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Eyecatcher (アイキャッチ, Aikyatchi?) juga dikenal sebagai bumper, adalah segmen yang digunakan untuk mengalihkan program TV ke dan dari jeda iklan regulernya. Segmen ini cenderung sangat rumit untuk acara anime dan tokusatsu, yang sering kali dibuat dengan rekaman dan audio asli (tidak seperti kebanyakan acara Barat, yang menggunakan kembali rekaman dan audio yang sudah ada dari penyiar jaringan).

Seperti kebanyakan anime berdurasi setengah jam, One Piece ditayangkan dengan satu jeda iklan per episode, yang sesuai dengan dua eyecatcher. Seiring berjalannya waktu, banyak eyecatcher berbeda telah ditayangkan, meskipun hampir semuanya menyoroti satu Topi Jerami bersama dengan leitmotif yang unik.

Set Pertama

Penangkapan pertama Topi Jerami

Latar belakang yang digunakan oleh kelompok Eyecatcher pertama. Perhatikan "RED LINE" dan "GRAND LINE" pada papan penunjuk jalan.

Format eyecatcher pertama membentang dari Romance Dawn Arc ke G-8 Arc (Episode 1 ke Episode 206): Bajak Laut Topi Jerami berdiri di pantai sambil menyaksikan matahari terbenam di samping Going Merry, sementara poster pencarian (berbeda dari yang ada di dalam cerita) berkibar tertiup angin, sampai salah satu anggota Topi Jerami terlihat.

(Awalnya, pantai hanya menggambarkan lima Topi Jerami pertama—Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, dan Sanji. Chopper ditambahkan pada Episode 90, sementara Robin ditambahkan pada Episode 130.)

Selama Alabasta Saga, Nefertari Vivi dan Karoo menerima penarik perhatian bersama, lengkap dengan motif utama mereka sendiri (meskipun mereka tidak pernah digambarkan di antara tokoh-tokoh di pantai). Ini dihentikan setelah mereka benar-benar berpisah dengan kru di Episode 130.

Penampakan Pertama Setiap Eyecatcher

Karakter Penampilan Pertama
Monkey D. Luffy Episode 1
Roronoa Zoro Episode 3
Nami Episode 8
Usopp Episode 17
Sanji Episode 20
Nefertari Vivi dan Karoo Episode 67
Tony Tony Chopper Episode 90
Nico Robin Episode 131

Akhir Set Pertama

Luffy eyecatcher poster
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Luffy.
Zoro eyecatcher poster
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Zoro.
Nami eyecatcher poster
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Nami.
Usopp eyecatcher poster
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Usopp.
Sanji eyecatcher poster
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Sanji.
Vivi eyecatcher poster
Akhir dari eyecatcher Vivi dan Karoo.
Chopper eyecatcher poster
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Chopper.
Robin eyecatcher poster
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Robin.

Edisi Khusus

Pada tahun 2012, serial ini mulai ditayangkan ulang dari Episode 1, dalam "Edisi Khusus" yang me-remaster resolusi asli 4:3 (NTSC) menjadi 16:9 (HDTV). Eyecatcher dipotong sesuai dengan itu, di bagian atas layar, tetapi tidak berubah. Dalam 47 episode pertama, tanda kata "Edisi Khusus" dalam katakana Jepang (yang kemudian dihapus dalam cetakan digital) ditambahkan ke logo One Piece.

(Karena edisi ini berhenti di Episode 53, hanya lima eyecatcher pertama dari Topi Jerami yang di-remaster. Episode lainnya hanya dapat disaksikan secara internasional.)

Luffy Eyecatcher Special Edition
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Luffy di Edisi Spesial.
Zoro Eyecatcher Special Edition
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Zoro di Edisi Spesial.
Nami Eyecatcher Special Edition
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Nami di Edisi Spesial.
Usopp Eyecatcher Special Edition
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Usopp di Edisi Spesial.
Sanji Eyecatcher Special Edition
Akhir dari eyecatcher pertama Sanji di Edisi Spesial.

Set Kedua

Format eyecatcher kedua membentang dari Arc Long Ring Long Land hingga Arc Post-War (Episode 207 hingga Episode 516), yang menutup era pra-timeskip secara keseluruhan: Topi Jerami tertentu diamati melalui teleskop, dan akhirnya bereaksi, kemudian teleskop mengarah ke beberapa item yang mewakili mereka.

Khususnya, eyecatcher ini adalah yang pertama menampilkan Franky dan Brook, lengkap dengan motif utama baru; selain itu, mereka menggunakan motif utama yang sama seperti set pertama.

Aktivitas, item khusus untuk setiap anggota kru dan penampilan pertama setiap eyecatcher

