Ordeals adalah sistem ujian suci Enel yang dijatuhkan pada Skypiea selama masa pemerintahannya, yang dimaksudkan untuk menghukum para pembangkang dan penjahat penting lainnya. Setiap ujian berat dilaksanakan oleh salah satu pendeta Enel, dan menawarkan tingkat kelangsungan hidup yang sangat rendah; meskipun demikian, setiap ujian berat diatasi oleh setidaknya satu orang.
Ini adalah hukuman standar bagi mereka yang dihukum karena kejahatan "Kelas-2", seperti menyerang anggota White Berets.
Ujian berat diadakan di Upper Yard, dan biasanya diikuti dengan mengikuti Milky Road utama menuju gerbang besar seperti topeng dengan empat pintu masuk, masing-masing mengarah ke ujian berat yang terpisah. Setelah memilih satu, terhukum akan diburu secara aktif oleh pendeta yang bersangkutan, dengan semua Dial langka, konstruksi cloud yang tidak lazim, dan Mantra tingkat lanjut yang dimilikinya. Mereka yang bertahan cukup lama untuk melarikan diri (atau mengalahkan pendeta, meskipun Satori menyiratkan bahwa ini dianggap sebagai kejahatan yang lebih buruk) seharusnya akan dibebaskan.
Secara konvensional, setiap pendeta diberi wilayah khusus untuk tugasnya sendiri, dan dilarang bertindak di wilayah pendeta lain; namun, wilayah ini hanya mencakup sebagian dari Upper Yard, dan menyisakan banyak area (terutama garis pantai dan Altar Pengorbanan) yang secara efektif merupakan zona bebas tempat pendeta mana pun dapat pergi dan bersaing untuk mendapatkan korban.[1] Pada akhirnya, Enel akan mengesampingkan semua batasan untuk "Permainan Bertahan Hidup" yang mengakhiri pemerintahannya, dan membiarkan para pendeta memulai cobaan mereka masing-masing di mana pun mereka mau.
Ordeal of Balls
Ordeal of Balls (玉の試練, Tama no Shiren?, VIZ: "Challenge of the Ball") dioperasi oleh seorang pendeta Satori, dengan tingkat kelangsungan hidup yang diklaim sebesar 10%.
Penjahat itu ditempatkan di atas perahu di Milky Road yang berkelok-kelok melewati hutan, tetapi Satori akan memisahkan penjahat itu dari perahu dan berusaha mencegah mereka menaikinya lagi. Penjahat itu harus mengalahkan Satori dan menaiki perahu untuk melarikan diri dari hutan. Jika mereka gagal menaiki perahu sebelum meninggalkan hutan, mereka akan terdampar tanpa batas waktu di hutan.
Hutan ini memiliki banyak awan berbentuk bola yang dikenal sebagai Bola Kejutan yang melayang-layang; saat awan ini disentuh, sebuah benda acak akan muncul. Benda yang dimaksud mungkin berbahaya, seperti ledakan atau ular hidup,[2] tetapi beberapa berisi benda-benda yang tidak berbahaya seperti bunga dan burung. Satori sendiri tidak tahu apa yang akan muncul dari setiap awan. (Satori menganggap bola-bola yang tidak berbahaya itu "tidak berguna.")[3]
Satori juga menggunakan Impact Dials yang tersembunyi di sarung tangannya untuk menyerang lawan-lawannya.[2]
Ujian ini adalah pilihan pertama Luffy saat dia, Usopp, dan Sanji pergi ke Upper Yard, mencari yang lain yang diculik. Bersama-sama, mereka bertiga mengalahkan Satori dan menaiki kapal tepat waktu untuk meninggalkan hutan.[4]
Ordeal of Iron
The Ordeal of Iron (鉄の試練, Tetsu no Shiren?, VIZ: "Challenge of the Iron") was operated by the priest Ohm,[5] with a professed survival rate of 0%.[6] Roronoa Zoro is implicitly the only one known to have conquered it.[7]
This Ordeal utilizes Iron Clouds, a type of cloud as strong and as durable as metal, while still retaining a cloud's weightlessness and ability to change shape.[8] Ohm's Eisen Whip is a sword with a blade made of Iron Clouds, so he is able to manipulate the blade's shape.[6] This allows his sword to attack his opponents from far away, which would not be possible with a metal sword. In addition, he rigs his territory with Milky Dials full of Iron Cloud which are linked to pressure plates on the ground. If someone steps on one of the plates, the Dials shoot the Iron Cloud out in the form of barbed wire, shredding them.[9]
This ordeal also has an attribute known as the White-Barbed Iron Deathmatch (白荊デスマッチ, Shiroibara Desumacchi?). Both Ohm, and the prisoner are trapped inside a dome made of barbed wire Iron Cloud, creating a cage stopping their victims from escaping. In order to escape, the criminal will need to defeat Ohm. Zoro originally commented on how it was unnecessary, since he did not have any intentions to run away.[10]
Ohm is also aided by his giant dog, Holy. Holy has been trained to use boxing with his paws, perform spinning jumps, and stand on his hind legs. He and Ohm fight very well in tandem, though he is more than capable of fighting on his own. Holy is also the one who runs around the perimeter of the ordeal to trigger the pressure plates that release the barbed wire for the White-Barbed Iron Deathmatch.
