Buccaneers are the mixed race of giants and humans and have a secret ability yet to be revealed my theory is that buccaneers have multiple lives which explains how Kuma is still alive after his total shutdown. My theory for Teech is him being buccaneer and the reason he is alive after mysteriously stealing and consuming a second devil fruit is because he used one of his lives to eat it. My estimation is buccaneers have 3 lives with the 4th death being permanent which would explain how Teech has not eaten for example 26 devil fruits during the 2 year time skip my evidence to back it up is how Teech attempted to steal Boa Hancocks Mero Mero no Mi even though his crew have all eaten devil fruits meaning he most likely was going to steal it for him self. You might argue and say Teech is too small to be a buccaneer well Teech can still be a buccaneer despite this evidence being how Kuma may not be classed as a buccaneer hybrid even though his mother was human. Meaning he may just be classed as a short buccaneer.
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