Karakter Aksi Barang Spesial Penampilan Pertama
Monkey D. Luffy Memberikan senyum lebar pada teleskop. Topi dan rompi miliknya. Episode 207
Roronoa Zoro Menguap, lalu menatap teleskop dengan pandangan agak jengkel. Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu, dan Yubashiri (digantikan oleh Shusui nanti). Episode 244; diperbarui di Episode 381
Nami Menangkap uang kertas Beli10.000 yang jatuh, lalu menatap teleskop dengan pandangan pelit. Sebuah kincir angin, beberapa jeruk keprok, dan sebuah peta (dengan kompas, kotak pengukur, dan pena). Episode 244
Usopp Membuka lensa kacamata, berkedip, lalu melepas kacamatanya sambil tersenyum. Kacamata penembak jitu dan papan panah yang terisi penuh dengan cepat (keduanya tergantung di pohon di luar rumah besar milik Kaya). Episode 246
Sanji Menggerakkan alisnya, lalu menghisap rokoknya, tersenyum, dan menutupi teleskop dengan tangan kirinya. Makanan yang dimasak. Episode 246
Tony Tony Chopper Memeriksa teleskop, panik saat menyadari dirinya tengah diawasi, dan berlari untuk "bersembunyi" dengan gaya mundur khasnya. pohon sakura dan paket medisnya. Episode 245
Nico Robin Berbalik dan tersenyum lembut dari balik bahunya. Satu set buku, satu terbalik sendiri saat roda lengan mekarnya di atas. Episode 243
Franky Menggoyangkan rambutnya, menyeringai, lalu melompat mundur untuk melakukan pose khasnya "Super". Dua botol cola di antara serangkaian roda gigi dan pipa berlabel "BF"; setelah kedua botol membuka tutupnya, dua pipa bocor. Episode 330
Brook Berbalik sambil menyeringai, sementara teleskop memperbesar gambarnya dan memperlihatkan dia berlari melintasi air sambil melepas topinya. Biolanya, diletakkan di samping beberapa lembar musik dan meja yang disiapkan untuk teh sore. Episode 381

The Straw Hats in the Second Set

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Luffy in his second eyecatcher.
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Zoro in his second eyecatcher.
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Nami in her second eyecatcher.
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Usopp in his second eyecatcher.
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Sanji in his second eyecatcher.
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Chopper in his second eyecatcher.
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Robin in her second eyecatcher.
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Franky in his first eyecatcher.
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Brook in his first eyecatcher.

The Items in the Second Set

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Luffy's items in his second eyecatcher.
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Zoro's items in his second eyecatcher (first version).
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Zoro's items in his second eyecatcher (second version).
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Nami's items in her second eyecatcher.
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Usopp's items in his second eyecatcher.
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Sanji's items in his second eyecatcher.
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Chopper's items in his second eyecatcher.
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Robin's items in her second eyecatcher.
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Franky's items in his first eyecatcher.
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Brook's items in his first eyecatcher.

Third Set

The third eyecatcher format, opening the post-timeskip era, spans from the Return to Sabaody Arc to the Dressrosa Arc (Episode 517 to Episode 746): something belonging to a specific Straw Hat is depicted on a counter (beside some coins), while all of the Straw Hats' shadows file past, until the last in line steps into view, picks up the item, and joins the others outside the Thousand Sunny. This format is notably more focused on the Straw Hats as a collective, retiring the previous eyecatchers' individualized leitmotifs in favor of a new melody for the entire crew.

In addition, a tenth "supplementary" eyecatcher closes each commercial break from Episode 535 on; this eyecatcher does not focus on any of the Straw Hats, but instead depicts the series logo assembling itself piece by piece.

(From Episode 579 on, the melody was adjusted to sound more "adventurous", with heavier emphasis on the brass instruments.)

Activity and First Appearance of Each Eyecatcher

Character Activity Special Items First Appearance
Monkey D. Luffy Luffy's straw hat is on a table with some coins. On the wall next to it there is a map and the shadows of all the Straw Hat Pirates passing by in this order: Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Chopper, Sanji, Franky, Robin and then Luffy passes while picking up his straw hat. The eyecatcher then switches to an image of the Straw Hat Pirates on a shore next to the Thousand Sunny. Luffy's straw hat Episode 517
Roronoa Zoro Zoro's Wado Ichimonji on a table with some coins. On the wall next to them there is a map and the shadows of all the Straw Hat Pirates passing by in this order: Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Chopper, Sanji, Franky, Robin and then Zoro passes while picking up his sword. The eyecatcher then switches to an image of the Straw Hat Pirates on a shore next to the Thousand Sunny. Zoro's sword, Wado Ichimonji Episode 533
Nami Nami's Log Pose on a table with a map and some coins. On the wall next to it there is a map and the shadows of all the Straw Hat Pirates passing by in this order: Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Brook, Chopper, Sanji, Franky, Robin and then Nami passes while picking up her old Log Pose. The eyecatcher then switches to an image of the Straw Hat Pirates on a shore next to the Thousand Sunny. Nami's Log Pose Episode 539
Usopp Usopp's Kuro Kabuto on a table with some pop green and some coins. On the wall next to them there is a map and the shadows of all the Straw Hat Pirates passing by in this order: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Brook, Chopper, Sanji, Franky, Robin and then Usopp passes while picking up his slingshot. The eyecatcher then switches to an image of the Straw Hat Pirates on a shore next to the Thousand Sunny. Usopp's Kuro Kabuto and some pop green Episode 579
Sanji Sanji's suit jacket is on a table with some coins. On the wall next to it there is a map and the shadows of all the Straw Hat Pirates passing by in this order: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Chopper, Franky, Robin and then Sanji passes while picking up his jacket. The eyecatcher then switches to an image of the Straw Hat Pirates on a shore next to the Thousand Sunny. Sanji's suit jacket Episode 551
Tony Tony Chopper Chopper's medicine bag on a table with some purple flowers and coins. On the wall next to it there is a map and the shadows of all the Straw Hat Pirates passing by in this order: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Sanji, Franky, Robin and then Chopper passes while picking up his bag. The eyecatcher then switches to an image of the Straw Hat Pirates on a shore next to the Thousand Sunny. Chopper's medicine bag Episode 533
Nico Robin Robin's books on a table with some coins. On the wall next to it there is a map and the shadows of all the Straw Hat Pirates passing by in this order: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Chopper, Sanji, Franky, and then Robin passes while picking up a book. The eyecatcher then switches to an image of the Straw Hat Pirates on a shore next to the Thousand Sunny. Robin's books Episode 554
Franky Franky's cola bottles on a table with some coins. On the wall next to them there is a map and the shadows of all the Straw Hat Pirates passing by in this order: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Chopper, Sanji, Robin and then Franky passes by while picking up a bottle. The eyecatcher then switches to an image of the Straw Hat Pirates on a shore next to the Thousand Sunny. Franky's cola bottles Episode 534
Brook Brook's violin on a table with some coins. On the wall next to it there is a map and the shadows of all the Straw Hat Pirates passing by in this order: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Sanji, Franky, Robin, and then Brook passes while picking up his violin. The eyecatcher then switches to an image of the Straw Hat Pirates on a shore next to the Thousand Sunny. Brook's violin Episode 538
One Piece Logo Luffy's straw hat is flying in the wind while a figure of Luffy is trying to catch it. At the same time the One Piece logo is being built. Luffy's figure with the straw hat lands in the section in the word 'Piece' where the "i" should be, and then the background changes from a sky with clouds to a colorful map as the One Piece logo is completely built. --- Episode 535

