Seeing as Logia Devil Fruit powers are near-impossible to replicate, what kind of power do you think the Seraph based on Crocodile has?
@Abaisbalanced @Commander Linus Both of your answers seem fitting.
Seeing as Logia Devil Fruit powers are near-impossible to replicate, what kind of power do you think the Seraph based on Crocodile has?
I prefer the English dub. Many of the voices are more fitting in my opinion (especially Franky) and the performances have more depth. Plus when English phrases are said in Japanese, well, I prefer hearing them in English.
I stopped at Episode 934, and if I resume watching the anime, I'll skip all the rest of the Wano episodes.
I got Rob Lucci's.
Back in 2006 when it first aired where I live.
The fact that his guy also voiced Thales in Fire Emblem: Three Houses (as well as Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes) is both funny and amazing at the same time.
@Abaisbalanced We can agree to disagree.
@Abaisbalanced First off, this is my opinion and you have every right not to agree with me. That's fine, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't use words like "insane" to describe my opinion.
Second, I'm not saying the arcs you mentioned are perfect. They aren't. The Skypiea and Fishman Island arcs also had their boredom in them, but compared to Wano Country, they ended much more quickly. The Davy Back Fight gives the feeling of a filler arc, as in it's just there without much of a purpose. But all that hype for the Wano Country arc? I feel like it was pretty much for nothing, for the reasons I had stated earlier.
Unpopular opinion, but my most disliked arc is Wano Country. Too long, bad ending, Yamato is a rather annoying character, and the arc itself went to too many directions, not to mention that aside from the true nature of the Gum Gum Fruit and the history behind Laugh Tale, the arc itself didn't have too much to offer. Furthermore, not only is Ryokugyu's battle another rehash from Dressrosa (as in Fujitora's battle with Luffy), but his appearance's buildup was brief and rushed, and it's kind of a waste of his potential as a character (I hope he'll get developed more further), in addition to conrtibuting to the disappointing turn of events once the arc ended. I feel like too much energy was invested for this arc while Egghead and the upcoming arcs could have begun much earlier.
Vegapunk stated that it is very difficult to create an artificial Logia Devil Fruit, so I think the chances for that are incredibly slim.
Oda said that eating a Devil Fruit user would give you food poisoning.
Teach and Saul.
Many people will not agree with me, but I'd say Wano.
Chuck Norris.
@A Professional Idiot mk.2 Hmm, I didn't think of it that way. Good point.
@Marcus Mattson Probably so.
Vegapunk himself had already eaten a Devil Fruit, but what do you think would happen if one of the Satellites consumed one as well? Would Vegapunk die? Or would he be unaffected because the Satellites could still be considered as different individuals?
@SkywalkerTC No problem dude.
@ASimon24 Thank you.