Why was Luffy not considered for the position of Shichibukai after Crocodile's downfall? He'd obviously turn it down, but I'm curious. Ace got an invitation after defeating Hanafuda, so why didn't Luffy get one too?
Why was Luffy not considered for the position of Shichibukai after Crocodile's downfall? He'd obviously turn it down, but I'm curious. Ace got an invitation after defeating Hanafuda, so why didn't Luffy get one too?
Once the Warlords of the Sea has been abolished what happened to Mihawk Crocodile Doflamingo Kuma Gecko Moria and Boa Hancock
Dracule Mihawk
Donquixote Doflamingo
Bartholomew Kuma
Gecko Moria
Boa Hancock
Are you new to the world of pirates and wondering what makes them so fascinating? Let's break it down in a fun way!
In One Piece, Haki is a mysterious power that allows individuals to sense spiritual energy, exert their willpower, and enhance their combat abilities. It is an innate ability present in all living beings, but it requires training or special circumstances to awaken. Haki is divided into three primary types:
1. Observation Haki (Kenbunshoku Haki)
This type of Haki heightens the user's senses and perception, allowing them to detect the presence, location, and intent of others.
Basic Abilities:
-Sensing Presence: The user can detect others, even if hidden or out of sight.
-Sensing Emotions and Intent: The user can feel the emotions and hostility of others.
-Predicting Movements: Advanced users can foresee an opponent's movements slightly before they happen, appearing as if they are predicting the future.
Notable Users: Luffy, Sanji, Enel (in Skypiea), Katakuri.
2. Armament Haki (Busoshoku Haki)
This type of Haki allows the user to manifest their willpower as an invisible armor to enhance their physical attacks and defense or imbue objects (like weapons) with this power.
Basic Abilities:
-Enhancing Strength: Improves the user's attacks and defense.
-Hitting Logia Users: Allows the user to bypass a Logia Devil Fruit user's intangibility by directly interacting with their true body.
-Weapon Enhancement: Coating weapons with Haki to make them stronger.
-Advanced Techniques: Emitting Haki as a force to attack from a distance or destroy from within.
Notable Users: Zoro, Luffy, Rayleigh, Akainu, Mihawk.
3. Conqueror's Haki (Haoshoku Haki)
This rare type of Haki is possessed by individuals with the "qualities of a king" or exceptional leadership and ambition. Unlike the other types, it cannot be learned or trained—it is something one is born with.
Basic Abilities:
Overwhelming Will: Users can knock out weaker individuals or animals with their sheer presence.
-Intimidation: Can weaken the resolve of enemies without physical action.
-Advanced Techniques: Imbuing Conqueror’s Haki into attacks to deal devastating damage.
Notable Users: Luffy, Shanks, Big Mom, Kaido, Zoro.
111 Votes in Poll
Bugggy, Mihawk, Crocodile
Kuma, Doflamingo
There hasnt moria or weevil as far as i know yet
Hi guys won't it be cool if character in One Piece will be able to eat more than one devil fruit? I know it isn't possible originally and do hypothesis for fun
Since there's already spinoff and original illustration of Boa Hancock eat Goro Goro No Mi drawn by Oda Sensei, so I'll start with her character and respect Oda's Idea by using this one as her logia base,
Oda stated when drawing this she will be undefeatable if she wield this power except for Luffy of course, he further explain no matter in what scenario Hancock will always fall for Luffy,
He clearly a fun person even so consistent making her a simp character,
The Lightning will enhance her speed just imagine her acrobatic perfume femur in flash speed,
Plus it can became perfect counter for her seraphim's laser attack and with her observation haki she also can use some degree of enel's mantra,
Another thing is it will literally make the word "struck by love" to literal form which instead her usual slave arrow but a barrage of lightning turned you to stone, with so many plus point I don't see any need to consider other logia for her,
And the next thing on my mind what about zoan type that suit her?