The Special Items in the Third Set

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Luffy picking up his straw hat.
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Zoro picking up his sword.
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Nami picking up her Log Pose.
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Usopp picking up his slingshot.
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Sanji picking up his suit jacket.
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Chopper picking up his bag.
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Robin picking up her book.
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Franky picking up his cola bottle.
Berkas:Brook 3rd eyecatcher.png
Brook picking up his violin.

The End of the Third Set

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The end of the personal eyecatchers in the third set of eyecatchers.
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The end of the One Piece Logo eyecatcher.

Fourth Set

From Episode 747 to Episode 891, and during the Cidre Guild Arc, the eyecatchers have changed. The eyecatchers have their own unique background depending on what character is being used, and each character has the same tune that was used in the first two sets of eyecatchers. Each eyecatcher starts with the News Coo flying over the ocean before transitioning to one of the Straw Hat Pirates' wanted posters, including ones of non-Straw Hat members Bartolomeo and Law.

This is the second time that the wanted posters are being used for the eyecatchers, although the bounties and pictures have been updated to the current wanted posters.

Activity and First Appearance of Each Eyecatcher

Character Activity Special Backgrounds First Appearance
Monkey D. Luffy Luffy's hometown in the background. With Luffy's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen showing us his bounty picture. Foosha Village Episode 747; updated in Episode 879
Roronoa Zoro Zoro's village in the background. With Zoro's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen showing us his bounty picture. Shimotsuki Village Episode 749
Nami Nojiko delivers tangerines to Genzo's office in the background. With Nami's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen showing us her bounty picture. Genzo's office in Cocoyasi Village Episode 757
Usopp On the road to Syrup Village, the former Usopp Pirates and Kaya are in the background. With Usopp's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen showing us his bounty picture. Syrup Village Episode 753
Sanji Baratie and Nasugasira are shown in the background. With Sanji's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen showing us his bounty picture. Baratie and Nasugasira Episode 756
Tony Tony Chopper The castle on the foot of the Drum Rockies, with the mountains behind it are shown in the background. With Chopper's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen showing us his bounty picture. The castle at the foot of the Drum Rockies. Episode 756
Nico Robin A Poneglyph and the Orrery that was in the Tree of Knowledge are shown in the background. With Robin's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen showing us her bounty picture. A Poneglyph and the Orrery in the Tree of Knowledge. Episode 753
Franky Mozu and Kiwi are in a bar. With Franky's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen showing us his bounty picture. Mozu and Kiwi Episode 760
Brook Crocus' empty chair on Twin Cape is shown. With Brook's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen showing us his bounty picture. Twin Cape Episode 763
Bartolomeo Going Luffy-senpai docked; the setting is a recreation of the scene from the first eyecatchers, with Bartolomeo's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen, showing us his bounty picture. Going Luffy-senpai Episode 747
Trafalgar Law Polar Tang traveling with the current, with Law's current bounty traveling along the wind before hitting the screen, showing us his bounty picture. Polar Tang Episode 749

The Special Backgrounds in the Fourth Set

The Wanted Posters in the Fourth Set

Fifth Set

From Episode 892 to Episode 980, the eyecatchers have changed. The eyecatchers only have two versions, featuring Monkey D. Luffy and Roronoa Zoro. Both eyecatcher starts with a close up and a character preparing for an attack. After a pause, the screen is attacked and disappear in a white flash following by an end card of the Straw Hat Pirates in Wano Country.

Activity and First Appearance of Each Eyecatcher

Character Activity End card First Appearance
Monkey D. Luffy Luffy coats his fist in Haki and punches the screen. The Straw Hat Pirates' outfits in Wano Country. Episode 892
Roronoa Zoro Zoro takes out his swords and slashes the screen apart. The Straw Hats with Kaidou in the background. Episode 892

The Fifth Set

The End card in the Fifth Set of Eyecatchers

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The Straw Hats in Wano.
Berkas:Zoro fifth Eyecatcher End.png
The Straw Hats and Kaidou.

Sixth Set

From Episode 981 to Episode 1028, the eyecatchers have changed.

The first eyecatcher features the Straw Hats, except for Zoro and Sanji, in the order they joined the crew running in front of a paper divider. Luffy then turns back, and look around with Sanji's silhouette appearing behind the divider, and Luffy turns and punch the divider before the screen flashes white and an image of the Straw Hats in their raid on Onigashima outfits standing in front of the Thousand Sunny is shown.