Tony Tony Chopper and Zoro were the only ones to take on this Ordeal, and though the former lost easily, the latter managed to overpower Ohm's Eisen Dial-powered sword and defeat him. Turning his attention to Holy, Zoro found out the dog would obey any command without question - even ones not issued from Ohm - and ordered the dog to knock himself out, and Holy did as such.
Ordeal of String
The Ordeal of String (紐の試練, Himo no Shiren?, VIZ: "Challenge of the String") was operated by the priest Shura, with a professed survival rate of 3%.[11]
This Ordeal makes use of String Clouds, which are very long, extremely thin, nearly invisible string-like clouds that have high tensile strength. Shura places many long strands of String Cloud throughout a large area of the forest. Travelers who pass through the area are slowly entangled in the Clouds and do not notice it until they can no longer move. The criminal must avoid being ensnared by the strings to defeat Shura.[12]
Shura also uses a lance known as the "Heat Javelin", which is able to become very hot thanks to a Heat Dial installed inside it. It is hot enough to ignite flammable materials, such as wood, on fire with only a single stab. Additionally, Shura has a pet giant bird, Fuza, who he rides on through the air. Fuza also keeps a Flame Dial in its mouth allowing it to attack with a blast of fire breath.
The Shandians became ensnared in this Ordeal at the start of Enel's survival game, but Wyper managed to avoid the clutches of the String clouds, and defeated Shura with a Reject Dial.[12] This is the only ordeal that was not passed by one of the Straw Hats.
Ordeal of Swamp
The Ordeal of Swamp (沼の試練, Numa no Shiren?, VIZ: "Challenge of the Swamp") was operated by the priest Gedatsu, with a professed survival rate of 50%.[5]
This Ordeal is filled with Swamp Clouds, thick clouds that function like quicksand. If one were to get caught in a swamp cloud, they would sink and become trapped. The area is filled with these sinking clouds, making it difficult to navigate. To make matters worse, Gedatsu can throw Swamp Clouds on his victims' heads. The cloud can cause whoever gets caught in it to suffocate, since no air exists inside of it. It is nearly impossible to remove the cloud as it is not solid.
Gedatsu also uses rare Jet Dials to give a boost to his punches and wears Milky Dials on his shoes to allow him to fly. This also prevents him from sinking in the Swamp clouds (unless he falls in headfirst) as he can simply propel himself out.[13]
The only Straw Hat to attempt this ordeal was Chopper, who ultimately defeated Gedatsu by turning his Milky Dials against him and taking advantage of the priest's incompetence. Gedatsu fell off Skypiea as a result of his defeat and was sent to the Blue Sea below.[14]
Masalah Terjemahan dan Dubbing
Meskipun istilah untuk "ordeal" (試練, Shiren?) tidak memiliki konotasi keagamaan tertentu, 4Kids Entertainment tetap mengganti namanya menjadi Tes IQ dalam video game Grand Adventure dan Karnaval Bajak Laut; elemen pengenal setiap cobaan ditempatkan di tengah, misalnya "Tes IQ Orb" untuk Cobaan Bola. Dubbing anime buatan Funimation yang dibuat untuk TV mengikuti konvensi ini, bahkan Enel menyatakan bahwa "Q" adalah singkatan dari cumulus.
Sebaliknya, perilisan anime tanpa potongan dari Funimation, dan juga manga VIZ, selalu lebih menyukai sinonim langsung seperti Tantangan atau Ujian.
- Dalam anime, saat melihat Entrance of Ordeals, Usopp membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi berdasarkan nama mereka.
- Dia membayangkan Ordeal of Swamp akan membawa perahu mereka ke rawa tanpa dasar di Milky Road.
- Dia membayangkan Ordeal of Iron akan menjatuhkan beban besi besar ke atas mereka dari atas.
- Dia membayangkan Ordeal of String akan memaksa mereka untuk melintasi dengan tangan kosong seutas tali di atas jurang terjal ke Blue Sea.
- Dia membayangkan Ordeal of Balls akan mencoba menghancurkan perahu mereka dengan bola raksasa yang menggelinding.
- Dalam cerita, Ordeal of Balls adalah satu-satunya ordeal yang ditampilkan di wilayah konvensionalnya; tiga lainnya hanya ditampilkan setelah Enel mencabut penugasan teritorial dan membiarkan para pendeta berkeliaran bebas mencari korban.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 27 Chapter 248 (p. 13) dan Episode 162.
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 26 Chapter 246 dan Episode 160, Ordeal of Balls memulai debutnya.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 27 Chapter 247 dan Episode 161.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 27 Chapter 250 dan Episode 163.
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 27 Chapter 254 dan Episode 167.
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 29 Chapter 266 dan Episode 175.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 29 Chapter 271 dan Episode 178.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 29 Chapter 269 dan Episode 176.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 29 Chapter 268 dan Episode 176.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 29 Chapter 270 dan Episode 177.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 27 Chapter 249 (p. 17-19) dan Episode 163.
- ↑ 12,0 12,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 28 Chapter 256 dan Episode 164, the Ordeal of String makes its debut.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 28 Chapter 262 dan Episode 172, Gedatsu states that Chopper's survival rate is 50%.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 28 Chapter 263 dan Episode 172.
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