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Duel di Pulau Banaro[1] adalah pertempuran antara Marshall D. Teach dan Portgas D. Ace yang memulai Perang Puncak Marineford.


Many years ago, Marshall D. Teach read in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia about the Yami Yami no Mi and started searching for it. He believed that by joining the Whitebeard Pirates he had a better chance of finding it. He joined the 2nd division, and Portgas D. Ace became his division commander less than 5 years ago. More than 2 years ago, the 4th division commander Thatch found the Devil Fruit Teach was searching for, and the ship's rule was that anybody that finds a Devil Fruit has the right to eat it. For that matter, Teach murdered Thatch and stole the fruit before fleeing. Because Teach violated one of the ship's rules, to not kill a comrade, the 2nd division commander, Ace took responsibility for Teach's actions and started to search for his former comrade.

After defecting from the Whitebeard Pirates, Teach then quickly formed his own pirate crew, which was small but consisted of powerful members. He began calling himself "Blackbeard" and his crew the "Blackbeard Pirates". He then learns of Crocodile's defeat and dismissal from the Seven Warlords of the Sea, so he made plans to become Crocodile's replacement in order to further his goals.

The Duel[]

The Blackbeard Pirates invaded the small Banaro Island, in which Ace finally found Blackbeard. As Ace sat on the building, Blackbeard greeted him as his former commander, but Ace deemed that an insult because of the former's actions. Despite this, Blackbeard asked if Ace would join his crew so they could capture Straw Hat Luffy. Ace refused, stating that Luffy is his little brother, much to the former's surprise, and he will not allow Teach to hurt or kill him. Van Augur shot at Ace with his gun, but the bullets went through Ace, who countered with his Higan. Jesus Burgess lifted a building and attempted to smash Ace with it, only for him to use his Mera Mera no Mi ability to destroy the building with his Hibashira. While Blackbeard angrily told his crew to stand down as they are no match for that man, they all get hit by Ace's Hiken. When Blackbeard stood up, he ordered his crew to leave the town while he took care of Ace. Blackbeard explained why he killed Thatch and unleashed a dark shroud exclaiming "Ace, you are fire... I am darkness!!"[2]

Blackbeard proceeded to use his Yami Yami no Mi powers to swallow the town, intentionally missing Ace, then violently releasing the remains of the town with the dark aura around him swirling as a demonstration of his power. However, Ace was apparently unimpressed, and used his Hotarubi: Hirudama technique, only to be mildly surprised that the attack could not just pass through him as he is a Logia Devil Fruit user. After the initial shock of the attack, Blackbeard consumed the flames with his dark aura, stood up and explained that his power made him absorb everything, including knives, punches, flames, lightning, and that in fact, he perhaps took even more damage than a normal human. However, he stated there was another thing he could absorb, and demonstrated this by using his Kurozu technique to grab Ace's body (causing his hat to fly away from his head) and activate the Yami Yami no Mi's most devastating feature: the power to nullify any Devil Fruit's powers upon touch. After Ace realized he could not use his Logia fruit powers, Blackbeard delivered a powerful punch to his stomach, smashing him onto the remains of the town. Blood came spilling out of Ace's mouth, realizing he felt pain for the first time in a long while.[3]

Blackbeard gloated that after exposing the "weakness" of all the so-called overconfident Devil Fruit users, he could not be defeated, because his ability was truly the power of the "Devil". However, Ace pointed out that it would only work if Blackbeard touched him, to which Blackbeard countered by saying he had already proved that Ace could not escape him, and used his Kurozu technique to attempt to draw him in and grab him again, but Ace fought otherwise, and countered by throwing his Shinka: Shiranui technique in the form of two fire lances into Blackbeard's chest, forcing him to punch Ace on his neck. Ace was again thrown into the town's remains as Blackbeard attempted to consume the flames with his powers. Ace realized that if he took a hit like that again, Blackbeard would break his neck, and immediately retaliated from a distance with his Juujika technique, as Blackbeard, after successfully consuming the flames from the previous attack, took it head on.