The second eyecatcher shows Sanji swooning over two ladies sitting in front of a paper divider, before the divider behind him is cut by Zoro, and the pieces fly across the screen to show an image of the Nine Red Scabbards and Izou in the snow under the full moon.

The Sixth Set

The End card in the Sixth Set

Seventh Set

From Episode 1031 to Episode 1085, the eyecatchers have changed.

The first eyecatcher features Luffy opening his eye and gleefully jumping in the air, stretching his arm to pull Momonosuke to sit on his head as they are both grinning at each other. A rendition of the a Hanafuda card with a character fly in to cover the pair.

The second eyecatcher shows the Nine Red Scabbards, with Izou replacing Kanjuro, standing behind Momonosuke under the moon light as the camera zooms in on Momonosuke as he turns and the Straw Hat Pirates are reflected in his eye before the crew is shown standing with their backs turned and watching the sunrise. A rendition of a Hanafuda card with a character fly in to cover the crew.

Activity and First Appearance of Each Eyecatcher

Character Activity Hanafuda Card First Appearance
Monkey D. Luffy Luffy riding on the back of a boar. Boar Episode 1031
Roronoa Zoro Zoro laughing and drinking sake. Sake cup Episode 1031
Nami Nami sitting on a branch with Zeus. Bush warbler Episode 1034
Usopp Usopp passing through a curtain. Curtain Episode 1038
Sanji Sanji along a flying cuckoo. Cuckoo Episode 1039
Tony Tony Chopper Chopper collecting exfoliated leaves Deer Episode 1065
Nico Robin Robin using her Hana Hana no Mi to fly next to two butterflies. Butterflies Episode 1042
Franky Franky doing his pose with the Thousand Sunny in the background. Eight-plank bridge Episode 1041
Brook Brook playing the violin to a crane. Crane and Sun Episode 1043
Jinbe Jinbe swimming with a school of fish. Chinese phoenix Episode 1040
Yamato Yamato walking and reading Oden's Logbook. Ono no Michikaze Episode 1051
Eustass Kid Kid using his Jiki Jiki no Mi to make metal butterflies. Butterflies Episode 1056
Trafalgar D. Water Law Law watches Bepo fighting. Deer Episode 1056
Monkey D. Luffy (Gear 5) Luffy, in his Gear 5 form, poses as Nika before a full moon. Kaidou, in his Beast form, covers the bottom right corner. The Gear 5 form was silhouetted in the first use of the eyecatcher, but fully revealed in subsequent instances. Full moon Episode 1071 (silhouette)
Episode 1072 (full)
Kouzuki Momonosuke Momonosuke, as an adult, stands in front of the Flower Capital. TBA Episode 1085

The Seventh Set

Hanafuda Cards

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Luffy's hanafuda card.
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Zoro's hanafuda card.
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Nami's hanafuda card.
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Usopp's hanafuda card.
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Sanji's hanafuda card.
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Chopper's hanafuda card.
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Robin's hanafuda card.
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Franky's hanafuda card.
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Brook's hanafuda card.
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Jinbe's hanafuda card.
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Yamato's hanafuda card.
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Kid's hanafuda card.
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Law's hanafuda card.
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Gear 5's silhouetted hanafuda card.
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Gear 5's fully revealed hanafuda card.
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Momonosuke's hanafuda card.

Eighth Set

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The background used in the eighth set of eyecatchers.

From Episode 1086 to Episode 1088, the eyecatchers changed to the eighth set. Though the format itself was originally produced and used for Episodes 1000, 1029, and 1030, as well as Recap 8.

Both eyecatchers feature the Straw Hat Pirates standing on a beach watching the sunset, alongside the Thousand Sunny, while the Straw Hats wanted posters fly in the wind, until a particular one comes into view. It acts as an updated version of the eyecatcher used in the first set.

First Appearance of Each Eyecatcher

Character First Appearance
Monkey D. Luffy Episode 1088
Roronoa Zoro Episode 1087
Jinbe Episode 1086
Trafalgar D. Water Law Episode 1086
Eustass Kid Episode 1087
Buggy Episode 1088

Eighth Set's End Cards

Ninth Set

From Episode 1089 onward, the eyecatchers changed to the ninth set. The eyecatchers feature the Straw Hat Pirates on Egghead. The first eyecatcher shows Luffy running toward his crewmates, before a snapshot is taken that shows some of the crew (those joined during the East Blue Saga) are shocked, while the rest are excited. The photo acts as the end card of the first eyecatcher. The second eyecatcher shows Luffy using the Trancos on Egghead before a still shot of the crew in their new attire is shown at the end.

Ninth Set's End Cards

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The end of the first eyecatcher.
Berkas:Ninth Eyecatcher Egghead 2 End.png
The end of the second eyecatcher.

Other Eyecatchers

Aside from the regular sets of eyecatchers, there are a few special eyecatchers which appeared only once on special occasions.

