This is in order from most recent to like beginning of the year, the perona drawing was in like march lmao
This is in order from most recent to like beginning of the year, the perona drawing was in like march lmao
Got lazy on the background
Perona 👻 🦇
I know there aren't Ussop, Jinbe, Franky yet
Please pardon the drawing but it just their chosen dressing style concept and not my choice to decide the pose as well
That's why I don't include some famous character like tashigi or other since the official design will be too much,
Illustrators at toei created hundreds of sketch for character concept for the main character costume upgrade in the next arc or giving oda suggestion for material for cover page
I'm getting dillema whether sharing original ones since the illustration from the studio often has this style of clothing and bold pose, like literal bikini undergarment for egghead arc costume concept for other characters, rebecca outfit, mermaid version for other character, black maria looks or how boa in 5th gear will looks like
The illustrator just love to draw certain characters boldly
But the I assure you whole design concept isnt themed that way, like only 1/10 or 1/20 along the group set. I feel bad if It doesnt included in group set and never seen light
Is it okay to share things like this admin?
As request the next character I'll upgrade is Perona
I know many will deem Yami Yami No Mi suitable for her logia base but in order to fill out her lack of destructives offense power I rather give her Susu Susu No Mi owned by Karasu
Her usual ghost minion are usefull but she will manifest more potential as it very convenience that she can immobilize her minion farther away from her
Plus soot falling from the sky slowly is a bad omen usually remind you of catasthropes like volcanic eruption or the historical Black Dread
Beside that her Destruction power will also increased
In other hand yami yami power most potent power come from direct touch of the user to the target or enviroinment, which as her personality I think she will be much cooler to annihilate enemies while seating calmly with her ghost,
As her zoan fruit I think Batto Batto No Mi Vampire will suit her well, It'll be a match team with mihawk and has the ability to take life force to stay young and I think she'll be like that skill
Originally I intend to give her sword that she could hide in her umbrella,
But then I was thinking cursed shadow whip seems has much more potential to be combined with her devil fruit power, she can expand the length or generate more branches with her devil fruit power indefinitely and allow her fast reaction combat with single stroke,
Paramecia : Horo Horo No Mi
Zoan : Batto Batto No Mi Vampire
Logia : Susu Susu No Mi
Weapon : Cursed Shadow Whip
this was meant for a 'draw OP characters in your style' template, but I really like how I did the dress so I made it a full drawing | time taken: 1 week |
105 Votes in Poll
135 Votes in Poll
For anyone that remembers thriller bark or the time skip, there was a character referred to as "princess Perona", aka the "ghost princess".. doesn't it seem a little odd that imu's devil fruit has been compared to moria's? And their names rhyme? ( Not sure if that's the case I'm Japanese but still..) Oda is not one to leave things up to chance, in fact I'd say every mystery in the story that could possibly be a coincidence is almost surely intentional.. nevermind the fact that we really have no idea where she came from (and she is oddly comfortable around mihawk, someone who has been stated to have similar eyes to imu.)
Remember the Giant shadows near thriller bark that has long yet been unexplained? I think this is actually the best explanation.. its imu and the five elder stars.
21 Votes in Poll
It's the National Women's Day where I live hence the question :)
For me it's a it's a tie between Hancock and Vivi.
Am I the only one worried about her? She is going after Gekko Moriah who might have been killed by Black Beard... plus... she has one terrifying ability that they might want