116 Votes in Poll
Who the hell found this post and why did they like it dawg
I ain't readin allat
Old superthreads were better
@Idolsama roger is luffy victim
Aokiji in high diff
@Idolsama doesnt it say no abilities
Or your just a delusional one piece fan who never watched any other show
If your voting luffy, something must be wrong with your head
Sasuke and it isn't even close
Luffy negs the verse
Wano for sure
I haven't watched one piece in about 4 months now so idk
Welcome back
Sasuke solos mid piece
No way bro came all the way back just to say cap
@Seekerbro that was just sengoku glazing whitebeard
Luffy takes extra damage from cuts
Gum gum because then I could do anything I want
116 Votes in Poll
Sukuna one taps luffy the fraud, sukuna has luffy's weakness