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Ini adalah daftar dari setiap karakter One Piece yang terungkap dalam Manga ataupun sebuah Data Book atau SBS yang diberikan oleh Eiichiro Oda.

Nama Perorangan[]







Abdullah 704 N/A 2013


A.O 551 460 2009 Namanya terungkap dari angkatan laut di Episode 460.
Absalom 444 339 2007
Adele 608 527 2010 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Agotogi 163 100 2001 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Agsilly 570 482 2010 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Ahho Desunen IX 587 501 2010 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Ahho Zurako 587 501 2010 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Aisa 249 161 2002
Akumai 129 078 2000 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Aladdin 620 540 2011 Namanya terungkap melalui infobox di Chapter 623.
Albion 600 519 2010
Alvida 002 001 1997
Amadob 559 467 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Amazon 238 153 2002
Andre 558 479 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Anjo 001 1997 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Ankoro 606 525 2010
Antonio 497 391 2008 Namanya tertulis di restorannya.
Aphelandra 514 408 2008
Arlong 069 031 1999
Arrow 196 120 2001 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Arthur 556 472 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Asahija 483 375 2007 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Aswa 163 100 2001 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Atmos 553 461 2009
Attach 436 321 2006 Namanya terungkap dari SBS.
Avalo Pizarro 575 484 2010 Namanya terungkap dari angkatan laut di Chapter 576.
B Baby 5 682 N/A 2012
Bacura 516 409 2008 Namanya terungkap di Kuja dari Chapter 518.
Baggaley 561 489 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Banchi 114 067 1999
Banchina 041 017 1998 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Bao 449 343 2007
Barrel 196 120 2001 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Bartholomew Kuma (aka PX-0) 233 151 2002
Bartolemeo 704 N/A 2013
Bas 379 267 2005 Salah satu dari tiga yang membentuk Baskerville (Namanya terungkap dari Chapter 399).
Basil Hawkins 498 392 2008
Basilisk 528 425 2009 Diperkenalkan melalui infobox di Chapter 528.
Bastille 553 462 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Batchee 043 020 1998 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Belladonna 515 408 2008
Bellamy 222 146 2002
Bellett 537 439 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Bell-mère 077 032 1999 Pertama kali dibicarakan di Chapter 50.
Benn Beckman 001 004 1997 Namanya terungkap dari SBS. Dia pertama kali disebutkan dalam manga oleh Kizaru di Chapter 579.
Bentham (aka Mr. 2 and Bon Kurei) 129 078 2000 Dia secara resmi diperkenalkan melalui infobox di Chapter 154. Nama lengkapnya tersebut diungkapkan oleh penjaga Impel Down di Chapter 526.
Bepo 498 392 2008
Big Pan 309 210 2004
Bimine 657 N/A 2004 Pertama kali dibicarakan di Chapter 326, kemudian akhirnya terlihat di sampul Chapter 657.
Bizarre 553 468 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Blamenco 553 461 2009 Namanya terungkap dari SBS.
Blenheim 553 461 2009 His name was revealed by Pirates in Chapter 573.
Blondie 558 468 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Blue Fan 516 410 2008 Namanya terungkap dari SBS.
Bluejam 584 494 2010 First time mentioned in Chapter 583.
Blueno 325 230 2004
Boa Hancock 516 409 2008 First time mentioned by the Risky Brothers in Chapter 489.
Boa Marigold 516 409 2008
Boa Sandersonia 516 409 2008
Bobbin 651 571 2012 Namanya terungkap dari Charlotte Linlin in Chapter 651.
Bobby Funk 704 N/A 2013
Bogart 092 (Halaman cover) 068 1999 Namanya terungkap pada awal episode
Boo 704 N/A 2013
Boodle 012 006 1997
Borsalino (aka Kizaru) 504 398 2008 First time mentioned by Robin in Chapter 319.
Bourbon Jr. 180 111 2001 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Braham 249 163 2002 Namanya terungkap dari Wiper di Chapter 251.
Brahm 196 120 2001 Namanya terungkap darie Blue data book.
Brannew 096 045 1999
Brew 561 470 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Brocca 561 470 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Brogy 116 071 2000
Brook 442 337 2007
Brownbeard 581 490 2010 Only introduced to us by epithet.
Buchi 031 013 1999
Buffalo 682 N/A 2012
Buggy 009 004 1997 First time mentioned by the Tightrope Walking Funan Bros in Chapter 8.
Buhichuck 446 340 2007
Bunny Joe 546 455 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Bushon 361 251 2005 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Busshiri 391 275 2005 Namanya terungkap dari Color Walk 4.
Byron 501 395 2008


009 007 1997 His name is revealed in Chapter 15 through an infobox.
Caesar Clown (aka Master) 658 581 2012 Namanya terungkap dari Chapter 663.
Calgara 286 187 2006 First time mentioned in Chapter 249.
