Wikia One Piece

O-Tama is a girl from the region. Kuri at Negeri Wano. He is a gauze weaver and kunoichi in training.[1]


Tama is quite short. She has purple hair set in Shimada-style and purple eyes (black in the manga). She wore a light green kimono with many patches, a bright orange obi, and orange sandals.[1][6]


Tama Anime Concept Art
konsep seni Tama dari anime.
Tama Portrait
Tampilan dekat dari wajah Tama.


He quickly makes friends, trusts and helps. Luffy moments after he convinced her that he meant he was harmless.[1] Being an kunoichi in training, he has a habit of starving himself as a means of training his body, forcing him mentally to let go of his hunger.[7] He he was also very brave, when he stood before the Beast Pirates as they tried to steal his belongings and even attacked one of them after being released from captivity. However, he can also be careless, as shown when he expressed his loyalty to the Kozuki Family to the Beast Pirates, drinking from contaminated rivers and falling ill in the process,[1] and ignored his master's warning not to show his strength in front of others, which attracted Holdem's attention.[8]



Kozuki family[]

because he used their names as a threat to those who angered him.[9] However, he has no problem relaxing with the heir, Kozuki Momonosuke, calling her "Momo".[10]

Tenguyama Hitetsu[]

As tuan Tama, he cared about her so much that he attacked Luffy when he thought Luffy had stolen one of the two rice foods he had every year.[11] He was also angry at Luffy for revealing Ace's death, which made Tama sad.[12]


Komachiyo Very loyal to Tama, as she tries to fight back Bajak Laut Beasts to protect him from them..[9]


While initially antagonistic, Hihimaru Befriend Tama after she gives him some dango and joins her when the group heads to Tama's house.[1]

Monkey D. Luffy[]

Luffy Accidentally save Tama when her captors attack her. Therefore, he was very grateful and referred to Luffy with the honor of "big brother". He even went so far as to give her the rice she was supposed to have, even though it was the one she ate the most all year round.[1] However, Tama became angry when Luffy reported Ace's death to her.[13] After she was kidnapped by gazelleman and taken to Holdem, Tama hopes Luffy saves her, showing her confidence in him.[14] After Luffy released him from Holdem, Luffy promised that he would make his life better before leaving Wano Country. He didn't realize that Luffy was Ace's brother even though he had noticed the similarities between the two.[15] After hearing that Kaido attacked him, Luffy regretted not taking him to his house safely and attacked Kaido angrily.[16] When she heard about Luffy's arrest, Tama cared more about him than her own injuries.[17] He cared so much about Luffy that he went with the group towards Udon to get him out.

Portgas D. Ace[]

When Ace When Visiting Wano, Tama bondes with him and wants to join his crew, but Ace refuses based on his current age. However, he promises that after the two meet again and he becomes kunoichi, he will take her. When Luffy told her about Ace's death, Tama was very sad and refused to believe it. Tama did not know Luffy and Ace were brothers but had commented to Luffy that after he hit Holdem with Gomu Gomu no Red Hawk, He reminds him of Ace.[18]


Beasts Pirates[]

As an ally of the Kozuki Family, Tama opposes all that Bajak Laut Beasts fight and consequently kidnapped. While tied up in a sack, the Beasts Pirates plan to sell it in the Red Light District or hand it over until Luffy interferes.[9] Also, Holdem He was interested in the ability to tame the animal and tried to force him to use it until Luffy came to save him. Kaido almost killed him when he saw the betrayal Speed.


Charlotte Linlin[]

After Big Mom loses her memory, Tama develops a friendly relationship with her even though she wants to take advantage of her power to get Luffy out of Udon prison. After going to jail, Big Mom shows a willingness to share oshiruko with Tama.[19]

Ability and Strength[]


Tama is shown using the club against members of the Beasts Pirates, and has enough power to take her down with it.[20][]

Devil Fruit[]

Kemampuan Buah Iblis Tama

Tama membuat dango dari pipinya.

Tama had eaten an unnamed Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allowed her to make food from her body. This food is able to tame animals[1] [21] and usually does not work in humans, both in overcoming hunger and taming. However, humans who have consumed SMILE Devil Fruit is prone to being domesticated by food because it becomes part of animals; [22] it is not known if this also applies to users Zoan normal. Food cannot be taken by force from Tama's body.[23][24]


  • Kibi Dango (きびだんご Kibi dango?): By forming a circle with her thumb and index finger and pinching her cheeks, Tama creates small dumplings, which seem to have a calming effect on the animals that eat them, making them docile and friendly. It was first used to tame Hihimaru.[25] It also seems to be effective on users. SMILE like Speed .[26] Kibi dango is a traditional Japanese confectionery made from millet wheat.

