Best OG character I have seen here.
Kuzan is a massive hypocrite (unless he's SWORD). He was OK with working for the Celestial Dragons (something Garp refused to do) yet he draws the line at Sakazuki? Then he goes and join a pirate crew, one filled with the worst criminals from Impel Down... so now he's fine working under Blackbeard... but Sakazuki was too much *sigh*
Anyway, to answer, Kizaru of course
And then 2 seconds later Kizaru completely ignored him and did exactly what Beckman told him not to do? Yeah, I remember.
Edit: forgot my phone had my other account set up
As much as I love Sakazuki, he loses BUT he takes WB down with him. Sakazuki has way too much attack power to be taken down without severely injuring his opponent.
None of the Commanders are even close to "Admiral level", the only one here is Kuzan, somebody who seems to be depressed and weaker than he was and was already defeated by Sakazuki. Mihawk would be fighting Issho.
Let's say both Sakazuki and Issho are busy holding back the only threats (Kuzan and Mihawk), that still leaves Aramaki, Borsalino, Sengoku, Garp (who by himself was more than a match for most BB Commanders until Kuzan arrived), Gion and Tokikake (Admiral candidates), Onigumo who effortlessly took down a distracted Marco, again it's not that he took him down, it's how effortlessly he did it, distracted or not, you have Momonga, Dalmatian, etc., all who were keeping WB allies busy and left the war with no injuries, and many more.
Like I said, this will be a massacre, the Marines win this no diff.
By the way @Kachito077 you have to write your own opinion in the comments (but you probably won't so this will be deleted)
Sakazuki already showed that one Admiral alone can take on all Yonko Commanders at the same time, you have here 4 Admirals not counting Sengoku and Garp, on top of that, you have Admiral candidates Gion and Tokikake whose power should be close enough to an Admiral in order to have been considered.
You also have people like Onigumo who demonstrated being on par with the Like's of Marco... you have Momonga, Dalmatian, the ones introduced during Egghead, etc.
Marines win this no diff. It will be a massacre.
Yeah, I'm gonna hangout with a bunch of killers that are constantly pillaging, killing, stealing, etc. but I'm a great guy! I'm just making a name for myself.
Does that sound credible?
He's a pirate and he's hanging out with the likes of Rocks, Linlin and Kaido... Whitebeard never had any moral ground to stand on in the first place.
Dragon is way too (in)famous to be called by some nickname. I doubt the man Kid mentioned is Dragon
It was also officially confirmed that Dragon was a Marine at some point.
The amount of pain taken depends on the size of the "paw", what Kuma is doing is much more than Zoro's "nothing happened"
Look at what Kuma is taking every week:
Now, look at what Zoro took once and took weeks to recover from:
Who is One Piece's strongest swordsman? easy, Amande, she just don't care for the title.
@ASimon24 True that, this wiki is pretty lenient, heck, I can only use the Star Wars wiki if I'm using the @Former Trooper account because if they find out I changed accounts I'll get banned. That's why I have not been there in months. I already put too much work in other fandoms editing with this account so I doubt I'll ever go back to the old one(s). I even remember getting "blocked" for two weeks without warning for something ridiculous.
Here's some One Piece
It's been chaos here for a while... anyway here's some One Piece (in case you wondered how Cracker has that hairstyle)
Just look at their page, this is a wiki
Most underrated pirate crew, I don't think people realize how powerful the Big Mom pirates are. Their 1st Commander has one of the best observation Haki in OP, they have at least 20 crew members who are at minimum, Tobiroppo level, and you have the Sweet Commanders. This crew is insane even without Linlin.
Gol Roger does not sound that bad
There's a lot of them here
And if WB had allowed the rightful execution of Ace to go on without interfering, then BB would not have gotten his DF.