Stop reading this if you haven't finished wano, it doesn't matter if you're in wano, cuz I'm gonna talk about stuff that happens after wano, so stop reading if you're not in wano, and if this one is shorter than the last, then I don't really have much to say for this arc then. So, let's begin:
ALSO, I'm so dumb..... like, really stupid, I shouldn't have spoiled myself so much on wano, I mean knowing about G5 isn't a spoiler, but it's how he reached the form that matters, but idk for fate, bc the last time I posted on this wiki, the first post I saw was a poll asking why "Luffy had to die before reaching G5". That was really sad for me, and in another post, I saw a df, and searched about it, and it was Yamato's df, even Zoro and Sanji's fight was as exciting as I hoped, due to the fact that I read about their powers before I even reached the time skip, so "Ifrit Jambe", and "King of Hell" was so interesting, Idk, I was really expecting more from Koh(King of Hell) sword style, I mean it was still good, but I was just expecting it to look cooler, also I kind forgot about Asura, so zoro can add it to Koh if he wants to right? Anyways back to the review.
Again, the beginning was like how most arcs start, meet new person, then people, sometimes separated from a friend, or most of the gang and all that and stuff. There was training in udon prison, Luffy got stronger, i like enma for some reason, and I like the way Luffy, law, and kid appeared when it was time to raid onigashima. Oh! I also like the fact that Zeus did end up with nami, What's up with BM naming her soul-hommies after Greek gods, each name I saw, I searched it up, and there are a lot of them that are 'a god of fire', also Hera doesn't really look that good, so maybe there's smth stuck in Prometheus's eyes or smth.
(TWO=The worst generation)
TWO vs 2 Yonkous:
I know I kinda skipped talking about what happened before the confrontation, like Yamato being strange, calling himself(herself) Oden, but I don't want to talk about that part, so the fight.
First off, I like this image, and the fight was goooooooooodd, I naturally liked killer ever since they showed him in Sabaody, but I like him even more now, it's good that Zoro can use conquer's haki, and Luffy can really fight in his base form, does anyone notice that when Luffy gets a new form, that's the form he'll be using, like last time I saw a "Jet" move was in fishman island, he still uses G3 moves, combined with "Red", or "Hawk" attacks. Law still looked cool as always, kid was just there for me tho. I also like "Red Rock" and how Luffy was trying to beat kaido. I also liked G4:SM's "Gum Gum Hydra"
Luffy vs Kaido:
Eventually, at some point in the fight BM, goes back into the onigashima for some reason, and law and kid plan on taking her out, Zoro goes after King, and killer is stopped and is confronted by hawkins, which leads to a fight, and honestly when I know about Luffy's G5, and he's gonna win against kaido, this page seemed amusing to me, instead of worrying
but Luffy still got back up, and then died. And that's when Zunesha started Sensing Joy Boy's return. Honestly I couldn't get sick of the written SFX of Luffy's heart doing “DOOM DUT DA DA♪”, I kept on reading out the SFX every time I saw it, and yeah Luffy did turn into a toon man after he became 'free', and the way his fist is up in the clouds like a punch from the heavens was so cool in this page

Overall it was a great arc, and I feel like they shouldn't have given Luffy, law and kid all the same bounties, law and kid are s'posed to be half of the 3 billion, since it took both of them to defeat BM, but only one person to beat kaido, well ya, kaido kept fighting for a long time so maybe you might think bc of exhaustion that Luffy won, well Luffy was also weakend and exhausted before the one-on-one fight with him, especially when he was in G5. I also wished that Yamato did join Luffy's crew. I'm always happy to see a new member of Luffy's crew, but for some reason Yamato decided to stay, when momo has got wano covered, what Luffy should have done was made Yamato a member already, and give him the task of protecting wano with momo, till they open the borders. Now that would have made sense, but no, he(she) decides to stay at wano, aand become a member later. And I like the picture they used for Luffy officially becoming a Yonkou.

Now, currently I'm in egghead arc, and I'm gonna ask questions on it, and like basically talk about it.
So basically, after the iron giant responded to Luffy's df and is now awake, Which side is it on? Does even have a side? Is it like Zunesha, that Luffy will have to command it before it does anything. It would be nice if it was under Luffy's control, and I still don't understand the story and will of "D.", even after sabo is to tell vivi and luffy about it, Btw I'm in a chp called "Luffy vs Kizaru", so I'm not so far in the arc. @Atlas D. Aeradon
Also, if Luffy didn't call it "Gear 5", I'm sure he'd call it "Gear 4:Freeman".