How do you know they are the same guy? it might be the same username
@Balloon111 See what I'm talking about, he doesnt make sense Athena clearly mention it multiple time in the past post because he get request for it from a child and people that help him, yet he feels his opinion is right,
@O00999kjhh I dont have grudge with you I dont have even had any single interest to interact with you. If you arent always dictate what others do I wont say a single thing like how peaceful you was the past day when you dont act out I didnt bother you right?, it was not your first reprimand that you got from me and I wonder why you dont learn to stay out of other people work you dont like,
I dont care what you do but I enjoy Athena Polls so far and want him continue his work, you on the other hand always had the audacity to ask other to stop. Do you have any ideas how many hour he might draw/edit for fullfilling those request dont be a selfish person just busy yourself with your life or create your own content. My request hasnt been posted yet probably because either he still editing or poll time rules and we dont know many people still on his request line. Just dont ruin others fun
Whoa how can you chose nami she's my girl, your favorite boa would be more ruthless if you put it that way
I would pick sanji since he only nice to women
Oh @Balloon111 just ignore him he never changes he was reprimanded multiple times in this and other fandom waste of time
@Athena Shafiq just ignore this guy he just want your attention @O00999kjhh stop obsese on Athena post you creep follow it to another fandom and asking what his business there where he specifically explain he was there for game @Sean 175 @*Astrid107* and others was also know and I know you are reprimanded on Pokemon fandom center as well for using foul language so dont be hypocrite to hate pokemon here, everyone have freedom create whatever they want whether jjk or dragon ball you dont ditching them just because Athena always nice to you always want to piss on every post instead focus on your own post dont tell other what to do if you cant make people happy as he did
Can you upload the image?
You can try getting specific devil fruit but it harder to be born fishman can eat devil fruit
Dude why not Uta in the first place?
Stussy is good but I prefer Shirahoshi if you know what mean
Idc her age but Bonney looks fine af
So hypothetically it can turn bonney legal
You value those marine fodder live but forgetting the citizen live that he save much more and what truly his goal is
Marine let criminals for many years until strawhat defeat them
Whatever you say, you already prove yourself certified marine lover everyone know it
@Athena Shafiq Just forget explaining to him man its no use
He is a fanatic marine fans and will say anything to defend them
We all love strawhat so let the marine lover simp
@Tazdidiscool Its never states in guidelines
How an user will know if they hadnt been here since ancient times
The point is this reminder was made without informing or dicussing with community or voting if it was considered harmfull or deemed unecessary
Thus giving admin authority pretty subjective choice without reflecting their action for future rules
Man you guys are too extreme, you didn't even create new content or events
But ruin everyone fun and overcomplicate things without checking the truth first
With the post owner, no wonder rarely see new post these day
Whoa @Babysharkboss2 you messed up big time lol
Why the hell baby 5 so low she's HOT
Forget it bro he just bitter he cant draw as good as you
They are gorgeous
Aegis-Hiraikotsu is a mystical sword inspired by gods
It channels the fierce powers of both the Goro Goro no Mi (Rumble-Rumble Fruit) and the myth of the Thunder God, Enel. Its design is grand and electrifying, with a blade that seems to be forged from lightning itself and celestial energy
Lightning Slash – The sword channels Enel's lightning-based power, allowing the user to unleash powerful electric-based attacks.
Thunder Wrath – The sword has a special mode where it can call down an actual lightning bolt from above, targeting a specific area on the battlefield.
Hey where is nami & Robin ?
Damn Reijuu so Hot
Keep it up man I will be counting on you for my wallpaper collection