Cancer 096 045 1999 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Cands 569 N/A 2010 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Capone Bege 498 392 2008
Capote 306 209 2004
Caribou 600 519 2010 First mentioned in Chapter 598
Carne 045 021 1998 Namanya terungkap dari Chapter 53.
Caroline 543 454 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Episode 454.
Carue 109 065 1999
Catacombo 602 522 2010 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Catarina Devon 575 484 2010 Pertama kali dibicarakan Emporio Ivankov di Chapter 538.
Cavendish 704 N/A 2013
Chabo 069 031 1999 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 70.
Chaka 155 091 2000 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 167.
Chappe 668 N/A 2012
Saint Charloss 499 393 2008
Charlotte Linlin (aka Big Mom) 651 571 2012 First mentioned by Kid in Chapter 581. Real name revealed by Pappug in Chapter 610.
Chess 131 078 2000 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 135.
Chesskippa 398 278 2006 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Chew 069 031 1999 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 75.
Chiken 001 505 1997 Name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Chimney 322 229 2004
Chinjao 704 N/A 2013
Chocolat 598 517 2010 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Choi 555 464 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Chouchou 012 006 1997
Chuchun 306 209 2004
Clover 391 275 2005 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 392.
Coby 002 001 1997
Cocoa 598 518 2010 Namanya terungkap dari Demalo Black in Chapter 599.
Cocox 022 018 1998 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Colscon 574 2010 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Comil 289 421 2003 Namanya diberikan pada Cover Chapter 290.
Conis 239 154 2002
Corgi 328 233 2004
Coribou 600 519 2010 First mentioned in Chapter 598
Cosmo 450 N/A 2007 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Cosmos 516 410 2008 Namanya terungkap dari SBS.
Cowboy 180 111 2001 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Crocodile (aka Mr. 0) 126 076 2000 First time mentioned in Chapter 113.
Crocus 102 062 1999
Curiel 552 461 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Moriah di Chapter 562.
Curly Dadan 582 000 2010 First time mentioned in Chapter 440.
D Daddy Dee 079 035 1999 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Databook.
Daidalos 630 550 2011
Daigin 531 432 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Daisy 516 410 2008
Dagama 704 N/A 2013
Dalton 132 080 2000 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 133.
Damask 706 2013
Daruma 611 530 2011 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 611.
Daz Bones (aka Mr. 1) 160 103 2000 His real name was revealed in Chapter 217 by Smoker.
Decalvan Brothers 551 460 2009 Names revealed in Episode 460.
Delacuaji 551 460 2009 His name is revealed in the Green data book.
Demaro Black 598 517 2010 His real name was revealed by a Pacifista in Chapter 601.
Den 616 534 2011
Dellinger 702 N/A 2013

Devil Dias

497 391 2008 His full name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Diamante 700 2013 Doflamingo mentions his name.
Dirt Boss 333 2004 Appears in Gedatsu's side story.
Disco 500 394 2008
Doberman 420 302 2006 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book.
Doc Q 223 146 2002 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 234.
Dogra 582 493 2010 His name was revealed by Dadan in Chapter 584, he is formally identified in Chapter 587.
Doma 551 460 2009
Domino 526 422 2009
Domo-kun 009 1997 Joke Character, appears briefly in Buggy's Crew.
Don Krieg 045 021 1998 First time mentioned by a Marine in Chapter 44, formally introduced through infobox in Chapter 46.
Donovan 318 2004
Donquixote Doflamingo(aka Joker) 233 151 2002
Doran 657 583 2012 His name was revealed in Chapter 665.
Dorry 116 071 2000
Dosun 611 530 2011 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 611.
Dracule Mihawk 049 023 1998 First time mentioned by Gin in 048 under Hawk-Eyes Epithet. Formally introduced through infobox in Chapter 50.
Drip 598 518 2010 His name is revealed in Chapter 603.
Duval 491 386 2008 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 492.
E Eddy 223 146 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Edward Newgate (aka Whitebeard) 234 151 2002 First time mentioned by Smoker in Chapter 157.
Egana 483 375 2007 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Elizaberro II 704 N/A 2013
Elmy 551 460 2009 Her name was revealed in the Green data book.
Emporio Ivankov 537 438 2009 First time mentioned by Bon Kurei in Chapter 532.
Enel 254 167 2002 First time mentioned by Conis in Chapter 241.
Enishida 517 411 2008
Epoida 553 467 2009 His name is revealed in the Green data book.
Erik 167 105 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Eustass Kid 498 392 2008
Eyelashes 162 093 2001
F Farafra 167 105 2001
Fen Bock 668 2012

Fighting Bull

706 N/A 2013
Fighting Lion 706 N/A 2013
Fillonce 608 527 2010 Her name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Fishbonen 594 511 2010 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Fisher Tiger 521 415 2008
Forest Boss 333 2004 Appears in Gedatsu's side story.