Special Episodes

Activity and First Appearance of Each Special Eyecatcher

Character(s) Activity First Appearance
Chopper Man Frangashan is chasing after Chopper Man until they exit the screen, then Frangashan comes back, but now he is running away from Giant Luffy Bomber, who tries to punch Frangashan, but he hits Namifia, who starts chasing after Frangashan and Giant Luffy Bomber. The eyecatcher ends with Chopper Man looking at the camera from very close, and with the phrase "Chopper Man" next to him. Episode 336
Luffy and Toriko A stand still image of Toriko and Luffy with a special logo of Toriko X One Piece Collaboration Special 2. Episode 542
Luffy, Toriko, and Goku Luffy, Toriko, and Goku are sitting together, laughing, and then the camera zooms in and we see them smiling. Episode 590
Luffy, Toriko, and Goku Luffy, Toriko, and Goku are smiling together, and then the camera zooms out and we see them laughing. Episode 590
Germa 66's Commanders Five lines flashes across the screen to form an asterisk, each line is in a different color that matches the Germa 66's Commanders. The word "Germa" is sung, as two white "6" figures rotate from opposite corners and meet in the middle and begin to rotate faster, until they flash white and they stop at the right side on the screen at the foreground with the shadowed commanders wearing their raid suits in the background, highlighted with each signature color. Episode 839
Romance Dawn Characters Six revolving panels are seen, with each having one out of the five main characters from the tale, and sixth showing the Gomu Gomu no Mi. on the other side of the panel there is a piece of an image of either Luffy or Ann. The panels rotate until the character's full image is visible, and then the screen flashes to a still image of Luffy and Ann or of Luffy, Ann, and Balloon at sea, with the Romance Dawn logo. Episode 907
Episode 917 Characters Six revolving panels are seen, with each having one out of the five characters from the episode, the second panel showing a Kumashi doll, on the other side of the panel there is a piece of a wanted poster image of Luffy. The panels rotate until Luffy's full wanted poster is visible with the ocean background. Episode 917
Straw Hat Pirates An updated version of the first eyecatcher was used to commemorate the anime's 1,000th episode: the Straw Hats have their post-timeskip appearances; Franky, Brook and Jinbe are added; the Thousand Sunny replaces the Going Merry; the sign that said "Red Line" now says "Somewhere". It ends with a close-up of Luffy's actual wanted poster from the story. Episode 1000; Episodes 1029 & 1030; Recap 8
Shanks An updated version of the first eyecatcher: the Straw Hats have their post-timeskip appearances; Franky, Brook and Jinbe are added; the Thousand Sunny replaces the Going Merry; the sign that said "Red Line" now says "Somewhere". It ends with a close-up of Shanks's wanted poster from his time in East Blue. Episodes 1029 & 1030
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Chopper Man's special eyecatcher
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Luffy and Toriko's special eyecatcher.
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Luffy, Goku, and Toriko's first special eyecatcher.
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Luffy, Goku, and Toriko's second special eyecatcher.
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Germa 66 Commanders' eyecatcher.
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The panels from Romance Dawn eyecatchers.
Berkas:Romance Dawn Eyecatcher 2.png
Luffy from Romance Dawn eyecatchers.
Berkas:Romance Dawn Eyecatcher 3.png
Luffy and Ann from Romance Dawn eyecatchers.
Berkas:Romance Dawn Eyecatcher 4.png
Ann from Romance Dawn eyecatchers.
Berkas:Romance Dawn Eyecatcher 5.png
Luffy, Ann, and Balloon from Romance Dawn eyecatchers.
Berkas:Episode 917 Eyecatcher Panels.png
The panels from Episode 917.
Berkas:Episode 917 Eyecatcher Image.png
The other side of the panels from Episode 917.
Berkas:Episode 917 Eyecatcher End.png
Luffy's wanted poster from Episode 917.
1000th Episode Eyecatcher 1
Start of the eyecatcher commemorating the 1000th episode.
1000th Episode Eyecatcher 2
End of the eyecatcher commemorating the 1000th episode.
Berkas:Uta's Past Arc Eyecatcher.png
End of the second eyecatcher in the Uta's Past Arc episodes.

Great Battle of Shibuya

A special set of eyecatchers was used in the Japanese broadcast of episodes 927931. The purpose of this set was to announce the winners of a lottery among the participants of an event known as the Shibuya "Wano Country" Plan.[1] The eyecatchers consist of a general notice, then a list of winners, and conclude with a Wano-style wanted poster of one of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Character First Appearance
Monkey D. Luffy Episode 927
Roronoa Zoro Episode 927
Nami Episode 928
Usopp Episode 928
Sanji Episode 929
Tony Tony Chopper Episode 929
Nico Robin Episode 930
Franky Episode 930
Brook Episode 931
Straw Hat Pirates Episode 931

Oden's Story

During the flashback telling Oden's story, a special set of eyecatchers was used from Episode 960 to Episode 976. There are two variations of the eyecatchers with the first feature Luffy, Zoro, and Nami look towards the horizon, and the second Roger, Oden, and Shanks in the same pose. The camera then rotates around the captains as light flashes across the screen and a still image is shown. The image is different for each episode.

