I'd appreciate some additional voices weighing in on something - thoughts?
My feeling is that the image of S-Shark using his powers should be reverted to the manga image for the following reasons:
-The anime's handstand bounce attack to create the shockwaves has him in a pose that is very unlike what he is doing in the manga.
-The manga has a distinct, if perhaps not certain, appearance of S-Shark throwing his body into palm striking the ground with a hand to create the ripple, as would be expected given Jinbe's whole fighting style.
-The anime shot has S-Shark mid-motion and is thus quite distorted.
-The distortion is especially apparent on the face, which isn't even visible in the manga shot because of the pose is so different, which was presumably the point in having a headshot of S-Shark immediately preceding the action panel.
In the case of such a contradiction that is additionally, and, perhaps more importantly, very strange and distorted looking in the captured frames compared to the original manga panel, I think it's an instance where the manga should really be the choice of reference.