I think we all agree that both Luffy and Shanks came from strong families
Luffy has Monkey D. Garp and Monkey D. Dragon
Shanks has Figarland Garling and Figarland Shamrock (sorry for spoilers)
53 Votes in Poll
69 Votes in Poll
99 Votes in Poll
I think we all agree that both Luffy and Shanks came from strong families
Luffy has Monkey D. Garp and Monkey D. Dragon
Shanks has Figarland Garling and Figarland Shamrock (sorry for spoilers)
93 Votes in Poll
83 Votes in Poll
I've been wondering about this for a while...
About how Garp felt during marine Ford arc..how he felt when luffy arrived
Was he relieved or scared?
Relieved because he knew luffy would save ace ..
Or scared because what if instead of rescuing ace, luffy is caught by the Marines??.
113 Votes in Poll
I recently saw a post on YT from Romanssensei with one piece character fusions and I thought of something. How powerful do y'all think prime Garp's Galaxy Impact would be if he was a top tier ancient giant instead of being a top tier human?
Galaxy Impact while Garp is old already does insane amounts of damage to the surrounding area, now imagine that but Garp doing this in his prime as an ancient giant? It'd def be above mountain level I could tell you that. I could see it potentially being moon level in all honesty.
Ancient giants alone are taller than regular giants. And add that with the fact a (or ancient giant) giant has natural strength stronger than any race.
166 Votes in Poll
Garp, Shanks, Blackbeard
Hancock, Mihawk, Doflamingo, Jinbe,
Law, Kidd
Sabo, Ace
Franky, Brook, Ussop
Nami, Robin, Chopper
Sanji, Zoro, Luffy
Shall upload ghibli one next?
Chusho Chusho No MI (Abstract Abstract Fruit)
(too lazy to make one, I woke up at 4 am to make this)
This fruit has the ability to alter a specific area to abstract versions of themself like pieces of land, a human, an animal basically anything within a 300m radius. while the enemy are in their abstract forms, if they have devil fruits their abilities with be weakened by 50% until the effects wore off (which is about 5 hours). this fruit has similar properties to gear 5 but is still different as the user transform into abstract art along with the enemy of their choice. the user control's anything within the 300m radius. basically control anything or choose to create anything but the only price is that this fruit cannot kill the enemy but can heavily or severely damage the user. in the dimension it will require haki to dmg the user. this move is called Ink Dimension. another move allows the user to travel inside paintings and outside of their choice. the last ability is to bring any painting to real life.
Side effects:
Dizziness (this happens after you use the ink dimension)
You have to pay 10 years of your life (for the last move)
Nausea (heals in 6 hours. this happens after you use the ink dimension. it tends to happen after full blast fights not brief fights but all out fights)
Tiredness (Heals in 1 hour after all out/full blasts fights)
No Known person has awakened it currently.
if they managed to achieve it they will become logia completely and the Ink dimension distance increases from 300m to 600m. moves work outside the ink dimension. but the damage is 50% weaker. nullifies DF abilities (except for rubber since it still uses physical combat except for G5) 62.5%. you now have the ability to travel through paint. and even transform to any painting that is abstract.
Side effects are the same
89 Votes in Poll
Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Sword Making Contest! In this episode you are to make a sword based off of mythological creatures or gods! the top 5 will get a shout-out in the next episode! good luck!
Inspiration @TwixAshbluff
I was sitting at my family dinner when my dad pipes up “Ye ken the ONE PIECE?” He is a Scottish dude. “Yes I know it” I reply. He looks at me like a mental illness man and says “Aye, a ken wit it is” then he walks off to the local shop. He hasn’t returned yet.
83 Votes in Poll
So guys tell me if it already has been provided in story but i think garp know about Luffy devil fruit power or at least knows it's not normal fruit:
So as we discovered during egghead Luffy devil fruit isn't normal fruit
And it actually belongs to joyboy and trun the person into sun god nika and it was shocking fact for straw hats as Luffy himself thought it's a normal devil fruit as neither shanks or anyone else told him otherwise (i think other don't know aside from shanks may also know) but after reading the flashback of Luffy and his brothers i got the theory that garp at least know that whatever the fruit Luffy ate is at least something will make the world government look at him as a danger ( so maybe I'm overthinking but look) so the flashback started with garp taking Luffy to live with dadan and ace and it's clear that it was the first time he sand him there so here the question why garp send Luffy to live with dadan?
So according to what we know garp work make him travel or stay in marine headquarter for long time (which i guess he was in during the period Luffy meet shanks) so Luffy never met his father during childhood (i guess same with his mother as he said once he only have a grandfather) so garp rise him or left him in the village where he meets shanks but then after he eat the gum gum fruit grap suddenly choose to make Luffy live with dadan I mountain(i first thought it was for training him but it appeared that he already started training him before that) so why that ? Why he left Luffy with dadan who clearly doesn't want to rise him i guess that is the same reason why he left ace since ace was a baby
I think he did that to protect them (make them away from government eyes) because it was clear from ace mother story and tom story that world government would kill ace if they just discovered his identity so garp left him with dadan who lives in mountain away from everyone eye (since ace consider garp as his grandfather and it's clear in their flashback that he visit them often so i don't think garp was just abandoning them😂😂) so it's normal to leave ace with dadan as safe place.... while Luffy in other hand he rises him in the village by himself at beginning since Luffy is his normal grandson ( i think world government will know if suddenly garp rise ace from nowhere specially as songoku already knew about garp relationship with Rodger and ace being deso it will be spacious that why rising ace by himself was dangerous) but for Luffy nothing wrong yet Garp choose to do it after Luffy ate the devil fruit which makes me think he already knows that it's dangerous for Luffy to be under eyes so he might know about joyboy or at least knows Luffy was dangerous against world government ( i don't think garp memories all devils fruit😂😂) it's also clear that he acts looks proud and not shocked about Luffy fighting world governmen (it's either he already expected it or he is just mood😂 i guess it's both😃) so what are you saying?