Character(s) Image First Appearance
Luffy, Ace, and Sabo Luffy, Ace, and Sabo as children. Episode 960
Oden Oden trying to escape Wano Country.
Luffy, Zoro, Tama, and Tsuru Luffy, Zoro, and Tama eating Oshiruko at Tsuru's shop. Episode 961
Oden, Kin'emon, Denjiro, and Tsuru Kin'emon and Denjiro admiring Oden eating at Tsuru's shop.
Oden Oden in front of Oden Castle Episode 962
Luffy Luffy in front of the remains of Oden Castle
Luffy, Ace, Whitebeard, Marco, and Sakazuki The Summit War of Marineford Episode 963
Oden and Whitebeard Oden embracing Whitebeard.
Luffy Luffy setting sail from Foosha Village. Episode 964
Oden Oden onboard the Moby Dick.
Luffy, Ace, Dadan, and Dogra The Dadan Family having a meal. Episode 965
Oden, Toki, and Momonosuke Oden's family.
Buggy and Shanks Buggy and Shanks sleeping. Episode 966
Luffy and Marshall D. Teach Luffy and Blackbeard eating pie in Mock Town.
Luffy and Franky Luffy and Franky celebrating to joining of the shipwright to the crew. Episode 967
Tom, Roger, Rayleigh, Oden, Shanks, and Buggy Tom, Roger, Shanks, and Buggy are laughing. Behind them, Rayleigh and Oden restock the Oro Jackson.
Roger, Rayleigh, Oden, Momonosuke, Crocus, Shanks, and Buggy Roger and Rayleigh celebrating. Episode 968
Shanks and Luffy Shanks passing down his Straw Hat to Luffy.
Luffy and Rayleigh Rayleigh training Luffy. Episode 969
Roger and Rayleigh Roger and Rayleigh's first meeting.
Straw Hat Pirates and Toko The Straw Hat Pirates and Toko in Amigasa Village. Episode 970
Kouzuki Family and Nine Red Scabbards The Kouzuki Family and the Nine Red Scabbards eating oden.
Oden and Kaidou Oden facing Kaidou in Human Form. Episode 971
Luffy and Kaidou Luffy facing Kaidou in Beast Form.
Luffy and Kaidou Luffy in Gear 4 facing Kaidou in Human Form. Episode 972
Oden and Kaidou Oden facing Kaidou in Beast Form.
Luffy, Zoro and Dragon Number Thirteen Zoro cutting Dragon Number Thirteen in Punk Hazard and Luffy falling from its back. Episode 973
Oden, Toki, Momonosuke, and Hiyori Oden embracing his family.
Luffy, Zoro, Nami and Usopp Luffy and Usopp fighting over Luffy's special seat on the Going Merry's figurehead while Nami watches and Zoro is asleep. Episode 974
Oden, Toki, Momonosuke, and Hiyori Oden and Toki watching Hiyori giving Momonosuke a drop kick.
Oden, Roger, and Whitebeard Oden, Roger, and Whitebeard talking about the Poneglyphs. Episode 975
Luffy, Ace, and Sabo Luffy, Ace, and Sabo informally exchanging Brothers' Sake Cups.
Oden, Roger, Ganryu, and CB Gallant The Roger Pirates at Zou. Episode 976
Luffy, Momonosuke and Zunesha Luffy and Momonosuke during the attack in Zou.
Berkas:Oden's Story Eyecatcher 1.png
The start of the first eyecatcher.
Berkas:Oden's Story Eyecatcher 2.png
The start of the second eyecatcher.
Berkas:Episode 960 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 960.
Berkas:Episode 960 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 960.
Berkas:Episode 961 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 961.
Berkas:Episode 961 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 961.
Berkas:Episode 962 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 962.
Berkas:Episode 962 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 962.
Berkas:Episode 963 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 963.
Berkas:Episode 963 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 963.
Berkas:Episode 964 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 964.
Berkas:Episode 964 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 964.
Berkas:Episode 965 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 965.
Berkas:Episode 965 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 965.
Berkas:Episode 966 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 966.
Berkas:Episode 966 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 966.
Berkas:Episode 967 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 967.
Berkas:Episode 967 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 967.
Berkas:Episode 968 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 968.
Berkas:Episode 968 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 968.
Berkas:Episode 969 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 969.
Berkas:Episode 969 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 969.
Berkas:Episode 970 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 970.
Berkas:Episode 970 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 970.
Berkas:Episode 971 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 971.
Berkas:Episode 971 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 971.
Berkas:Episode 972 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 972.
Berkas:Episode 972 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 972.
Berkas:Episode 973 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 973.
Berkas:Episode 973 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 973.
Berkas:Episode 974 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 974.
Berkas:Episode 974 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 974.
Berkas:Episode 975 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 975.
Berkas:Episode 975 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 975.
Berkas:Episode 976 Image 1.png
The first image from Episode 976.
Berkas:Episode 976 Image 2.png
The second image from Episode 976.

Special Edited Version

The Special Edited Version - One Piece: Fish-Man Island Saga, a recut of the Fish-Man Island Saga, features a new set of eyecatchers. Both end cards feature the entire Straw Hat crew.

Special Edited Version's End Cards

Dream 9 Eyecatchers

As Dragon Ball Kai was followed by One Piece in the "Dream 9" time slots when it first aired on Fuji TV, special eyecatchers featuring the characters from both series were made and shown between the two series.

Aktivitas dan Penampilan Pertama Setiap Penangkap Mata Khusus

Karakter Aktivitas
Monkey D. Luffy dan Kulilin Monkey D. Luffy dan Kulilin (keduanya diisi suaranya oleh Mayumi Tanaka) terlihat berdiri berdampingan dalam posisi bertarung, ketika Luffy berkata, "One Piece akan datang!". Kulilin kemudian mencoba meninju Luffy, yang menangkisnya dengan tangannya, sementara Kulilin berkata, "Percayalah pada Kienzan!". Versi alternatif, Kulilin berkata: "Kami mengandalkanmu, Luffy".[2] Mereka berdua melihat ke kamera saat eyecatcher berakhir. Mereka tampaknya berada di pintu masuk Tenkaichi Battle Stage Dragon Ball.
Roronoa Zoro dan Piccolo Roronoa Zoro dan Piccolo (kebetulan keduanya diisi suaranya oleh Christopher Sabat dalam sulih suara Funimation) terlihat membelakangi kamera dari jauh. Mereka sedang melihat koran ketika Zoro berkata, "Apakah One Piece sekarang?", dan kemudian Piccolo menjawab "Sangat menarik". Kamera kemudian menyorot wajah mereka ketika mereka berbalik sambil berkata, "Lihat ini!". Mereka tampaknya berada di Ruang Roh dan Waktu Dragon Ball.
Tony Tony Chopper dan Son Gohan Tony Tony Chopper dan Son Gohan terlihat sedang menunggangi Kintoun. Gohan menatap kamera sambil berkata "One Piece akan datang". Pada saat yang sama Chopper terlihat memeluk sebagian tubuh Kintoun. Chopper kemudian jatuh ke sisi lain Kintoun tetapi masih memegangnya sambil berkata "Sabar!"
Berkas:Luffy Eyecatcher Dragon Ball Kai.png
Penarik perhatian khusus Luffy dan Kulilin.
Berkas:Zoro Dragon Ball Z Kai Eyecatcher.png
Penarik perhatian khusus Zoro dan Piccolo.
Berkas:Eyecatcher OP - DB3.png
Penarik perhatian khusus Chopper dan Gohan.

