Artist unknown. Feel free to ask the instagram person to ask him or her who the artist is.
Artist unknown. Feel free to ask the instagram person to ask him or her who the artist is.
Other One Piece cosplaying skits and skits of other anime cosplayers are on that same IG account if you like the one I posted.
What episode is converted from 632 to whatever chapter in the manga?
Is she in the manga?
What episode was that? This is the only episode she showed up in.
Ok. Episode 632 if you want to rewatch that scene.
But you remember her right?
This girl might be with Doflamingo or a civilian
but I’m not sure. She makes a failed attempt to flirt with Kin’emon but he resists her and he keeps on running. This happens in episode 632.
Even in black & white?
Yes what?
I don’t like that bottom line.
“Trust but verify.” -Ronald Regan.
I won’t believe it until I see it.
Ok but will it be the same middle name for everyone or different names for everyone with the D initial.
Will Oda eventually reveal what the D stands for in everyone’s names (Law, Luffy, Blackbeard, etc.)?
What about the strikes?