The first thing I think of is Inu Inu No Mi Kyuubi No Kitsune owned by Catarina Devon since it will suit her beautifull image as Nine Tail Fox Folklore,
but considering her overall character design concept based on serpent base won't Uo Uo No Mi Seiryu owned by Kaido will be more suited for Snake Empress? Afterall in some culture dragon are originally serpent whose undergoes transformation so the snake theme match,
It'll also make her a team package with her sisters zoan devil fruits in their giant beast form,
Imagine this beautifull Pink Dragon, It suit Amazon Lily since their architecture inspired by Chinese Culture and it'll give Boa massive durrability upgrade,
She's strong originally but her defense is clearly not enough for taking damage as we can often see her getting scratch, so dragon skin will help her
Before this I considering Tori Tori No Mi Phoenix for her too because concerned to find zoan form that didnt negate her charm and made her unable to use mero mero no mi,
But @noridzuanart draw Hancock in Kaido Transformation and she still gorgeous as half-dragon,
Not broken enough? okay let's give her weapon so she can defend herself in case her devil fruit power nullified. Afterall she can use 3 types of haki it'll be a shame if she not use it with a weapon of worthy
She could easily broken Smoker's Seastone Jitte in marineford arc so that give me idea how about give her sword made with seastone coated with the famous kuja poison?
I originally want to name it Serpent Kiss (since it deadly) but it sounded more like an attack so name it Shikabana (Corpse Flower) to give it more feminime image and based on most weapon in One Piece always given Japanese Name,
It also resonate with Kuja Culture to chose name based on flower or plants
Paramecia : Mero Mero No Mi (She's the best one for it)
Zoan : Uo Uo No Mi : Seiryu (Serpentine form)
Logia : Goro Goro No Mi (Oda's Idea & Luffy's as weakness)
Weapon : Poisonous Seastone Sword
So what do you think of it too OP ? what character should I upgrade next?
142 Votes in Poll
Did some of the Seven Warlords commit acts that would reasonably constitute treason against the World Government during the Marineford War? Due to the legal definition of treason in my country, I will only be considering acts committed during the war itself, so turning large quantities of Marines to stone during the Amazon Lily arc and on the way to Impel Down will be ignored.
Boa Hancock prevented Pacifistas and Marines from attacking enemy combatant Monkey D. Luffy on numerous occasions. She has also injured and partially petrified some Marine soldiers via indiscriminate attacks that also affected parts of the Whitebeard Pirates if I remember correctly. At one point when Luffy was running up a bridge to the platform Ace was on with Garp standing in front of him, Hancock prevented some Marines from taking aim at Luffy. It’s been a while since I watched the episode so I don’t remember if she simply blocked the Marines from aiming, outright attacked them, or something else. She has also outright destroyed Pacifistas, which were being used as Marine weapons in the war.
If I remember correctly (it’s been an even longer while since I’ve seen that episode and I can’t check right now since my Netflix isn’t working), there’s a scene where Gecko Moria has several Marine soldiers’ shadows in his hand for use in animating zombies. This is occurring in direct sunlight. If someone having lost their shadow from Moria’s ability is exposed to direct sunlight, they begin to burn to death, and Moria should know this. We thus have him commit an act that he should know will result in several Marine deaths.
Blackbeard arrives at Marineford with hostile intentions accompanied by five of the world’s most heinous criminals fresh out of prison (four of which his crew personally freed), effectively invading the Marine HQ. He also contributes further to the damage to Marineford that had been done by Whitebeard, and participated in direct combat against Sengoku.
Jinbe is literally a full-fledged enemy combatant, and his purpose is to assist other enemy combatants in preventing the Marines from achieving their objective of executing Portgas D. Ace.
143 Votes in Poll
The Warlords System was meant to establish a balance, forming the Three Powers concept. However, if you take a good look, they could've take down the Emperors with great operations.
For this demonstration, I'mma consider Whitebeard as the weakest Emperor.