Number of Appearances

Character First Set Second Set Third Set Fourth Set Fifth Set Sixth Set Seventh Set Eighth Set Ninth Set Overall
Luffy 148 258 101 95 68 48 35 1 68 822
Zoro 51 67 16 35 68 - 20 1 - 258
Nami 58 46 27 28 - - 7 - - 166
Usopp 48 45 17 15 - - 2 - - 127
Sanji 44 50 20 43 - 48 9 - - 214
Vivi and Karoo 29 - - - - - - - - 29
Chopper 23 43 22 22 - - 2 - - 112
Robin 13 54 17 18 - - 5 - - 107
Franky - 26 19 15 - - 3 - - 63
Brook - 19 13 20 - - 2 - - 54
Jinbe - - - - - - 2 1 - 3
One Piece Logo - - 212 - - - - - - 212
Gear 5 - - - - - - 6 - - 6
Bartolomeo - - - 6 - - - - - 6
Law - - - 3 - - 4 1 - 8
Yamato - - - - - - 8 - - 8
Kid - - - - - - 4 1 - 5
Momonosuke - - - - - - 1 - - 1
Buggy - - - - - - - 1 - 1


Character Special
Great Battle
of Shibuya
Monkey D. Luffy 13 2 22 1 38
Roronoa Zoro 5 2 16 1 24
Nami 7 2 16 - 25
Usopp 5 2 2 - 9
Sanji 5 2 1 - 8
Tony Tony Chopper 7 2 1 1 11
Nico Robin 5 2 1 - 8
Franky 7 2 1 - 10
Brook 5 2 1 - 8
Jinbe 5 - - - 5
Vinsmoke Family 2 - - - 2
Sabo 2 - 2 - 4
Dracule Mihawk 2 - - - 2
Gecko Moria 2 - - - 2
Perona 2 - - - 2
Marshall D. Teach 2 - 1 - 3
Portgas D. Ace - - 4 - 4
Gol D. Roger - - 19 - 19
Shanks 2 - 17 - 19
Kouzuki Oden - - 20 - 20
Tama - - 1 - 1
Tsuru - - 2 - 2
Kin'emon - - 2 - 2
Denjiro - - 2 - 2
Edward Newgate - - 3 - 3
Marco - - 1 - 1
Sakazuki - - 1 - 1
Dadan - - 1 - 1
Dogra - - 1 - 1
Kouzuki Toki - - 4 - 4
Kouzuki Momnosuke - - 6 - 6
Buggy - - 3 - 3
Silvers Rayleigh - - 4 - 4
Tom - - 1 - 1
Crocus - - 1 - 1
Toko - - 1 - 1
Kouzuki Hiyori - - 3 - 3
Inuarashi - - 1 - 1
Ashura Doji - - 1 - 1
Kikunojo - - 1 - 1
Kawamatsu - - 1 - 1
Raizo - - 1 - 1
Kurozumi Kanjuro - - 1 - 1
Nekomamushi - - 1 - 1
Kaidou - - 2 - 2
Dragon Number Thirteen - - 1 - 1
Ganryu - - 1 - 1
CB Gallant - - 1 - 1
Zunesha - - 1 - 1
Ann 2 - - - 2
Balloon 2 - - - 2
Spiel 2 - - - 2
Monkey D. Garp 2 - - - 2
Toriko 4 - - - 4
Son Goku 2 - - - 2
Kulilin - - - 1 1
Piccolo - - - 1 1
Son Gohan - - - 1 1

Translation and Dub Issues

The 4Kids dub discarded Toei's eyecatchers, instead making its own bumpers; a separate set of bumpers were made for its Cartoon Network airings, particularly during its time on the Toonami block.

In contrast, the Funimation dub retains Toei's eyecatchers, replacing the original One Piece logo with an alternative version with the Shonen Jump branding; during its television airings, it often used them and the Toonami bumpers together (as American television typically mandates two commercial breaks for half-hour programs).


  • On very rare occasions, eyecatchers have been known to forgo their standard music and instead continue music from the episode proper. Instances of this include Episode 151 (which extends Mihawk's theme over a Zoro eyecatcher) and Episode 234 (which extends "Overtaken" over a Luffy eyecatcher).
  • Starting in 2009, the Dream 9 logo is shown. That was later changed to the Strong 9 logo in 2014 and the Adventure Sunday logo in 2016.
  • The leitmotif used in Episode 336's Chopper Man eyecatcher, would later be re-used in Bartolomeo's eyecatcher, and Episode 917's eyecatcher.