Forliewbs 2010 Unseen whitebeard ally, shown in the Green data book.
Fossa 553 461 2009 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Foxy 305 207 2004
Franky (aka Cutty Flam) 329 233 2004 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 335.
Fukaboshi 609 528 2011
Fukuro 375 264 2005
Fullbody 043 020 1998
Funkfreed 365 254 2005
Fuza 241 155 2002 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 248.
G Gaburu 702 N/A 2013
Gaimon 022 018 1998
Gambia 705 N/A 2013
General Galaxy 450 2007 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Galdino (aka Mr. 3) 117 070 2000 His real name was revealed in Chapter 532 by Impel Down Guards.
Gan Fall 237 153 2002
Gatherine 379 266 2005
Gedatsu 241 155 2002 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 254.
Gekko Moriah 449 343 2007
Genbo 249 163 2002 His name was revealed by Wiper in Chapter 251.
Genzo 071 032 1999
George Black 536 436 2009 His name was seen on Impel Down's level 5 prisoner list.
Gin 044 021 1998 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 45.
Gina 318 215 2004
Gode 256 169 2003 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Going Merry 041 017 1998
Gol D. Roger (aka Gold Roger) 001 001 1997 The full name (with a 'D') was revealed by Dr. Kureha in Chapter 154.
Goldfish Princess 189 2001 Appears in Hachi's side story.
Gomorrah 366 256 2005
Gonbe 322 229 2004
Goo 483 375 2007 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book
Gorilla 596 514 2010
Goro 316 N/A 2004 Appears in Gedatsu's side story.
Gram 391 275 2005 Her name revealed in Color Walk 4.
Great Michael 563 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Gyaro 197 (cover page) 394 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book. He is formally introduced through infobox in Chapter 492.
Gyoro 449 343 2007
Gyoru 001 045 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book
Gyro 611 530 2011 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 611
H Hack 391 275 2005 His/Her name revealed in Color Walk 4.
Hajruden 706 N/A 2013
Hakowan 245 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Hamburg 305 207 2004
Hammond 607 526 2010
Hangan 556 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Hanger 097 048 1998 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Hannyabal 525 422 2008
Happa 341 241 2004 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Happygun 2010 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Haredas 523 418 2008 His name was revealed in episode credits. He is formally introduced in the manga in Chapter 592.
Harisenbon 635 2011
Haritsu Kendiyo 594 511 2010 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Haruta 553 461 2009 Name was revealed in a SBS.
Hatchan 069 031 1999
Hattori 323 230 2004
Heat 500 394 2008 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book
Heildion 705 N/A 2013
Helmeppo 003 002 1997
Heppoko 002 001 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Heracles 524 420 2008
Herb 287 187 2003 Her name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Hewitt 223 146 2002 His name is revealed in the Blue data book.
Hideo Usaguchi 518 2008 His face is printed on every 1000 Beli banknote.
Higuma 001 004 1997
Hikoichi 180 111 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Hildon 444 339 2007
Hiluluk 140 085 2000
Hina 171 127 2001
Hiramera 608 527 2010 Her name was revealed in the SBS of Volume 65.
Dr. Ho 213 128 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Hocha 391 275 2005 His name was revealed in One Piece Color Walk 4 Eagle.
Hocker 012 006 1997 Name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Hody Jones 608 527 2010 Officially introducd through an infobox in Chapter 611.
Hoe 611 530 2011 Introduced through an infobox in Chapter 611.
Hogback 446 340 2007 First time mentioned by Hildon in Chapter 444.
Hoichael 371 313 2005
Holy 241 155 2002 His name was revealed by Ohm in Chapter 251.
Hotori 261 171 2003
Humphrey 598 517 2008 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Hustle 060 N/A 1998 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Hyota 196 120 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Hyouzou 607 527 2010 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 610.
I Iceburg 323 230 2004
Ichika 608 527 2010 Introduces herself in Chapter 608.
Ichiro Kumaguchi 518 2008 His face is printed on every 5000 Beli banknote.
Ideaman 055 025 1998 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Ideo 706 N/A 2013
Igaram (aka Mr. 8) 106 064 1999 His real name was revealed introduced by Vivi in Chapter 110.
Ikaros Much 611 530 2011 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 611.
Inazuma 536 438 2009 He reveals his name in Chapter 537.
Indigo 000 429 2009
Inuppe 451 345 2007 His name was revealed in the One Piece Manga Vol. 48.
Ippon-Matsu 097 049 1998
Isa 256 168 2003 Her name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Ishigo Shitemanna 325 231 2004 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Ishilly 608 527 2010 Her name is called out by another mermaid in Chapter 612.
Islewan 553 462 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Issho 701 N/A 2013
Itomimizu 306 209 2004
Ivan X 180 111 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Izo 553 461 2009 His name was revealed in a SBS.
