Racun adalah istilah umum yang merujuk pada zat alami dan senjata kimia yang beracun bagi makhluk hidup organik. Racun dapat hadir dalam berbagai bentuk dan fase, dan dapat menimbulkan berbagai efek pada korban, tergantung pada komposisinya. Efeknya dapat berupa penyakit, kelumpuhan, hingga kematian. Racun dapat berasal dari berbagai sumber, termasuk yang dibuat melalui rekayasa kimia, atau yang disekresikan secara alami dari hewan atau tanaman sebagai mekanisme pertahanan.
Meskipun racun dapat membahayakan tubuh, beberapa di antaranya memiliki agen penangkal, yang dikenal sebagai antidote (解毒剤, gedokuzai?).[2] Mereka dapat menjinakkan racun dalam tubuh, menyelamatkan korban dari kematian atau efek berbahaya lainnya. Namun, beberapa racun tidak memiliki penawarnya, atau beberapa penawarnya mungkin sulit dan memakan waktu lama untuk dibuat.[3]
Pengobatan Lain
Selain penawar racun, ada bentuk pengobatan lain yang dapat membuat orang yang telah diracuni tetap hidup. Namun, pengobatan ini jarang terjadi, karena dikaitkan dengan kemampuan yang unik. Pengobatan ini meliputi pengobatan hormon Buah Iblis milik Emporio Ivankov, dan kemampuan Vinsmoke Reiju untuk menyerap dan menghisap racun. Melalui penggunaan Shibo Shibo no Mi miliknya, Charlotte Smoothie juga dapat memeras cairan, termasuk racun, dari tubuh manusia.
Racun dalam One Piece
Dalam serial, ada beberapa karakter yang menggunakan racun untuk bertarung. Ini memberikan keuntungan besar dalam pertempuran, karena lawan mereka biasanya tidak mengembangkan kekebalan terhadap racun tersebut (berbeda dengan pendekar pedang yang dapat menangkis tebasan pedang, atau seseorang seperti Monkey D. Luffy yang menerima sedikit kerusakan dari serangan tumpul seperti pukulan). Ini melemahkan lawan, memberi pengguna racun kesempatan lebih besar untuk menyerang.[4][5]
Monkey D. Luffy telah mengembangkan daya tahan yang sangat tinggi (jika tidak bisa dikatakan kekebalan semu) terhadap sebagian besar racun. Terutama karena pengalamannya yang hampir mati melawan Buah Iblis Magellan yang beracun, tubuhnya mulai memproduksi antitoksin (antibodi) untuk menetralkan racun masa depan dan racun asing tanpa masalah.[6] Namun, ia tetap rentan terhadap racun yang diketahui sangat mematikan seperti kulit beracun dari Ikan Batu Berlapis Baja. Di sisi lain, Vinsmoke Reiju, yang julukannya adalah "Poison Pink" (ポイズンピンク, Poizun Pinku?), benar-benar kebal terhadap racun dan bahkan dapat mengonsumsinya sebagai bentuk makanan. Dia menggambarkan racun Ikan Batu Berlapis Baja sebagai makanan lezat setelah menyerap seluruh jumlahnya di tubuh Luffy, cukup untuk membunuh raksasa.[7]
Pengguna Buah Iblis tertentu mendapatkan kekebalan terhadap racun karena kekuatan mereka masing-masing berafiliasi dengan racun, seperti Magellan[8] dan Caesar Clown (hanya gas beracun).[9] Namun, dalam kasus Magellan, ia masih terkena diare karena ia senang mengonsumsi racun.[8]
Poison-Weapon Users
- Don Krieg has among his personal arsenal the Deadly Poison Gas Bomb: MH5, which is a grenade launcher whose grenades release poisonous gas, usually lethal to those who breathe it. Krieg claimed that the MH5 is strong enough to annihilate an entire village. He and his men are given gas masks to protect themselves from it. The only known antidote is contained within the gas masks as stated by Zeff. He also makes use of poisonous spears, though these have been replaced by suction cups in the 4Kids Entertainment dub.[1]
- Nami, during her eight years of servitude under the Arlong Pirates, tried many times to kill Arlong, among them attempting to poison him.[10]
- Crocodile's left hand is replaced by a golden hook. When the golden cover is removed, it reveals a hidden hook inside coated with scorpion venom. The poison appears to be acidic in large quantities and is concentrated enough to dissolve rocks. The poison causes paralysis and eventual death from cardiac arrest.[4] Nico Robin was carrying a bottle of antidote for this poison.[2]
- Wanze uses a giant knife covered in a one-hit sure kill deadly poison in his Ramen Kenpo's final technique: Noodle-Cutting Poisonous Kitchen-Knife.[11]
- The unnamed pirate crew that massacred the Rumbar Pirates coated their weapons with poison to give themselves an edge in battle. As the Rumbars' doctor was killed in battle, the crew had no means of saving themselves from death.[12]
- Duval uses a harpoon gun with the ammunition being coated with scorpion poison. The poison will kill the victim within three minutes.[13]
- The New Fish-Man Pirates' Hyper Toxic Squadron used poison-based weapons. The poison contained in their weapons is very strong, as just one prick is enough to kill a person instantly.[14]
- Hyouzou, a blue-ringed octopus merman and officer of the New Fish-Man Pirates, can inject deadly venom into opponents directly and coat his swords with it.[6][15]
- The Yeti Cool Brothers use bullets containing the sleeping gas KYP and other types of poison.[16]
- Caesar Clown developed various poison gas-based weapons, including Shinokuni, Smiley,[17] and Koro.[18] His Devil Fruit in turn renders him immune to gaseous poisons like those he creates.
