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Bajak Laut Thriller Bark[3] adalah kru bajak laut kedua yang dikapteni oleh mantan Panglima Perang, Gecko Moria. Mereka adalah kelompok antagonis utama di Arc Thriller Bark, tempat mereka beroperasi dari Florian Triangle yang misterius untuk menculik korban yang tidak curiga dari bayangan mereka untuk pasukan zombie mayat hidup mereka.

Jolly Roger[]

Jolly Roger milik kru adalah tengkorak putih dengan dua sayap ungu, dan nyala api putih di setiap sisi tengkorak.[4]

Anggota Kru[]

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[l · s · ?]
Bajak Laut Thriller Bark
Empat Misterius
Gecko Moria Hogback Absalom  Perona
Victoria Cindry  Kumashi  Ryuma  Lola  Hildon 
Buhichuck  Tararan  Oars  Jigoro  Inuppe 
Cerberus  Unigaro  MocDonald  Rug Bear  Jack-in-the-Box 
Gyoro  Nin  Bao  Hippo Gentleman  Penguin Zombie Duo 
Risky Brother  Risky Brother  John  Wall Zombie  Spider Mice 
Pre and Tea 
Tujuh Panglima Perang Laut 


  • Mysterious Four (四怪人, Yonkaijin?): the four humans who rule Thriller Bark. They are Gecko Moria, Hogback, Absalom, and Perona.
  • General Zombie: Once legendary figures, now commanders of the rest of the zombies. They are under the command of Absalom.
  • Surprise Zombie: Zombies that disguise themselves as everyday objects to scare the enemies.
  • Soldier Zombie: Common grunt zombies for combat.
  • Wild Zombie: Wild animal zombies with high level strength. They are under the command of Perona.
  • Special Zombie: A unique kind of zombie that is stronger than General Zombies. Oars was the only one of its kind.
  • Spider Mice: Spider-like zombies that sneak up on and trap opponents with webs. They are under the command of Tararan.

Crew Strength[]

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Thriller Bark Pirates' main members.

The majority of the Thriller Bark Pirates are an undead army of seemingly invincible zombies, powered by the shadows stolen using Moria's Devil Fruit. At the time of their introduction, the Thriller Bark Pirates had amassed a crew of nearly 900 zombies animated from the dead, including the likes of deceased legendary figures such as Shimotsuki Ryuma, Captain John, and the ancient giant Oars. The undead crew relies solely on the authority of their captain and his three lieutenants which makes up the "Mysterious Four", three of whom being Devil Fruit users while the other possesses the medical knowledge to create the zombies that made up their crew. 

The Thriller Bark Pirates were known for their Night Attacks (夜討ち, Yōchi?) that takes place every midnight, to which the zombies would attack and capture every victim that has been trapped on their island. Those taken captive are then brought before Moria, who proceeds to steal their shadows with his Devil Fruit before sending them back out to sea. They were shown able to fight and catch the Straw Hat Pirates by surprise, steal the shadows from their strongest members, and almost finish them off with Oars, which the Straw Hats had to fight as a team.[5]

Their captain Moria was even recognized as a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, giving them special privileges and officially sanctioned by the World Government. However, after suffering a crushing defeat from the Straw Hat Pirates that costed them their undead army, Moria would be expelled from said group for "being too weak", in Doflamingo's words.[6]


Thriller Bark[]

Informasi lebih lanjut: Thriller Bark
Thriller Bark Infobox

Thriller Bark.

Thriller Bark was the ship and namesake of the aforementioned crew. It was an island that was transformed into a ship by Moria and served as a ship for the crew until their defeat at the hands of the Straw Hat Pirates. It was abandoned for two years but appears to have been reclaimed by Moria who used it to travel to Pirate Island.

Escapee Ship[]

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Thriller Bark's escapee ship.

After Gecko Moria’s defeat, Hogback and Absalom were seen escaping from Thriller Bark (along with the still unconscious Warlord) in a smaller ship with black sails and a bat figurehead.[7]

At the beginning of the Dressrosa Arc, the ship was seen leaving the Kid Pirates' base carrying two people.[8]

Former Ship[]

In Hogback's flashback, a ship with a normal style that seems to be used previously by the crew is seen.