J Jabra 375 264 2005
Jaguar D. Saul 392 275 2005
Jalmack 588 502 2010
Jango 025 009 1998
Jean Ango 706 N/A 2013
Jean Bart 497 391 2008 His name was revealed by Trafalgar Law in Chapter 505.
Jerry 362 253 2005
Jesus Burgess 222 146 2002 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 234.
Jet 704 N/A 2013
Jew Wall 222 145 2002
Jewelry Bonney 498 392 2008
Jigoro 452 346 2007
Jinbe 528 416 2009 First time mentioned by Yosaku in Chapter 69.
Jobo 232 150 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
John 450 344 2007 First time mentioned by Buggy in Chapter 233.
John Giant 096 045 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Johnny 042 019 1998
Jorge 353 248 2005 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Joy Boy 628 2011 His name is read on a Poneglyph by Nico Robin in Chapter 628.
Jozu 234 151 2002
Judy 499 393 2008 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Julius 578 2010 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Junan 611 530 2011 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
K Kadar 622 541 2011
Kagikko 064 N/A 1998 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Kaido 456 351 2007 Has yet to be seen. First time mentioned in Chapter 456.
Kairen 608 527 2010 Her name was revealed in the SBS of Volume 65.
Kairiken 498 392 2008 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Kaku 323 230 2004
Kakukaku 334 237 2004 His name was revealed in the SBS of Chapter 418.
Kalifa 323 230 2004
Kamakiri 249 163 2002
Kaneshiro 072 032 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Kanezenny 398 278 2006 Her name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Kanjuro 700 2013
Kappa 167 105 2001
Karma 553 467 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Kasa 594 511 2010 Her name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Kasagoba 607 527 2010 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Kashi 377 265 2005
Kashigami 287 187 2003
Kaya 023 009 1998 Her name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 24.
Kebi 164 100 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Kechatch 553 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Keimi 195 (cover page) 385 2001 Cover Story character. She is formally introduced in Chapter 490 through an infobox.
Kentauros 180 111 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Kerry Funk 704 N/A 2013
Kerville 379 267 2005 One of three who make up the Baskerville(name was revealed in Chapter 399).
Kibagaeru 306 208 2004 His actual name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Kiev 325 231 2004 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book.
Kiku 515 2008 Name was seen on an arena battle board.
Kikyo 514 408 2008
Killer 498 392 2008
Kinemon 656 2012 Name was revealed in Chapter 664. Introbox was in Chapter 672.
King of Lvneel 292 189 2003 Wasn't given a name.
Kinga 570 484 2010 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Kingdew 562 461 2009 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Kitetsu 097 049 1998 He was only mentioned in Chapter 97 and Episode 49.
Kitton 523 418 2008 His name was revealed in episode credits.
Kiwi 329 233 2004
Kizaru (aka Borsalino) 504 398 2008 First time mentioned by Robin in Chapter 319.
Koala 622 541 2011
Kohza 163 093 2001
Kokoro 322 229 2004
Konbu 657 2012 His name was revealed in Chapter 686
Kong 000 000 2009 He is formally introduced in Chapter 594.
Koda 302 2003 Her name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book
Kop 325 231 2004 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book.
Koshiro 005 019 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Kotori 261 171 2003
Koze 096 048 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Kuina 005 002 1997
Kumadori 375 264 2005
Kumadori Yamanbako 422 2006 This character was only mentioned in a SBS.
Kumashi 449 343 2007
Kureha 134 081 2000
Kuro 023 009 1998 His real name was revealed by Black Cat Pirates in Chapter 26.
Kuromarimo 131 079 2000 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 135.
Kuroobi 069 031 1999 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 75.
Kurotsuru 276 2003 His actual name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Kuzan (aka Aokiji) 303 225 2003 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 318.
Kyros 704 N/A 2013
Kyuji 302 2003 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Kyukyu 334 237 2004 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
L Laboon 102 062 1999 His name was revealed by Crocus in Chapter 103.
Lacroix 550 459 2009 His name was revealed by Marines in Chapter 555.
Lacuba 502 395 2008
Laffitte 234 151 2002
Laki 249 163 2002 Her name was revealed by Wiper in Chapter 251.
Lao G 682 2012
Laskey 393 276 2005 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Lassoo 160 103 2000
Lily 223 146 2002
Lines 044 021 1998 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Lip Doughty 600 519 2010
Little Oars Jr. 554 463 2009
Lola 476 370 2007
Lola (zombie) 451 345 2007
Lord of the Coast 001 004 1997
Louis Arnote 115 N/A 2000 Has yet to be seen. First time mentioned in Chapter 115.
Lucky Roo 001 004 1997 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Lulis 608 527 2010 Her name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
M Machvise 682 2012
Macro 197 (cover page) 386 2001 name was revealed in the Blue data book. He was formally introduced through infobox in Chapter 492.
Colonel Macro 450 2007 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Magellan 528 425 2009 First time mentioned by Hannyabal in Chapter 526.
