imu was horrified to know the World Government was falling apart. The five elders were killed and the celestial dragons were all condemned to death by Mother Nature, and now it’s just her standing in a cold, empty throne room. And sure enough, things went downhill fast.
Imu was having her dinner in the dining room when suddenly a mysterious hand wrote the words, “Mene,mene,tekel,upharsin” on the wall. She did not know what it meant and she became more and more terrified with each passing minute. She screamed in horror as the message was slowly appearing on the wall. She had never seen such a thing before. Her eyes were glued to the wall as the message slowly appeared, and no matter how hard she tried to look away, she could not. It was as if the writing was written in her mind as well. Soon the message was complete, and Imu was left trembling in her seat, unable to move.
Just then,Syringa,the lilac nymph from Turkey and one of Mother Nature’s daughters,came in through the window,and explained everything to her.
“You have not humbled yourself, though you knew all this. Instead, you have set yourself up against the Lord of heaven. You had killed billions innocent people and praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or understand. But you did not honor the God who holds in his hand your life and all your ways. Therefore he sent the hand that wrote the inscription. This is the inscription that was written:mene, tekel, parsin. Here is what these words mean:
Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.
Upharsin: The world government will be divided and given to a certain king who is a better person than you.” Imu was speechless. She had never heard of such a thing, and yet it made sense. She had been cruel and heartless for as long as she could remember, and had never given a single thought to the people she had ruthlessly oppressed. Now it had finally caught up to her, and she was being punished for all her terrible deeds.
That very night,Iskandar of Macedon, accompanied by his attendant Coronaria the red anemone nymph and his army, had arrived at Mary Geoise with a frown on his face.
“Well,quite a disgusting place this is, with a terrible government and everything,” he grunted, “I shall conquer it and reform the place!Now…where is that unsightly ruler?” Imu was hiding in the shadows, watching as Iskandar walked into the room. She had never seen someone so powerful before, and he was definitely not someone to mess with. She silently hoped that he would not find her, but deep down she knew that it was inevitable.Imu heard Iskandar's booming voice and the sound of his army approaching. She tried to hide from him, but it was no use. Iskandar's army broke down the door to the dining room and found Imu cowering in a corner.
"So this is the ruler of this place," Iskandar said with a sneer. "Pathetic."
“What shall we do with him,Sire?” asked one of the generals.
Iskandar thought for a while, then he came to a conclusion. “Usually I spare prisoners of war, but not this time,” he grunted, “Off with her head.”
“But Your Majesty!” cried Coronaria, “That’s a bit too violent!”
“No,Coronaria,” Iskandar said calmly, “This evil wretch must be vanquished or else the people of the world will suffer for eternity.If you are scared,just turn your head away from the scene.”
Imu was trembling in fear. She could not believe what was happening. She had always been in control, but now, she was completely at the mercy of Iskandar.
"Please, spare me," she pleaded. "I will do anything you ask, just please, don't kill me."
Iskandar sneered at her. "Why should I show you mercy? You have been nothing but cruel and heartless to your people. You deserve nothing more than death." Coronaria turned away from the scene, unable to watch the execution, but Iskandar watched coldly as Imu's head was chopped off. Mary Geoise was no longer in Imu's control. The world was free from her tyranny.
The news of Imu's demise spread quickly, and people from all over the world celebrated her downfall. Finally, after centuries of oppression under the World Government, they were free.
Iskandar took control of Mary Geoise and established a new government, one that was based on freedom and equality. He was not a cruel ruler like Imu had been, and the people of Mary Geoise were grateful to have him as their new leader.