Penampilan Di
A |
A.A.A |
Film |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Abi |
Filler |
317 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Akibi |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Rainbow Mist Arc
Akihiro |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Akisu |
Film |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Amanda |
TV spesial |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Anaguma |
Movie |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Ann |
Romance Dawn |
2 |
1996 |
Romance Dawn, Version 2
Aobire |
Filler |
317 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Apis |
Filler |
54 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Arbell |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Aunt |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Ayako |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
B |
Balloon |
Romance Dawn |
2 |
1996 |
Romance Dawn, Version 2
Banban |
Filler |
319 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Barbarossa |
Filler |
97 |
2002 |
Alabasta Arc
Basil |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Bayan |
TV spesial |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Bear King |
Film |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Biera |
Film |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Bigalo |
Film |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Billy (bandit) |
Filler |
135 |
2002 |
Post-Alabasta Arc
Billy (Cook) |
Filler |
196 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Billy the Orca Killer |
Novel |
P.38 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Bismarck |
Film |
5 |
2004 |
Curse of the Sacred Sword
Blyue |
Permainan |
2004 |
Round the Land
Bobby |
Film |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Bokuden |
Filler |
55 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Bonney (Filler) |
TV spesial |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Boo Jack |
Film |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Boo Kong |
Film |
5 |
2004 |
Curse of the Sacred Sword
Borodo |
Film |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Boss |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Brief |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Brindo |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Butler |
Film |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Buzz |
Film |
11 |
2011 |
Straw Hat Chase
C |
Campacino |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Camus |
Filler |
99 |
2002 |
Alabasta Arc
Cannibal |
Filler |
45 |
2000 |
Arlong Arc
Carmen |
Filler |
50 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Carol Masterson |
Filler |
50 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Chip |
Filler |
101 |
2002 |
Alabasta Arc
Chiqicheetah |
Filler |
213 |
2004 |
Davy Back Fight Arc
Corto |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Crescent-Moon Galley (v. 1) |
Romance Dawn |
1 |
1996 |
Romance Dawn, Version 1
Crescent-Moon Galley (v. 2) |
Filler |
48 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Crescent-Moon Galley (v. 3) |
2 |
2008 |
Romance Dawn Story
D |
D.R. |
Filler |
45 |
2000 |
Arlong Arc
Daddy Masterson |
Filler |
50 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Danny |
Film |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Denny |
Film |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Dick |
Filler |
135 |
2002 |
Post-Alabasta Arc
Din |
Permainan |
2002 |
Big Secret Treasure of the Seven Phantom Islands
Dip |
Filler |
101 |
2002 |
Alabasta Arc
DJ Gappa |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Don Accino |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Donny |
Film |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Dontacos |
Filler |
20 |
2000 |
Baratie Arc
Doom Guardian |
Permainan |
2009 |
Unlimited Cruise
Doran (Filler) |
Filler |
382 |
2008 |
Spa Island Arc
Drake (Filler) |
Film |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
E |
Eccoli |
Filler |
51 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
El Drago |
Film |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Eric |
Filler |
54 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Eric Dow |
Filler |
48 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Evil Guardian |
Permainan |
2009 |
Unlimited Adventure
Evil Master Beast |
Permainan |
2009 |
Unlimited Adventure
F |
Fabre |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Flip |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Rainbow Mist Arc
G |
Gaburi |
Game |
2008 |
Unlimited Cruise
Gad |
Game |
2002 |
Big Secret Treasure of the Seven Phantom Islands
Ganzack |
1 |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Ganzo |
Film |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Gasparde |
Film |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Girarin |
Filler |
213 |
2004 |
Davy Back Fight Arc
Glove |
Filler |
309 |
2007 |
Enies Lobby Arc
Golass |
Film |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Gonzo |
Film |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Governor |
TV spesial |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Gowns Brothers |
Filler |
48 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Guyle |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
H |
Hamu |
TV spesial |
1 |
2000 |
Adventure in the Ocean's Navel
Hardy |
Filler |
54 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Harry |
Filler |
135 |
2002 |
Post-Alabasta Arc
Heaby |
Film |
3 |
2003 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Henna Oyag |
Filler |
45 |
2000 |
Arlong Arc
Henzo |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Rainbow Mist Arc
Herring |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Hockera |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Holy |
TV spesial |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Honey Queen |
Film |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Honki |
Film |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Hotdog |
Film |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
I |
Ian |
Filler |
140 |
2003 |
Rainbow Mist Arc
Isoka |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Rainbow Mist Arc
Izaya |
Film |
5 |
2004 |
Curse of the Sacred Sword
J |
Jessica |
Filler |
196 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Jiro |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Joke |
TV spesial |
1 |
2000 |
Adventure in the Ocean's Navel
Jonathan |
Filler |
196 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Jose |
Filler |
51 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Jube |
Filler |
213 |
2004 |
Davy Back Fight Arc
K |
Kamonegi |
Filler |
93 |
2001 |
Arabasta Arc
Karasuke |