Flash Barrel[]

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Thriller Bark's Flash Barrel fished out by the Straw Hats.

A Flash Barrel is a barrel that contains the red flare inside used to signal Thriller Bark. It floats on the ocean at the entrance of the Florian Triangle, waiting for any passing ships. Whenever opened it will shoot out a red flare after which Perona's Ghost Network will start spying on them. This was a clever trick to pull sailors to Thriller Bark.[9]

Purified Sea Salt[]

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Brook holding Usopp and a bag of salt.

Purified Sea Salt is simply salt extracted from the sea and purified. However, they play a crucial role in defeating the zombies on Thriller Bark. Since salt is an extract from the sea, it can be used to cancel the Kage Kage no Mi's shadow-extracting powers, and purify the zombies, rendering them a husk once again. The amount of salt needed to feed a zombie is proportional to its size, as Oars was immune to a small pellet of salt shot into his mouth.



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Moria, along with Absalom and Perona, asks Hogback to join him.

After Gecko Moria lost his previous crew, the Gecko Pirates, to Kaidou at Wano Country twenty-three years ago, his perception of comradeship was forever shattered.[10] He then formed a new crew, the Thriller Bark Pirates, in which he recruited included Absalom, Perona and Hogback, the four being known as the "Mysterious Four". They utilized the island Thriller Bark and transformed it into the largest ship in the world. Moria's trauma led him to create an army of undead zombies as the main force of his new Thriller Bark Pirates, in which he held no sentiment towards due to losing his crew of live members.

Eventually, Moria became a Warlord of the Sea, and in the Florian Triangle they began to gather shadows from the people to create an army of zombies.

Thriller Bark Arc[]

After the Straw Hat Pirates arrived at Thriller Bark, Moria stole the shadows of several of the members, and gave life to Oars thanks to Luffy's shadow. Later, Bartholomew Kuma arrived to inform Moria about the upcoming war against the Whitebeard Pirates, prompting Moria to set sail. As the Straw Hats fought three of the Mysterious Four, Kuma used his Nikyu Nikyu no Mi abilities to send Perona to Kuraigana Island. After Oars and Moria were defeated by the Straw Hats and Brook, Hogback and Absalom took an unconscious Moria to Marineford.

Marineford Arc[]

Moria took part in the Summit War of Marineford, were he used his power to take down Little Oars Jr. and plan to used the fallen fighters to rebuild his Zombie army.

Post-War Arc[]

After the war, Moria ended up being expelled from the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

During the Timeskip[]

Absalom became a popular journalist under the nickname "Absa".

Wano Country Arc[]

After discovering news about Moria and his new army of zombies in the newspaper, Perona went on his search. In Hachinosu, Moria was looking for Teach, and when he met the Blackbeard Pirates, he discovered that Absalom was killed by them, his ability taken by Shiryu.


  1. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 46 Chapter 446 (p. 6) dan Episode 340, Hogback secara resmi diperkenalkan.
  2. Manga One PieceVol. 47 Chapter 455 (p. 13), Bounty, moto, dan frasa favorit Moria sebelumnya terungkap dalam miliknya infobox.
  3. Manga One PieceVol. 92 Chapter 925 (p. 2 and 4), Nama Kru muncul di perkenalan Perona dan Moria
  4. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 46 Chapter 449 dan Episode 343, Jolly Roger dari Bajak Laut Thriller Bark terlihat.
  5. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 49 Chapter 480 dan Episode 373, The Straw Hat Pirates defeat Oars as a team.
  6. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 59 Chapter 581 dan Episode 490, Moria's Warlord title is revoked
  7. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 50 Chapter 486 dan Episode 378, Moria, Absalom and Hogback are seen leaving Thriller Bark in an escapee ship.
  8. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 70 Chapter 700 dan Episode 629, A ship with a bat figurehead is seen leaving the Kid Pirates' base.
  9. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 46 Chapter 442 dan Episode 337.
  10. Manga One PieceVol. 96 Chapter 969 (p. 12), The battle of Gecko Pirates vs. Beasts Pirates is mentioned.

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