Other Abilities[]

Tama has experience with cooking rice.[27] It is also capable of weaving kasa from bamboo. { {Qref | name = c911p17}} Tama has proven to be an opportunistic strategist when she came up with the idea of manipulating Big Mom amnesik to attack Udon to free Luffy from prison.



At some point about three to four years ago, Portgas D. Ace and his crew visits Wano Country, and Tama bondes with him. Tama wanted to go overboard with Ace, but he told her that she was too young at the time. He promises to take her with him if she becomes kunoichi by the time he returns and Tama has been waiting for him ever since.[28][29]

On her eighth birthday, Tama went to the market to buy rice. However, he was blocked by some Bajak Laut Beasts scouts and their baboons Hihimaru. Komachiyo came to protect him from Hihimaru, but the scouts took his things and he mentioned Keluarga Kozuki to threaten them, causing them to arrest him.[9]

Wano Country Arc[]

Tama was tied up in a sack and begged to be free. The scouts went to face Monkey D. Luffy, who have arrived in the country illegally. However, Luffy easily overwhelmed them, letting Tama free herself from the sack and knocking out one of the scouts.

Tama Membawa Luffy ke Rumahnya

Tama membawa Luffy ke rumah tuannya.

After that, Tama officially introduced herself to Luffy and tamed Hihimaru by giving him some Kibi Dango. He offered to make food for Luffy out of gratitude and helped him place Sunny in a safe niche on the beach. They went to his house, where he made rice candy for her before going to drink from the river to quell the hunger. He came back to find tuannya He was angry at Luffy for eating rice, but he told him what had happened. However, he later fell ill from drinking contaminated river water contaminated by the plant Kaido.[1]

After Hitetsu reveals that Tama is waiting for Ace, Luffy tells them about Ace's death. Tama was confused at the news and fainted. Luffy then decides to take her to the doctor and when Komachiyo gives them a ride through the bamboo forest, Tama accuses Luffy of lying and explains about the promise Ace made to her. They then enter the desert and Tama explains about the terrifying environment created by the Beast Pirates before falling unconscious again.[30]

Makanan Tama Makan Tsuru

Tama makan makanan nyata saat dia sembuh dari penyakitnya.

Tama remains unconscious when Luffy reunites with Zoro after the latter saves a woman from the villain Kaido. After Komachiyo dragged Luffy and Zoro away from the battle with Basil Hawkins and his men, the woman Zoro saved, Tsuru, Told the two Straw Hats to take Tama to his tea shop. They then arrived in Okobore City.[31]

Tama felt better after receiving the medicine and she reluctantly ate Oshiruko yang dibuat Tsuru untuknya. Dia kemudian tidur siang sampai Tsuru diserang oleh Gifter Batman. During the confusion, Tama is kidnapped by another Gifter, Penjara, and taken to Bakura City.[32] Tama was then taken to Holdem, who took an interest in him after hearing that he tamed Hihimaru, and planned to force him to use his abilities.[33]

Holdem Manga Infobox

Holdem menyandera Tama.

Holdem pulled Tama's cheek, but couldn't get anything out of it. He continued to torture Tama until Urashima was sent flying to his house by Luffy. Holdem then confronts Luffy, puts Tama in the lion's mouth and threatens to destroy him.[34] In the blink of an eye, Luffy attacked the head lion and freed Tama. After learning that Holdem had used pliers to pull Tama's cheek, Luffy dropped Tama in the air and turned to attack Holdem with a powerful Red Hawk punch.[35]

With Holdem defeated, Luffy then grabbed Tama again and ran with her behind her Kecepatan, He mistakenly thought of him as a horse. Speed was tempered, but quickly became subservient to Luffy and Tama after Tama offered some kibi dango at Luffy's request. They walked into Okobore City with food supplies stolen from the Beasts Pirates. As he ate the apple, Luffy promised him that he would not starve again.[36]

Tama then parted ways with Luffy and returned to his house by riding Speed's back. [37] Halfway through, Tama and Speed are attacked by Kaido when Yonko finds them, and Tama is left lying down. covered in blood on the ground.[38] He was found by Inuarashi, Who took him to the forest to receive treatment. [39] Tama then returns to her home where she is cared for by Chopper and some feathers. When Tama worries about Luffy, Chopper assures her that Luffy has incredible recovery speed and that his wishes will not be damaged and that Raizo Plan to save him.[40]

When Momonosuke practiced swordsmanship in Amigasa Village, Tama asked him about saudara perempuan, What Momonosuke believes is still alive. Tama comments that it would be better if Momonosuke could meet her but she states that she cannot reunite with him until the shogun and Kaido lose.[41]

Big Mom Pergi ke Udon

Kelompok Tama membawa Big Mom ke Udon.