Film |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Kerodeek |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Keroji |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Keroko |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Keroshot |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Kibin |
Filler |
475 |
2010 |
Marineford Arc
Killer Giant |
Filler |
48 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Koba K |
Film |
9 |
2008 |
Episode of Chopper Plus
Kobato |
Filler |
198 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Kodama |
Filler |
134 |
2002 |
Post-Alabasta Arc
Kotetsu |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
L |
Lago |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Lake |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Rainbow Mist Arc
Laquos |
Film |
5 |
2004 |
Curse of the Sacred Sword
Largo |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Leo |
Filler |
51 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Lilo |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Lily Carnation |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Lina |
Filler |
382 |
2008 |
Spa Island Arc
Lola |
TV spesial |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Luigia |
Filler |
427 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
M |
Maccus |
TV spesial |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Maji |
Film |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Mao |
Filler |
406 |
2009 |
Marley Brothers |
Filler |
197 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Mashikaku |
Filler |
213 |
2004 |
Davy Back Fight Arc
Maya |
Film |
5 |
2004 |
Curse of the Sacred Sword
Medaka |
1 |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Mekao |
Filler |
196 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Mendo |
Filler |
427 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Meroie |
TV spesial |
1 |
2000 |
Adventure in the Ocean's Navel
Milia |
TV spesial |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Minchey |
Filler |
136 |
2002 |
Goat Island Arc
Mitsuboshi |
Filler |
427 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Mobambi |
Film |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Moore |
Filler |
136 |
2002 |
Goat Island Arc
Moray Eel Brothers |
Teater |
1 |
2004 |
Orchestra of the Sea
Muchigoro |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Musshuru |
Film |
9 |
2008 |
Episode of Chopper Plus
N |
Naguri |
Filler |
498 |
2011 |
Post-War Arc
Needless |
Film |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Nelson Royale |
Filler |
54 |
2001 |
Warship Island Arc
Niphtal |
Permainan |
2002 |
Big Secret Treasure of the Seven Phantom Islands
Noko |
Filler |
220 |
2005 |
Ocean's Dream Arc
Nukki |
Filler |
382 |
2008 |
Spa Island Arc
O |
Odama |
Filler |
134 |
2002 |
Post-Alabasta Arc
Olive |
Filler |
446 |
2010 |
Impel Down Arc
Omatsuri |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
P |
Parrot |
Film |
3 |
2002 |
Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals
Pin Joker |
Film |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Plesiosaur |
1 |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Pochi |
Filler |
493 |
2011 |
Post-War Arc
Pogo |
Film |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Popo |
Filler |
101 |
2002 |
Alabasta Arc
Popola |
Permainan |
2007 |
Unlimited Adventure
Pukau |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Rainbow Mist Arc
Puzzle |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
R |
Race |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Randolph |
TV spesial |
3 |
2003 |
Protect! The Last Great Performance
Raoul |
Filler |
48 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Rapanui Pasqua |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Rainbow Mist Arc
Rasa |
Filler |
97 |
2002 |
Alabasta Arc
Ratchet |
Film |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Rice Rice |
Filler |
132 |
2002 |
Post-Alabasta Arc
Rittonto |
Filler |
219 |
2005 |
Davy Back Fight Arc
Roba |
Film |
7 |
2006 |
The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle
Rokai |
Permainan |
2001 |
Set Sail Pirate Crew!
Rongo |
Filler |
139 |
2003 |
Rainbow Mist Arc
Rozalio |
Film |
6 |
2005 |
Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island
Ryudo |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
S |
Saga |
Film |
5 |
2004 |
Curse of the Sacred Sword
Salchow |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Sayo |
Filler |
382 |
2008 |
Spa Island Arc
Schneider |
Film |
11 |
2011 |
Straw Hat Chase
Scorpion |
Filler |
101 |
2002 |
Alabasta Arc
Shepherd |
Filler |
199 |
2004 |
G-8 Arc
Sherlock Loomes |
Teater |
13 |
2011 |
Detective Loomes
Shichiseiken |
Film |
5 |
2004 |
Curse of the Sacred Sword
Sho |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Shuraiya Bascùd |
Film |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Shutai |
Filler |
51 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Silver-Silver |
Filler |
48 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Silk |
Romance Dawn |
1 |
1996 |
Romance Dawn, Version 1
Silver-Silver |
Filler |
48 |
2000 |
Loguetown Arc
Simon |
Permainan |
2002 |
Big Secret Treasure of the Seven Phantom Islands
Skid |
1 |
1998 |
One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack
Skullface |
Permainan |
2001 |
Set Sail Pirate Crew!
Skunk One |
Film |
2 |
2001 |
Clockwork Island Adventure
Soran |
Filler |
420 |
2009 |
Amazon Lily Arc
Spiel |
Romance Dawn |
2 |
1996 |
Romance Dawn, Version 2
Stansen |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Sutton |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
T |
Tajio |
Filler |
133 |
2002 |
Post-Alabasta Arc
Tobio |
Film |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Tohenbok |
Filler |
20 |
2000 |
Baratie Arc
Toma |
Film |
5 |
2004 |
Curse of the Sacred Sword
Troff |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Tsubaki |
Teater |
3 |
2005 |
Report Time
U |
Usanksai |
Filler |
20 |
2000 |
Baratie Arc
V |
Vigaro |
Filler |
326 |
2007 |
Ice Hunter Arc
Vivi-yan |
Teater |
2 |
2002 |
4-Panel Comic Strips
W |
Wetton |
Filler |
140 |
2003 |
Rainbow Mist Arc
Wild Joe |
Filler |
45 |
2000 |
Arlong Arc
Willy |
Film |
4 |
2003 |
Dead End Adventure
Woonan |
Film |
1 |
2000 |
One Piece: The Movie
Y |
Yami |
Permainan |
2008 |
Unlimited Cruise
Yoko |
Filler |
426 |
2009 |
Little East Blue Arc
Yoko (Water 7) |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Yukimura |
Filler |
464 |
2010 |
Marineford Arc
Yuya |
Filler |
318 |
2007 |
Water 7 Arc
Z |
Zaba |
Filler |
98 |
2002 |
Alabasta Arc
Zabal |
Permainan |
2002 |
Big Secret Treasure of the Seven Phantom Islands
Zap |
TV spesial |
2 |
2003 |
A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream
Zenny |
Filler |
136 |
2002 |
Goat Island Arc