Is there a way to change the name of an account? Because the current one is getting a little too weird.
Isn´t it the 4th of October already?
And before that, Cabaji.
God, I hated that fight. I also think Mihawk was the toughest.
Is there a way to change the name of an account? Because the current one is getting a little too weird.
You‘re not caught up, are you?
Isn‘t Edward Weevil already confirmed to be the son of Stussy and Whitebeard? Physics don‘t really seem to make sense in that regard.
After. Why?
I didn´t even now there were villain wikis, but cool. And he perfectly belongs there.
I think that the Big Mom pair wins because they could be able to work together a little.
With feelings or without?
You know what, I´m so tired of this argument. Can´t we just say they´re wonderful crewmates for Luffy and everyone else, that they´re doing what they have to do on the ship equally good, and stop making these polls?
In my opinion, this is decided by wether or not Sanji is concentrating on being a cook as much as he should, or not. I know his fights are cool, but his cooking is even cooler, and the only thing Zorro is doing all day is about fighting. Why do people argue about this?
Well, it can‘t be a big reveal every week, can it?
I think the guy zapping the bees is Enel. Any other ideas?
When it comes to remembering Voices, my Problem is that Sanji and Zorro sound quite similliar to me…
I´m rewatching Punk Hazard and I just can´t get over how funny Chopper and Law are together. Anyways, did you know that people ship cobyxhelmeppo? I saw it when searching for pictures. (I first wanted to include Zorro & Tashigi in here but had the same picture problem...)
93 Votes in Poll