Me, I'm most curious and cautiously optimistic on seeing the Robin, Crocodile, and Kureha performances by Lera Abova, Joe Manganiello, and Katey Sagal respectively.
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Me, I'm most curious and cautiously optimistic on seeing the Robin, Crocodile, and Kureha performances by Lera Abova, Joe Manganiello, and Katey Sagal respectively.
This is a picture of Tony Tony Chopper at some kind of press conference prior to the second season of the live-action adaptation of One Piece which I found at
So, if this is really him, could this version of him be actually a puppet made by Jim Henson's Creature Shop?
Please let me know on the comments below if you have an answer to my question. Until then, take care of yourselves and each other!
So, it's a theory, but it's not confirmed yet. But we saw Ivankov almost tell Luffy abt Crocodile's past. So... A lot of ppl are saying that Luffy is Crocodile's son. Like, is it true? Well, let's move on to the Live Action! So Crocodile was the only person who wasn't there at Roger's execution. But we saw a woman who didn't appear in the anime and kinda looked like Crocodile, is she Crocodile?
WAIT! Iñaki Godoy (The actor of Luffy in the Live Action) accidentally confirmed that Crocodile was female. And then Emily Rudd (The actor of Nami in the Live Action) was like OH MY LORD
A while ago everyone was discussing how the girl in the live action of one piece during Gol D Roger's execution scene could be crocodile. At first I thought the creators probably wouldn't do such a serious gender swap cause it wouldn't be beneficial or anything. But I was rewatching the impel down arc in the anime when I realized how Ivankov threatened Crocodile with a supposed secret they knew. In turn not only was Crocodile not angry but also embarrassed, after which I came to the conclusion that maybe when Crocodile was a rookie during a fight against Ivankov got her gender swapped from a girl to a boy now and hence became a secret he feels ashamed of revealing and maybe that is why the person we saw in the trailer who seemed like crocodile but was a girl. Anyway that is my thought I am open for any counters Thanks for listening to my rant.
I think that live action episodes should be included in the arc statistics.
Baratie Arc
Arc Statistics
5-8, 4 volumes
Manga Chapters:
42-68, 27 chapters
Anime Episodes:
19-30, 12 episodes
Live Action Episodes:
5-6, 2 episodes
Year(s) Released:
1998-1999 (Manga)2000 (Anime)2023 (Live Action)
How can this be done? Has it been discussed?
Oda confirmed that Netflix renewed One Piece for season 2! While he said it would take some time to get the scripts ready, he did drop a hint that it looks like the Straw Hats are in need of a good doctor.
Gotta say, it was really good... Perhaps one of the best live action stuff I ever watched!
Now that it's been out for a week I thought it would be fun to talk about what we enjoyed most from it. Let's keep all the comments 100% positive, if you want to say something negative about the live action series, DON'T. This isn't a thread for that.
My favorite scenes were the later Buggy scenes that bring in some of that sweet sweet Impel Down/Cross Guild era Buggy attitude, and the scene with Zeff and Garp hanging out. Zeff just winning Garp over with food is 100% how it would play out in canon material, so it was fun to see something new but still accurate to the source material.
235 Votes in Poll
What arcs is the live action version going to skip? What “strikes” is holding back the people making OP live action season 2? Did Zoro bring in a dead and the original Mr. 7’s body in a body bag into a bar somewhere like in the live action since Baroque Works was trying to recruit him? I can’t find the episode in the anime of when this event with Zoro happened.
197 Votes in Poll
Ok guys, I'm currently watching the Live Action and I've reached Baratie after Zoro v Mihawk.
There r some changes to the source material that I like overall, like Luffy's backstory being given at intervals instead of all of it at the same time. I also love the villains, including Buggy and Kuro and how menacing they were. I'm disappointed by no Django and Arlong doesn't look as intimidating as he could be, just angry.