Tama, Chopper, Kiku, and Momonosuke then go to Kuri Beach, where they meet Amnesiac Big Mom [42] The next morning, Tama's group took Big Mom to Okobore City. Although Chopper worries about Big Mom regaining her memories, Tama insists on taking him to Udon, whom Chopper reluctantly agrees to.[43] The group then goes to Udon, with Big Mom having tamed Wanizame to take. They're there. On the way there, Tama talks to Hitetsu through Smart Tanishi. Hitetsu objects to their search and urges Tama to return to Amigasa Village, but Tama continues her group's journey.[44] During the trip, Tama and Big Mom happily talk about Oshiruko.[45] After nightfall, the group finally arrived in Udon. [46]

The next day, Tama's group arrived at the Prisoner Mine after Big Mom broke through the front gate. Kiku tells Tama and Momonosuke to hide before continuing with Chopper.[47]

When the emergency gate is closed, Tama and Momonosuke enter the Prisoner Mine.[48]


  • Tama berbicara dengan seorang Edo dan seorang Tōhoku dialek.
  • Kekuatannya Buah Iblis yang tidak disebutkan namanya tampaknya didasarkan pada Momotarō dari cerita rakyat Jepang, yang juga menggunakan kibi dango untuk merekrut ketiganya yang keji. pengikut: anjing, monyet, dan burung. Sejauh ini, Tama diketahui berteman dengan dua dari tiga jenis hewan yang sama yang dimiliki Momotaro; hanya burung pegar yang hilang.
  • Cara Tama menggunakan Buah Iblisnya mengingatkan pada kisah Jepang kuno Lump-removing Old Man, sebuah kisah di mana seorang lelaki tua berteman dengan para raksasa yang kemudian menghilangkan benjolan di pipi kanannya.
  • Buah Iblisnya memiliki kesamaan dengan dua Buah Iblis lainnya:
    • Streusen Kuku Kuku no Mi, karena mereka berdua mampu menciptakan makanan. Namun, sementara makanan Tama lezat, itu tidak mengurangi rasa lapar dan makanan dibuat dari dirinya sendiri sementara makanan Streusen dibuat dari lingkungan dan meskipun tidak enak dicicipi, itu memang memiliki nilai gizi.
    • Charlotte Katakuri Mochi Mochi no Mi, karena kedua buah ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk memanifestasikan mochi dari tubuh mereka. Namun, mochi Katakuri tampaknya memiliki sifat normal.


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 One Piece Manga dan Anime — Vol. 91 Chapter 911 (p. 5-6, 9-19) dan Episode 893, Tama memulai debutnya.
  2. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 105, Tama diturunkan menjadi anggota Keluarga Kurozumi.
  3. One Piece Manga dan Anime — Vol. 91 Chapter 911 (p. 17) dan Episode 894.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 Vivre Card - One Piece Visual Dictionary (Card #1257), Informasi tentang Tama terungkap.
  5. One Piece Official YouTube Channel
  6. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Tama's color scheme is revealed on the cover.
  7. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 911, Tama menderita kelaparan.
  8. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 915 (p. 7).
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 9,3 One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 911, Tama menggambarkan pertemuannya dengan Bajak Laut Beast.
  10. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 928 (p. 17), Tama and Momo discussing about Hiyori.
  11. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 911 (p. 15-17).
  12. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 912 (p. 4-5).
  13. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 912, Luffy melaporkan kematian Ace ke Tama.
  14. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 915.
  15. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 918, Tindakan Luffy mengingatkan Tama Ace.
  16. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 923.
  17. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 925.
  18. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 912 (p. 7, 11-12).
  19. One Piece Manga — Vol. 94 Chapter 945.
  20. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 911 (p. 9), Tama mengetuk anggota Bajak Laut Beasts dengan klub.
  21. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 914.
  22. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 918.
  23. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 916 (p. 10-11).
  24. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 917 (p. 15).
  25. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 911.
  26. Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama smile
  27. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 911.
  28. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 911.
  29. Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama Kartu as
  30. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 912 (p. 3-4, 8-15).
  31. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 913 (p. 2, 10-17).
  32. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 914.
  33. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 915 (p. 4-7).
  34. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 916.
  35. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 917 (p. 6-11, 13-17).
  36. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 918.
  37. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 919.
  38. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 923.
  39. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 924.
  40. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 925.
  41. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 928.
  42. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 931.
  43. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 933.
  44. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 934.
  45. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 937.
  46. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 940.
  47. One Piece Manga — Vol. 94 Chapter 945.
  48. One Piece Manga — Vol. 94 Chapter 947 (p. 15).

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