BM is being criminally underrated and it’s sad
Ivan most likely
This whole anime wars trend has to stop. It’s just as..if not more corny than the gender and console wars. Naruto and One Piece (including the verses itself) are goated. Let’s just leave it at that and stop arguing about japanese cartoons😭.
With that being said, i’m gonna say the naruto verse is by no means overrated. If anything, i’d say it’s fairly rated. People just get mad at the fact Naruto was one of the most popular anime in terms of power because certain characters displayed ridiculous and outrageous power, abilities, and feats. Especially compared to characters from different verses.
As for the poll, katakuri does indeed stomp. And i hate to choose from this specific poll since both characters are my favorite in their respective anime. Katakuri wins simply because of the speed difference, future sight, and how he uses his abilities together (that being him seeing into the future to know where his opponent will hit so he can change said body part intangible. Or combining his mochi and haki).
Also, never mention tenten again. She can’t even beat usopp or nami. And i will gladly debate the entire naruto fanbase on that😂.
Fuji high diff
Kizaru low-mid diff
Akainu high diff
WB high diff
Didn’t know this even existed til now
King. I personally don’t see hancock winning this
Teach extreme diff
Fuji wins. We haven’t seen that much from aramaki to begin with
Haki without a doubt
Loyalty to friends tbh
As much as i hate to say it, garp mid-high diff. Kizaru is a glass cannon and garp will definitely take advantage of that. If he can blitz and keep up with kuzan, he should be able to do the same against kizaru.
Lone and elite>>
Holy jump of hell
Sanji extreme diff