Magura 582 493 2010 His name was revealed by Dadan in Chapter 584, he is formally identified in Chapter 587.
Maidy 215 129 2002 Her name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Makino 001 004 1997
Makko 216 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Manboshi 609 528 2011
Mani 223 146 2002 Her name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Manjaro 598 518 2010 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Marco 234 151 2002
Margarita 483 375 2007
Marguerite 514 408 2008
Maria Napole 649 2011 Her name is Announced by an unseen announcer in Chapter 649.
Marie 499 393 2008
Marilyn 300 193 2003 Her name was revealed in a SBS.
Marin 500 394 2008
Marmieta 436 2006 Her name was revealed in a SBS.
Marshall D. Teach (aka Blackbeard) 223 146 2002 First time mentioned in Drum in Chapter 133. He is formally introduced through an infobox in Chapter 234.
Mashikaku 098 048 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Masira 219 144 2002
Master of the Waters 319 227 2004
Maynard 705
Mayushika 269 176 2003 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
McGuy 551 460 2009
McKinley 241 155 2002
Meadows 706 N/A
Megalo 605 525 2010 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Mero 608 527 2010 Her name was revealed in the SBS of Volume 65.
Merry 024 011 1998 His name was revealed by Kaya in Chapter 31.
Michael 371 313 2005
Mikazuki 323 230 2004
Mikio Itoo ??? ??? ??? Joke character
Minatomo ??? ??? ??? Joke character
Minister of the Left 612 531 2011 Introduced through an infobox in Chapter 612.
Minister of the Right 612 531 2011 Introduced through an infobox in Chapter 612.
Minochihuahua 662 2012 Introduced on the cover of Chapter 662.
Minokoala 531 432 2009 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 533.
Minorhinoceros 532 433 2009
Minoruba 498 392 2008 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Minotaurus 525 422 2008 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 532.
Minozebra 533 434 2009
Miss Catharine 107 064 1999 Her name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Miss Doublefinger (aka Paula) 160 103 2000 First time mentioned by Vivi in Chapter 155.
Miss Father's day 205 124 2001
Miss Friday 105 063 1999
Miss Goldenweek 117 070 2000
Miss Merry Christmas 160 103 2000 Her name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 160.
Miss Monday 107 064 1999
Miss Mother's Day 155 091 2000 Has yet to be seen. Her name was revealed in Chapter 155.
Miss Saturday 155 091 2000 Has yet to be seen. Her name was revealed in Chapter 155.
Miss Thursday 155 091 2000 Has yet to be seen. Her name was revealed in Chapter 155.
Miss Tuesday 155 091 2000 Has yet to be seen. Her name was revealed in Chapter 155.
Miss Universe 261 N/A 2003 Cover Story character. It is unknown whether the name "Miss Universe" is a title or her actual name.
Miss Valentine 110 065 1999
Mizuira 391 275 2005 Her name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Mizuta Madaisuki 487 380 2008 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Mizuta Mawaritosuki 488 2008 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Mjosgard 625 545 2011 Is introduced through an infobox in Chapter 625.
Moc Donald 447 341 2007 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Mocha 657 2012 Her name was revealed in Chapter 665.
Mochi 274 180 2003 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Moda 278 N/A 2003 Cover Story character.
Mohji 009 006 1997 His name is revealed in Chapter 12 through an infobox.
Mohmoo 073 031 1999
Momonga 420 302 2006 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book. He introduces himself formally in Chapter 516.
Momonosuke 658 2012 Name revealed in Chapter 658.
Monda 306 209 2004
Monet 657 581 2012 Her name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 662.
Monkey D. Dragon 100 052 1999 His name was revealed by Thalassa Lucas in Chapter 142.
Monkey D. Garp 092 (cover page) 068 1999 Cover Story character. He is formally introduced in Chapter 432 through an infobox.
Monkey D. Luffy 001 001 1997
Monstar 001 N/A 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Montblanc Cricket 227 148 2002
Montblanc Noland 286 187 2003 First time mentioned in a book in Chapter 227.
Moodie 043 020 1998 Her name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Morgan 004 002 1997 First time mentioned by Helmeppo in Chapter 3.
Mornin 023 N/A 1998
Motobaro 494 388 2008
Motzel 043 020 1998 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Mounblutain 598 517 2010 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Mousse 287 187 2003
Moyle 272 178 2003 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Mozambia 234 151 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Mozu 329 233 2004
Mr. 4 160 103 2000 First time mentioned by Vivi in Chapter 155.
Mr. 5 110 065 1999
Mr. 6 155 091 2000 Has yet to be seen. His name was revealed in Chapter 155.
Mr. 7 205 124 2001
Mr. 9 103 062 1999
Mr. 10 155 091 2000 Has yet to be seen. His name was revealed in Chapter 155.
Mr. 11 128 079 2000
Mr. 12 155 091 2000 Has yet to be seen. His name was revealed in Chapter 155.