Saat pertempuran berkecamuk, Batu Banaro runtuh karena jumlah kekuatan yang digunakan kedua petarung. Baik Ace maupun Blackbeard kelelahan, tetapi tampaknya Ace benar-benar kelelahan. Blackbeard memberinya satu kesempatan terakhir untuk bergabung dengan krunya, tetapi Ace, yang keras kepala dan bertekad sampai akhir, menolaknya. Blackbeard, yang terkesan dengan kekuatannya, mengungkapkan kekecewaannya yang ringan dan mengatakan bahwa dunia bisa saja menjadi milik mereka, sebelum melepaskan selubung gelap yang besar. Ace pada saat yang sama melepaskan teknik pamungkasnya sendiri: Dai Enkai: Entei. Keduanya bersiap untuk bertarung sampai mati, "Matahari" dan "Kegelapan" saling beradu, membentuk ledakan energi besar yang hampir menghabiskan seluruh Pulau Banaro.[4]


Pada akhirnya, Ace dikalahkan dan ditangkap oleh Blackbeard dan krunya, yang kemudian menyerahkannya ke Marinir.[5] Sebagai hasilnya, Blackbeard diberikan keanggotaan ke dalam Tujuh Panglima Perang sementara Ace dikirim ke Impel Down, dan kemudian dijadwalkan untuk dieksekusi.[6]

Edward Newgate, kapten Ace, terkenal karena cintanya pada rekan-rekannya, dan karena itu ia bersiap untuk berperang demi menyelamatkan "putranya". Shirohige mengumpulkan 43 kru bajak laut dari Dunia Baru. Sengoku meramalkan tindakan bajak laut itu, jadi ia memanggil semua pasukan Marinir terkuat di Marineford dan Tujuh Panglima Perang Laut. Boa Hancock diancam akan dicabut gelarnya jika ia menolak untuk berpartisipasi dalam pertempuran itu dan Jinbe dipenjara di Impel Down karena menolak untuk berperang dalam perang yang akan datang karena persahabatannya dengan Shirohige.

Hancock akhirnya setuju untuk berpartisipasi dalam perang untuk menyelundupkan Monkey D. Luffy ke Impel Down. Penyusupan itu berhasil, tetapi Luffy akhirnya dikalahkan oleh Magellan, diracuni oleh kekuatannya dan dipenjarakan hingga Level 5. Luffy diselamatkan oleh hormon ketegangan milik Emporio Ivankov, tetapi pada saat ia pulih Ace sudah dibawa ke Marineford. Ia mengumpulkan sekutu dan membuat pelarian terbesar dalam sejarah Impel Down, melarikan diri bersama dengan 271 tahanan lainnya, pelarian pertama sejak pelarian Shiki 20 tahun sebelumnya.

Sementara itu, Teach memanfaatkan keuntungan dari gelar Panglima Perangnya untuk masuk ke Impel Down. Dia menggunakan kekacauan yang diciptakan oleh pelarian Luffy untuk mencapai Level 6, mengalahkan Magellan dan merekrut empat penjahat paling jahat yang pernah dipenjara dan sipir penjara Shiryu.

Selama Perang Terbaik, Blackbeard muncul kembali bersama dengan kru barunya dari Impel Down, membunuh Whitebeard yang sudah hampir mati, dan mencuri kekuatan buah iblisnya melalui cara yang tidak diketahui untuk menjadi orang pertama yang diketahui memiliki dua kekuatan buah iblis. Satu tahun setelah pertempuran Marineford, Bajak Laut Blackbeard bertempur lagi melawan sisa-sisa Bajak Laut Whitebeard yang dipimpin oleh mantan komandan divisi pertama Marco dalam Perang Pembalasan, yang berakhir dengan kekalahan telak bagi Marco dan sekutunya. Setelah insiden ini Blackbeard mulai dicap sebagai Kaisar dan menggunakan pengetahuannya tentang bekas wilayah Whitebeard untuk mengklaim sebagian besar dari mereka.

Setelah kematian Edward Newgate, eranya pun berakhir. Dua marinir legendaris, Sengoku dan Monkey D. Garp meninggalkan Marinir, menganggap bahwa era mereka berakhir bersamaan dengan kematian Whitebeard. Dengan kematian Ace, saudara angkatnya, Luffy, menyadari bahwa ia terlalu lemah untuk Dunia Baru, jadi ia memutuskan untuk membubarkan Bajak Laut Topi Jerami agar dapat berlatih selama dua tahun. Dua tahun kemudian, Bajak Laut Topi Jerami bersatu kembali dan akhirnya berangkat ke Dunia Baru.


  1. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 46 Chapter 441 (p. 19) dan Episode 325, Duel di Pulau Banaro diberi nama.
  2. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 45 Chapter 440 dan Episode 325, The battle between Blackbeard and Ace begins.
  3. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 46 Chapter 441 dan Episode 325, Blackbeard displays the powers of his Devil Fruit.
  4. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 46 Chapter 441 dan Episode 325, Pertempuran berakhir.
  5. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 49 Chapter 474 (p. 12) dan Episode 369, Pemenang pertempuran terungkap.
  6. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 50 Chapter 486 (p. 3) dan Episode 378, Ace dikirim dan dipenjara di Impel Down.

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