Inaki's portrayal of Luffy is very good but it's not the best. There are some things that Luffy just would never say like "you could never fail me" after Zoro lost. Also compared to the Luffy in OG source he talks too much and is a bit too preachy about dreams and friends and stuff. Overall, still very good
Now I haven't finished it yet or spoken of everything I've seen but I've got to say, the worst part about this Live Action is the marine sides of things. It's absolutely atrocious. At first, I was very happy to see the parallels between Koby and Luffy as they both work up to their dreams and I thought we were just gonna see some of the things on the cover pages in the manga brought to life in more detail but the fact that they decided to make Garp be the one to chase Luffy is so very annoying and horrible.
Looking at the story, if Garp had chased East Blue Luffy, there is no way in hell that he could have escaped. The reason why it's the worst thing is that first, it undermines every single high rank marine from Captain to Vice Admiral that we'll see from now on (if they continue with the adaptation). If Vice Admiral Garp, who supposedly caught the Pirate King Gol D Roger, was escaped by some new pirate then what are captains gonna do? It's either gonna undermine Smoker when we see him or undermine Garp because a captain gives Luffy more trouble than a Vice Admiral.
Anyway I'm very disappointed with this angle. I was happy to see Koby's adventures as a part world building in the adaptation but this this executive decision is horrendous and I'm surprised that Oda allowed it
Seeing Alvida as we currently see her on the One Piece Netflix, wonder if we'll see eat the Slip-Slip fruit next season with the same actress or someone else.
Has anyone watched the live-action yet if so please tell me it's good. I'm scared to watch it after seeing Shanks.
But the Japanese cast did give approval but I still don't know
Let me know your opinions if you've watched it yet
Yeah yeah, I know, really no point showing this now but oh well.
From what I read most reviews of the show are so far in the "mixed to positive" category, sounds about right I guess. I haven't watched the show yet but I plan to soon.
Alright, so I watched episode one. What are my thoughts, none of you are asking? Well, here they are:
Overall, the episode was alright. I felt the dialogue, specifically with Luffy, felt somewhat... rigid at times. Also, while I understand that the show tries to compress a lot into an 8 episode run, I do feel like the changes made with the first three members of the crew meeting up so soon was a little lacking. What I mean by this is that some of the more emotional moments of that arc in the manga (or anime for those who watch the anime, though I don't watch it so I'm not sure if the emotional payoff is comparable due to the different pacing) were left out; particularly with Zoro's interaction with the girl in the yard as well as Koby's story arc and how he departed from Luffy, where in the live action it was pretty much just them saying bye, but in the manga it felt a lot more emotional due to the manner in which they separated, with the punch and all. Furthermore, there was one thing about the flashback which bugged me quite a bit: Luffy seemed to be nervous when he ate the devil fruit. This is a complete departure from the manga, in which it was really just an act of childish gluttony. Here, it feels as though Luffy knows this is something he shouldn't do, rather than simply being oblivious to devil fruit entirely. Other than that, though, I think it was pretty decent all things considered. I still much prefer the manga, obviously, but this is certainly better than it could have been.
I did watch the episode with someone who doesn't like anime and hasn't heard about One Piece before. Some reactions were: its goofy (not in a bad way though), Luffy sounds like an anime character, and Zoro's three sword style got some.... dumbfounded looks, for lack of a better term. But, they were overall satisfied by the show and looking forward to watching more episodes.
My final verdict: One Piece out of 10
(It's a pun, if you couldn't tell.)
TL;DR Some of the compressing they did for episode 1 felt as though it reduced some emotional payoffs, Luffy's flashback characterization in the scene where he was eating the DF was off, but overall the episode was pretty good.
I will be watching episode 2, and I may post a review of that here as well, if I feel like it. Hope everyone has have a great day!
New trailer has arrived. Somehow I find this a little better compared to the previous trailer (not that its saying much), maybe because the previous one was just a teaser and we also see more characters here.
Any thoughts?
Oh and btw, little unrelated but happy One Piece Day!