Mr. 13 (aka Unluckies) 105 063 1999
Mr. Beans 106 064 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Mr. Love 206 125 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Mr. Mellow 159 095 2000 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Mr. Shimizu 107 064 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Mummy 706 N/A 2013
Mummy Mee 079 035 1999 Her name is revealed in Blue Databook.
Muret 223 146 2002 Her name was revealed in the Blue data book.
N Dr. Nako 077 032 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Nami 008 001 1997 Her name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 9.
Namur 552 461 2009 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Natto 164 100 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Nefertari Cobra 142 091 2000
Nefertari Titi 215 129 2002 Her name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Nefertari Vivi (aka Miss Wednesday) 103 062 1999 Her real name was revealed by Mr. 5 in Chapter 110.
Negikuma Maria 133 080 2000 Her name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Neptune 611 530 2011 He was fully introduced through infobox in Chapter 611.
Nerine 514 408 2008 Her name was revealed in a SBS.
Nero 367 257 2005
Nezumi 069 031 1999
Nico Olvia 392 275 2005
Nico Robin (aka Miss All Sunday) 114 067 1999 Her real name was revealed by Crocodile in Chapter 177.
Nigeratta 398 278 2006 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Nika 608 527 2010 Introduces herself in Chapter 608.
Nin 449 343 2007
Ninjin 023 009 1998
Ninth 558 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book
Nnke-kun ???? Joke Character
Nojiko 070 031 1999
Nola 255 168 2003 Her name was revealed in the Yellow data book.
Nora Gitsune 598 518 2010 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Nosgarl 2010 Unseen whitebeard ally, shown in the Green data book.
Nugire Yainu 037 010 1998 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Nyon (aka Gloriosa ) 514 408 2008
O Oars 456 350 2007
Octopako 203 531 2001 Cover Story character.
Oolumbus 704 N/A 2013
Ohm 241 155 2002 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 254.
Oimo 377 265 2005
Okame 163 100 2001 Her name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Okome 224 146 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
One-legged Soldier 703 N/A
Onigumo 420 302 2006 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book. He introduced himself formally in Chapter 542.
Oolumbus 704 N/A 2013
Oran 391 275 2005 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Otohime 621 540 2011 First mentioned by Jinbe in Chapter 615.
Outlook III 586 496 2010 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
P Packy 096 048 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Pagaya 239 154 2002
Palms 533 470 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Pandaman 044 ??? 1998 Joke Character, name was revealed in an SBS.
Pandawoman 517 409 2008 Joke Character
Pansy 515 409 2008 Name seen on an arena battle board.
Pantri 287 187 2003
Papaneel 621 540 2011 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Pappug 195 (cover page) 385 2001 Cover Story character. He is formally introduced in Chapter 491 through an infobox.
Pascia 501 395 2008
Patty 044 021 1998
Paulie 323 230 2004
Pavlik 553 477 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Pearl 054 025 1998
Peeply Lulu 323 230 2004
Pekkori 524 421 2008 His name is only mentioned in the anime.
Pekoms 651 2012 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 651.
Pell 155 091 2000 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 167.
Penguin 498 392 2008 His name is revealed in the SBS of volume 62.
Peppoko 002 001 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Perona 443 338 2007
Peterman 499 393 2008
Pickles 309 210 2004
Pierre 238 153 2002
Piiman 023 009 1998
Pisaro 072 032 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Poppoko 002 001 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Poppy 515 409 2008 Name seen on an arena battle board.
Porche 305 207 2004
Porchemy 583 494 2010
Poro 014 008 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Portgas D. Ace 154 091 2000
Portgas D. Rouge 550 000 2009
Potsun 217 130 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Princess 379 267 2005 One of three who make up Baskerville (the name was revealed in Chapter 399).
Pudding Pudding 075 034 1999
Puppu 155 092 2000 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
PX-1 511 403 2008
PX-4 508 401 2008 Its number was revealed in Chapter 511.
PX-5 599 519 2010 Its number was revealed in Chapter 601
PX-7 599 519 2010
R Rakuyo 553 461 2009 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Ramba 551 460 2009 His name is revealed by a Marine in Episode 460
Ran 516 410 2008
Rebecca 704 N/A 2013
Reforte 556 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Reuder 550 459 2009 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Richie 009 006 1997 His name is revealed by Mohji in Chapter 12.
Rika 003 002 1997
Rindo 516 410 2008 Her name was revealed in a SBS.
Rint 391 275 2005 Her name revealed in Color Walk 4.
Ripper 007 003 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Ririka 004 002 1997 Her name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Risky Brothers 475 370 2007
Risky Brothers (zombies) 451 344 2007
Rivers 223 146 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Rob Lucci 327 230 2004
Robson 135 081 2000
Roche 391 275 2005 His name revealed in Color Walk 4.
