@Fusion D King
Kat can easily dodge Yamato's attacks as he was able dodge Snakeman which even Kaido needed FS to dodge. Plus he has Awakening. ACoC wise Zoro is also stronger as ACoC basically amplifies attack power.
Lol Yamato stands no chance against an Admiral in 1v1, we've seen Admirals fight multiple Commanders at the same time already. The best she can do is stall.
Again you're comparing the OP world to our world, which isn't fair cuz we know that the OP world is much bigger in scale. Since we're comparing character feats from the OP world we have to use the OP world as reference not real world and in OP world most countries are islands. Wano is a prime example it's a massive island which is also a country.
That's what I'm saying doe, no YC1 low diffs another YC1 no matter high or low they are. Okay another example, that's like saying if Crocodile low diffed Shiryu.