If the Warlords and Admirals attack the Emperors without warning they could take them down easily. For example:
Whitebeard Pirates X Admirals & Seven Warlords
Whitebeard < Aokiji, Akainu & Kizaru.
Marco < Mihawk.
Ace < Crocodile.
Jozu < Kuma.
Commanders (12) < Hancock, Doffy & Moria.
Big Mom Pirates X Admirals & Seven Warlords
Big Mom < Aokiji, Akainu & Kizaru.
Katakuri < Mihawk.
Cracker < Crocodile.
Smoothie < Hancock.
Big Mom sons (many) < Kuma, Jinbe, Doffy & Moria.
Beasts Pirates X Admirals & Seven Warlords
Kaidou < Aokiji, Akainu & Kizaru.
King & Queen < Mihawk.
Jack < Jinbe.
Tobiroppo < Kuma, Hancock & Crocodile.
Hawkins & Apoo < Doflamingo.
I don't know if they'd be able to take down the Red Hair Pirates since Sengoku introduced Shanks' crew as inexpugnable, and Mihawk would probably refuse to fight Shanks' crew as Jinbe did against Whitebeard.
More Information below! (There is no spoilers for Egghead island or anything)
He was defeated by Ace, which made his status of warlord go away. He like collecting ancient zoans but we do not know if he ate a devil fruit or not.
If all the pirates teamed up (excluding warlords) and faced down the Marines and the armies of all of world government affiliated kingdoms, who would win? SWORD members would be fighting, as well as Cipher Pol. No dead Marines or pirates like Gol D. Roger or Z.
138 Votes in Poll
It was revealed that Ace defeated a warlord 4 years ago. It has led to speculation about this unknown warlord being HInokizu. I think it could be true since it matches Shiryu's specualtion about Hinokizu being a government man which the Shichibukai are,
I think this unknown warlord and possibly Hinokizu is Doma. It was highlighted when Ace defeated him and led him to being promoted to 2nd Division Commander. I think the reason why is because Doma was a Shichibukai.
I never noticed it until today, but CP9 was basically the Government version of the Beast/Animal Kingdom pirates. What I mean by this is that every CP9 agent we've seen was based on animals or had animal like Devil Fruits which is why Zoro thought Enies Lobby was some sort of Zoo. I'ma copy and paste it down below.
Every agent also has an animal theme, much like the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Worst Generation:
Spandam: Panda
Funkfreed: Elephant
Rob Lucci: Leopard
Hattori: Pigeon
Kaku: Giraffe
Kalifa: Sheep
Blueno: Bull
Jabra: Wolf
Kumadori: Lion
Fukurou: Owl
Nero: Weasel
Who's-Who: Despite not being part of the group involved in the Water 7 incident, Who's-Who also sports an animal theme: Smilodon.
What do you guys think happened to Edward “Whitebeard Jr.” Weevil? His mother is Buckingham Stussy and she claims that Weevil is Whitebeard’s son. I don’t think he’s been seen since after the Dressrosa Arc. What do you think happened to him? What do you think he’s doing?
88 Votes in Poll
106 Votes in Poll
We all know that seraphims all have the ability of previous paramecia users with the majority of them the devil fruits of their original DNA donors.
S-Snake Hancock's love love fruit ability
S-Bear has Bartholomew's Paw paw fruit ability
S-Gecko could possibly just have gecko moria's shadow shadow fruit
S-Flamingo could possibly just have doeflamingo's string string fruit
This leaves me with the question what is s crocodile going to get see we all know sir crocodiles devil fruit is a logia and Vega Punk has said that he doesn't know how to recreate the entirety of logia powers.
From what I've seen from crocodile's abilities they're just really isn't any ability that would be perfect for him like what they did with
s-shark and the swim swim fruit.
s-hawk with the dice dice fruit.
I mean I have some ideas but many of them are just farfetched I guesses.