Roche Tomson 536 436 2009 His or her name was seen on Impel Down level 5 prisoner list.
Rock 665 2012 Name revealed by Brownbeard in Chapter 666.
Rockstar 234 151 2002
Roji 391 275 2005
Rokkaku 004 002 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Ronse 550 459 2009 His name was revealed by Marines in Chapter 556.
Roronoa Zoro 003 001 1997 First time mentioned by Alvida in Chapter 2.
Roshio 222 146 2002
Ross 223 146 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Saint Roswald 496 391 2008
Run 679 2012
Rush 563 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
Ryuboshi 609 528 2011
Ryuma 448 342 2007 His name was revealed by Hogback in Chapter 450.
S Sabo 583 494 2010 First time mentioned by Portgas D. Ace in Chapter 574.
Sadi-chan 531 432 2009
Sakazuki (aka Akainu) 397 278 2006 First time mentioned by Robin in Chapter 319.
Saldeath 530 431 2009
Salome 516 409 2010 Her name is mentioned by Boa Hancock in Chapter 575.
Sam 094 043 1999 Joke Character, name was revealed in a SBS.
Samurai Batts 117 070 2000 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Sancrin 557 456 2009 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Sanji 043 020 1998
Sanjuan Wolf 575 484 2010 First mentioned by Emporio Ivankov in Chapter 538.
Sanka 608 527 2010 Introduces herself in Chapter 608.
Sapi 098 051 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Sarfunkel 620 2011 She appears on the Cover Page of Chapter 620.
Sarkies 222 146 2002 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 223.
Saru 497 391 2008
Satori 241 155 2002 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 246.
Schollzo 325 231 2004 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book.
Scissors 176 110 2001 His name was revealed by Nami in Chapter 180.
Scopper Gaban 000 000 2009 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Scotch 665 2012 Name revealed in Chapter 666.
Scotch 595 513 2010 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Scratchmen Apoo 498 392 2008
Seagull 000 000 2009 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Seamars 411 2007 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Seira 608 527 2010 Her name was revealed in the SBS of Volume 65.
Sengoku 234 151 2002
Senor Pink 682 N/A 2012 Introduced on Chapter 702
Sentomaru 497 401 2008 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 511.
Seto 287 187 2003
Shachi 498 392 2008 His name is revealed in the SBS of volume 62.
Shakuyaku (aka Shakky) 498 392 2008
Saint Shalulia 496 391 2008
Sham 031 013 1998
Shanba 524 419 2008 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Shandian Chief 275 168 2003 Wasn’t given a name.
Shanks 001 003 1997
Sharinguru 428 310 2006 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book.
Shelly 304 207 2004
Shiki 000 426 2009 First time mentioned in Chapter 530.
Shiliew 538 440 2009 He was formally introduced through an infobox in Chapter 542.
Shine 214 128 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Shion 515 2008 Name seen on an arena battle board.
Shioyaki 075 033 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Shirahoshi 612 531 2011 She was formally introduced through an infobox in Chapter 612.
Shoujou 226 147 2002 His name was seen on a wanted poster at One Piece Ten.
Shu 426 309 2006 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book.
Shura 241 155 2002 His name is revealed through an infobox in Chapter 248
Shyarly 610 529 2011 Name revealed through an infobox in Chapter 610.
Sicily 504 398 2008 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Silvers Rayleigh 019 008 1998 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 500.
Sind 657 582 2012 Name was revealed by in Chapter 665.
Sleepy 2010 Unseen whitebeard ally, shown in the Green data book.
Smiley (aka Slime) 668 2012 Name revealed through infobox in Chapter 673.
Smoker 097 048 1998 His name is revealed by a marine in Chapter 97. He is formally introduced through infobox in Chapter 98.
Smoothie 668 2012
Sodom 366 256 2005
Sonieh 318 2004
Sora 608 527 2010 Her name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Soro 003 002 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Spacey (First Lieutenant) 433 2006 Appears on the cover of Chapter 433.
Sai 703 N/A 2013
Spandam 355 249 2005
Spandine 392 275 2005
Spartan 703 N/A 2013
Spector 223 146 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Speed Jiru 553 461 2009 His name was revealed in the SBS of Volume 58.
Sphinx 529 430 2009 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 529.
Splash 610 529 2011
Splatter 610 529 2011
Spoil 448 343 2007 His name was revealed by shadow victims in Chapter 483.
Squard 551 460 2009
Stainless 096 045 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Stalker 524 421 2008
Stansen 500 394 2008 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book
Stefan 563 2009 Appears in the SBS of Chapter 563.
Stelly 586 500 2010
Stevie 361 251 2005 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Stomp 180 111 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Stool 134 081 2000 His name is written on his restaurant.
Strawberry 420 302 2006 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book.
Stronger 223 146 2002
Su 239 154 2002
Suleiman 704 N/A 2013
Surume 604 524 2010 His name is revealed by Luffy (who gave him the name) in Chapter 606.
