My ranking:
Ashura Doji
My ranking:
Ashura Doji
As those of you saw the last few new chpts, you might also saw that “slimy rat” Caribou was gonna tell the Blackbeard Pirates about the location of Pluton in Wano after overhearing the Straw Hats. Now if that crew knows about it too, they might come for it. Meaning a lot of innocence would get involve in it the same as their protectors, plus Momonosuke. If that happens, how y’all think that would turn out? I mean, even with Kuzan by Blackbeard’s side & Yamato able to stall Kaido for long as he could, let me know y’all think
For example, in the Wano arc we see Sasaki getting tied and not killed by Denjiro which in a way is a huge mistake cause it sure will cause problems later . Then we have Kanjuro which wasn't properly killed and this lead to the death of 2-3 Akazaya . Doesn't irritates you this fact ....Similar cases happened in previous arcs as well. There are times which it has not so much of an impact beacause what we see is fights again but this time that mistake cause 2-3 deaths which is unacceptable...they didn't die by kaido but a half dead man ...
138 Votes in Poll
On the first day of Christmas Oda sent to me
One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the second day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the third day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Three admirals
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the fourth day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Four emperors
Three admirals
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the fifth day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Five elder stars!
Four emperors
Three admirals
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the sixth day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Six beasts a-flyin'
Five elder stars!
Four emperors
Three admirals
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the seventh day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Seven sea warlords
Six beasts a-flyin'
Five elder stars!
Four emperors
Three admirals
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the eighth day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Eight Pacifistas
Seven sea warlords
Six beasts a-flyin'
Five elder stars!
Four emperors
Three admirals
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the ninth day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Nine red scabbards
Eight Pacifistas
Seven sea warlords
Six beasts a-flyin'
Five elder stars!
Four emperors
Three admirals
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the tenth day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Ten Straw Hat Pirates
Nine red scabbards
Eight Pacifistas
Seven sea warlords
Six beasts a-flyin'
Five elder stars!
Four emperors
Three admirals
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the eleventh day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Eleven supernovas
Ten Straw Hat Pirates
Nine red scabbards
Eight Pacifistas
Seven sea warlords
Six beasts a-flyin'
Five elder stars!
Four emperors
Three admirals
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
On the twelfth day of Christmas Oda sent to me
Twelve worst gen pirates
Eleven supernovas
Ten Straw Hat Pirates
Nine red scabbards
Eight Pacifistas
Seven sea warlords
Six beasts a-flyin'
Five elder stars!
Four emperors
Three admirals
Two time-skip years
And One Piece in a Laugh Tale
I think Aramaki may be the son of Mjosgard.I think that Mjolsgard had a baby with one of his slaves.I think that in that type of predicament the child would be viewed as a type of demi god.But remember that the celestial dragons do not view people from below the red line as anything less than insects.
Also keep in mind that Mjosgard would have obviosly not given a damn about his wife/slave back then.Either way i don't think that he would wanna execute his son.So he probably let his wife/slave leave mary geoise or he shoot her in the head.Either way i don't think that he would resent his son for being born.
Because as i said his son would have been viewed as a demi god in the eyes of the celestial dragons.He's still not regarded as an equal in their eyes but they won't execute him because of his ties with Mjosgard.I also think that he wouldn't be capable of being the head/leader of his family.Strictly because of his half blood status.I also think that this may play into another theory of mine.I think that the celestial dragons born with a half blood status are forced into military servitude.As they are viewed as demi gods they're role would be to defend the country of mary geoise against other external threats.I think that's the reason for why Aramaki was getting so heated about that argument with yamato within the latest chapter.As he has learned the true history of the world from the celestial dragons while being raised within mary geoise.
I think that's why he views his military service as a type of obligation to his country.Because that's how he was raised.That said that leads me to my last theory.I don't think that the celestial dragons are forbbiden from executing one another.I think that within the case of a slave executing a celestial dragon even if it's upon the orders of another celestial dragon it would be regarded as treason.However i also think that if a celestial dragon executes another celestial dragon on their own it would be regarded as a god slaying another god.Metaphoricaly putting that god into a higher state of power within the eyes of other gods/celestial dragons.Also while i do think that Im-sama might be older then he's letting on.I still think that Im may have become the king of mary geoise strictly because he has been the person who has executed the highest number of celestial dragons.
Was it explained why the Scabbards could cut Kaido? I interpretated as being a psychological thing similar to Big Mom. He thought the Scabbards attacks felt like Oden's maybe because they knew Oden Nitoryu so he got cut.
Don't mind me .This is just another random post of me ranking the Akazaya 9 and i have a question who do you think is the strongest in the scarbards including Kanjuro🤔🤨
Just wanted to talk about today's chapter. Compared to the early scans we got on friday we were missing alot of info. Depending on what scan you read of course. But I would like to talk about the ladder half of the chapter and how deserving it was for oda to make kaido feel a little bit of pain and draw some blood. And how suulong is coming into play so early in the battle. I think with this Big mom will fight luffy first and eventually will be taken over by someone else as the scabbards put up a good fight and weaken kaido a bit but then Luffy, kid, and law will team up at that point. Just wanted to speak my mind and wanted to hear everyone else's reactions and theories.