Sabo clearly states that Fujitora was holding back and that he knows Admirals are more powerful. Fujitora also needed Luffy to defeat Doflamingo in order to use the destruction as a reason to disband the Shichibukai. He even gave them days to recover saying he was leaving it to "fate" (dice), in other words, "I can destroy them if I want to, but fate is stopping me"
Saying that Zoro stands any chance against an Admiral is crazy.
🤣 that's how it would have gone
How Wano was about to end before someone's untimely interruption.
It's a general statement but anyway, when I see stuff like this, I just find it funny
It's ok, we all get blinded when it comes to things we like.
"Zoro has stronger arm haki and conquerors"
Zoro did not even know he had conqueror's and you say he has stronger conquerors than Katakuri? Kata's armament was also stronger than WCI Luffy, I doubt Zoro's is stronger, his is similar at best.
Anyway, I know better than to "discuss" this stuff with Zoro fans, to them, Zoro beats everybody but Emperors
"they lost an eye but in fact it was some hidden power"
People confusing One Piece with Naruto, there's no Sharingan here, thankfully
Is Onigumo (Demon Spider) his real name or is it an alias like Kizaru (Yellow Monkey)? His name is Onigumo and he happened to eat a spider Zoan? too much of a coincidence.
Ace being killed? I smiled, justice had been served, the same when WB died. The smiling guy from Wano being killed? or Oden being killed? I didn't really care for it. But when the Minks said "Raizo is safe"... man, that made me feel something.
Well, it's assumed he is dead, I hope he's not since I really like his design.
Guernica did not fight Izo, at least we never saw him fight, he was sitting down while his partner fought and Izo went for the double KO because he knew he stood no chance
Guernica had to die by suicide, he just stood there while Kaido took him down.
It was actually 3v2, Drake and Apoo had a Number with them. Even after Drake landed a sneak attack on Guernica, Guernica still took him down
And this was after taking down the Numbers and Izo. Guernica was wiping the floor with every opponent he had.
A "normal CP0 member" would be the maskless ones like Kalifa or Jabra. The one pictured is Guernica who is way stronger than the likes of Doflamingo
Until we know more about Lucky Roux, Guernica is the strongest here and it's not even close. There is nothing Killer or Doffy got that would put them above a guy that can take down the one that might be the strongest Tobiroppo with ease. We know next to nothing of Roux, he could be Shanks' weakest Commander for all we know, people voting for him show how overrated Shanks and his crew are.
I would not call Guernica a "normal" CP0 member. The man took down X Drake, Apoo and 2 numbers with relative ease. He's at least at the level of 2nd or 1st Commanders.
Koby's naivety will get a Marines killed, his current rank should be his peak. Even a legend like Garp could die because of Koby's stupidity.
This should keep all those people saying, "Admirals rely too much on their DFs!" quiet for a bit. I've been saying how powerful they are for a while since its just common sense, but common sense is not that common. It also shows how great Sakazuki is, Kuzan was personally trained by Garp and still could not defeat Sakazuki.
Kaido died by magma, coincidence? I think not
You thinking "zoro legit low diffs lucci" makes this "discussion" pointless.
Sure, whatever makes you happy
When did a say "doffy stomps law"?
What I did say was:
"This fight already happened, Law lost"
From what I see, I only wrote facts, show me the lie.