Sweet Pea 514 408 2008
T Take 075 034 1999
Tamachibi 134 081 2000
Tamago 651 570 2012 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 651.
Tamagon 325 231 2004 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Tamanegi 023 009 1998
Tansui 197 (cover page) 394 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book. He was formally introduced through infobox in Chapter 492.
Tararan 452 346 2007 Name first revealed by Spider Mice after his purification by Brook in Chapter 455.
Taroimo 523 418 2008
Tashigi 096 048 1999 Her name is revealed by Smoker in Chapter 97. She is formally introduced through infobox in Chapter 98.
T-Bone 365 257 2005 First time mentioned by Corgi in Chapter 362.
Terracotta 213 128 2002
Terry 223 146 2002 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Terry Gilteo 440 324 2006 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Teru 1999 He was mentioned in SBS Volume 11.
Thalassa Lucas 142 091 2000 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Thatch 440 325 2006
Tibany 523 419 2008 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Tilestone 323 230 2004 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 336.
Tom 352 248 2005
Tomato Gang ??? ??? ??? Joke Character, name was revealed in a SBS.
Tonjit 304 207 2004
Tony Tony Chopper 134 081 2000
Toto 163 100 2001

Trafalgar Law

498 392 2008
Trébol 700 2013 Baby 5 mentioned his name.
Tsukimi 448 2007 Cover Story character
Tsuru 234 151 2002
Turco 598 517 2010 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Tyrannosaurus 323 230 2004
U Ukkari 004 002 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Ultraking 169 106 2001 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
Unforgivable Mask ??? ??? ??? Joke Character, name was revealed in a SBS.
Unigaro 447 341 2007 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Urouge 498 392 2008
Usopp (aka Sogeking) 023 008 1998
Uzu 658 583 2012 His name was revealed in Chapter 686
V Van Augur 222 146 2002 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 234.
Vander Decken 606 2010 Brook talks about the original Vander Decken in Chapter 606. Later proven to have existed by Vander Decken IX himself in Chapter 625.
Vander Decken IX 606 525 2010 His full name is revealed by Pappug in Chapter 610. He is formally introduced through an infobox in Chapter 613.
Vasco Shot 575 484 2010 First mentioned by Emporio Ivankov in Chapter 538.
Vegapunk 433 315 2006 Has yet to be seen. First time mentioned by Coby in Chapter 433.
Vergo 671 2012 Name was revealed in Chapter 672.
Very Good 426 309 2006 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book.
Victoria Cindry 446 340 2007
Violet 703 N/A 2013
Vista 552 000 2009 His name was revealed by Mihawk in Chapter 561.
Vitan 553 2009 His name was revealed in the Green data book.
W Wadatsumi 606 525 2010 His name is revealed by Vander Decken IX in Chapter 606. He is formally introduced through an infobox in Chapter 613.
Wallem 561 470 2009 Name revealed in the Green Data Book.
Wanze 367 257 2005 First time mentioned by Corgi in Chapter 362.
Wapol 131 079 2000
Warashi 269 176 2003 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Whitey Bay 556 462 2009
Willie Gallon 218 N/A 2002 Has yet to be seen. First time mentioned in Chapter 218.
Wiper 237 153 2002 His name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 249.
Wire 500 394 2008 His name was revealed in the Blue Deep data book.
Woop Slap 001 004 1997 His name was revealed in the Blue data book.
X X Drake 498 392 2008
Y Yama 254 167 2002
Yamakaji 420 302 2006 His name was revealed in the Yellow data book.
Yamenahare 436 2006 His name was revealed in a SBS.
Yarisugi 673 2012 Name was revealed through an infobox in Chapter 673.
Yasopp 001 004 1997 His name was revealed by Luffy in Chapter 25.
Yokozuna 322 228 2004
Yonka 608 527 2010 Introduces herself in Chapter 608.
Yonka Two 608 527 2010 Introduces herself in Chapter 608.
Yorki 103 063 1999 His name was revealed in the Blue data book. He is then formally introduced by Brook in Chapter 486.
Yosaku 042 020 1998
Yoshimoto 157 094 2000 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Yotsubane 269 176 2003 Namanya terungkap dari Blue Deep data book.
Yu 098 048 1999 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Yuki 129 078 2000 Namanya terungkap dari Blue data book.
Yukichi Skull 518 2008 Wajahnya dicetak pada setiap uang kertas 10.000 Berry.
Yurikah 151 N/A 2000 Sampul kisah karakter.
Z Zadie 391 275 2005 Namanya terungkap dari Color Walk 4.
Zambai 324 230 2004 Namanya terungkap dari Franky Family anggota di Chapter 330.
Zeff 043 020 1998
Zeo 611 530 2011 Namanya terungkap melalui infobox di Chapter 611.
Zodia 553 462 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.
Zucca 564 489 2009 Namanya terungkap dari Green data book.

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