First Set

  • On Luffy's poster, his name is briefly mispelled as "Ruffy" before the poster flies into the screen.
  • None of the posters use the portraits from the Straw Hats' in-story wanted posters (indeed, during this eyecatcher's entire run, only Luffy, Zoro, and Robin carried bounties at all).
  • Apart from Luffy's, each Straw Hat's eyecatcher was introduced in either the episode they join Luffy, or the episode immediately after; the exception is Sanji, whose eyecatcher was introduced with his debut episode (ten episodes before his official joining).
  • Throughout the series, the eyecatchers' wanted poster occasionally did not match its theme music.
    • In Episode 1, Luffy's poster came up twice, but Zoro's theme played in the first time.
    • In Episode 3, Luffy's theme played when Zoro's poster came up.
    • In Episode 6, Luffy's and Zoro's themes are reversed.
    • In Episode 8, Nami's theme played when Zoro's poster came up.
    • In Episode 9, Luffy and Nami's posters are seen, but Zoro's theme is playing.
    • In Episodes 13 to 15, Zoro's theme played when Luffy's poster came up.
    • In Episodes 139 and 143, Robin's theme played when Zoro's poster came up.
  • Episode 24 is the first episode to not have Luffy's eyecatcher in it.

Second Set

  • Episodes 207-242 showed only Luffy's eyecatcher, but during Episode 207 both Chopper's and Sanji's themes were playing. The eyecatchers did not update to feature the other Straw Hat Pirates until Episode 243.
  • Nami and Sanji are portrayed with the outfits they wore during the Water 7 Arc (for Nami, her second outfit), and the eyecatchers keep them in these outfits for the remainder of their use.
  • Franky's eyecatcher shows a bottle cap fly off one of the cola bottles as it fizzes over. Then, a glass pipe full of cola cracks, causing a leak to spurt out. It is difficult to observe what happened to the pipe at first glance, but one can make out that the bottle cap ricochets off the pipe, fracturing it.
  • In Zoro's eyecatcher, when his three swords were shown, his sword Yubashiri was one of them. Later on, when Yubashiri was destroyed and he got his next sword, Shusui, the swords were changed in the eyecatcher to fit the story.
  • Brook's eyecatcher is the only one where it shows a different sky background and the telescope moves upward to show his special items.
  • At 310 episodes, this set of eyecatchers has so far made the most appearances.

Third Set

  • Episodes 517-532 showed only Luffy's new eyecatcher as well.
  • In Brook's eyecatcher, Brook picks up a violin, but in the series he is holding a guitar. Brook is still associated with his violin, but is now more commonly seen as a guitarist after gaining his rock star image as the "Soul King".

Fourth Set

  • The beginning of the 4th set of eyecatchers resemble the first volume of the From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc cover story which show the News Coo deliver the news, however the anime does not show Surume in the background.
    • Usopp's eyecatcher background resemble the fourth volume, that show the former Usopp Pirates and Kaya.
  • Episode 747 is the first time a new set of eyecatchers is introduced with Luffy's eyecatcher only appearing once, excluding special eyecatchers.
  • Bartolomeo's eyecatcher shows the same scene as the first eyecatchers in the series (Episodes 1 - 206), except with the Going Luffy-senpai docked instead of the Going Merry, and without his crew members.
  • Episodes 807 and 808 are the only regular episodes so far with more than two eyecatchers, both having six each.
    • As both episodes aired in a one hour special, this was meant to use all the Straw Hats' eyecatchers at least once.
  • Starting from Episode 879, Luffy's wanted poster was updated to his new bounty, revealed later on the same episode.
    • Despite Sanji's bounty (and poster) undergoing changes on the previous episode, the set finished airing before Sanji's eyecatcher could be updated as well.
  • During the Cidre Guild Arc, this set appeared again, making this the first time a set has been reused after being changed.

Fifth Set

  • The Straw Hats poses in Luffy's end card are the same as those from the cover of Volume 91, though Franky's slightly altered.
  • Unlike the previous sets, which featured all the current Straw Hat Pirates individually and occasionally some other characters, this set had only two versions, one for Luffy and one for Zoro. Their respective leitmotifs also changed to Japanese-inspired versions, in order to fit with the Wano Country's culture.

Sixth Set

  • Like the previous set, this set had only two versions, one for Luffy and one for Sanji.

Seventh Set

  • Luffy's card, the Boar, represent the month of July, the same month the series started in 1997.
  • Zoro's card, the Sake cup, represent the month of September, the same month Chapter 6, titled "The First", was released in 1997.
  • Chopper and Law share the Deer card, while Robin and Kid share the Butterflies card.
  • The eyecatchers for Yamato, Jinbe and Kid, were given their own leitmotifs, starting from Episode 1063, Episode 1073, and Episode 1080, respectively.

Set Kedelapan

  • Ini adalah set pertama, dan sejauh ini satu-satunya, di mana eyecatcher milik Luffy tidak ditampilkan pertama kali.
    • Eyecatcher milik Luffy muncul sebelum eyecatcher ini menjadi set resmi di anime, selama episode spesial, dengan hadiah uang Luffy saat itu.
  • Pada tiga episode (tujuh jika menghitung penggunaan sebelumnya dalam episode spesial), ini adalah set eyecatcher dengan jumlah kemunculan paling sedikit.
    • Selain itu, ini adalah set pertama, dan sejauh ini satu-satunya yang tidak menampilkan kartu akhir yang menyoroti setiap anggota Bajak Laut Topi Jerami sebelum pensiun. Luffy, Zoro, dan Jinbe, adalah satu-satunya yang menerima kartu akhir.


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