- Gladius uses poison on the tip of his hair, turning them into poisonous needles which he can eject using the Pamu Pamu no Mi.[19]
- Vinsmoke Reiju uses poison in combat, usually by secreting it and injecting it into opponents as she makes physical contact.[20]
- Jack of the Beast Pirates uses Caesar Clown's Koro gas against the Mink Tribe during the Beast Pirates' attack on the Mokomo Dukedom.[21]
Devil Fruit Based Poisons
There are certain Devil Fruit powers that can grant its eaters the ability to create poison.
- Boa Marigold ate the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: King Cobra, allowing her to transform into a King Cobra and spit highly toxic venom at her opponents.[22]
- Magellan ate the Doku Doku no Mi, granting him the ability to create various types of poison, as well as makes him immune to all forms of poison.[8] Each type has various effects. Alone, these poisons seem to have an antidote all their own, but if accumulated, curing them could prove difficult, if not impossible.[3]
- Hydra: a semi-corrosive liquid poison that causes lethal nerve paralysis until the victim dies after 24-hours of pain. The liquid can also be launched in bubbles known as "Poison Blowfish". Fire seems to somewhat neutralize it, while wax and stone are resistant to it.
- Chloro Ball: a bubble that releases a tear gas poison and immobilizes the victims through severe sneezing. Guards of Impel Down wear gas masks to protect themselves from this.
- Poison Cloud: a widespread poisonous cloud that slowly robs the victims of their vision, hearing, and strength. Guards of Impel Down wear gas masks to protect themselves from this.
- Kinjite: Magellan's ultimate poison, it spreads like a disease upon contact with anything, even inorganic materials like wax and rocks. It causes the victims to die instantly once the poison spreads completely through the infected body. It is capable of destroying all of Impel Down .
- Caesar Clown ate the Gasu Gasu no Mi, allowing him to create, control, and transform into gas at will. His gas is shown to exhibit poisonous qualities.[9]
- Jaygarcia Saturn can secrete a corrosive poison from his clawed legs while in his beast form.[23]
Anime Only
- Wapol, in the ninth movie, ate his brother Musshuru with his own Baku Baku no Mi, allowing him to create poisonous spores like his brother.[24]
- Musshuru, a movie-exclusive character from the ninth movie, ate the Noko Noko no Mi, which allows him to control and generate poisonous mushroom spores. These spores can be lethal enough to destroy the entire Drum Island, but they are instantly destroyed when they come into contact with fire. An antidote was used by Nico Robin on Monkey D. Luffy.[24]
Natural Poison Sources
- Amber Lead: a white-colored ore, native to Flevance, which has no symptoms at first, but over time it gives the victims white hair and skin. All infected person's descendants will have their lifespans shortened and die at an earlier age. [25] Trafalgar Law prevented his death this way by curing himself via the abilities of the Ope Ope no Mi.
- Amiudake: a very poisonous mushroom that will kill anyone who eats it in one hour.[26] Tony Tony Chopper unknowingly fed one to his mentor Hiriluk, but the doctor took his own life via an explosive concoction before the poison could kill him.
- Desert Strawberry: a poisonous spider that strongly resembles a strawberry, killing anyone who eats it after a few hours, and spreads its toxin after, poisoning anyone in the vicinity.[27]
- Giant Snake: a gigantic snake that releases a very corrosive venom.[28]
- Yuda: ferocious and poisonous sea serpents domesticated by the Kuja Pirates of Amazon Lily that even Sea Kings do not dare attack.[29]
- Puzzle Scorpions: very poisonous scorpions that can combine into gigantic centipedes.[30]
- A giant jellyfish in the underworld of the sea, which killed a giant fish that ate it.[31]
- Armored Stonefish: a giant fish whose skin is extremely poisonous, enough to instantly kill those who consume them in normal circumstances, even a giant. Even Luffy's acquired resistance could not neutralize the venom, only preventing him from dying immediately. His condition worsened in a short time span as none of the antidote aboard of his ship worked. He was only saved by the intervention of Reiju, who considered this toxin as a delicacy and ate it without an issue using her own ability.[32][7]
Hanya Anime
- Agehaguera: kupu-kupu raksasa yang melepaskan serbuk sari beracun saat mengepakkan sayapnya.[33]
- Daft Green: sejenis pohon yang melepaskan spora mematikan.[33]
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 7 Chapter 62 dan Episode 27, Krieg menggunakan MH5 dalam upayanya untuk menghabisi para koki Baratie.
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 24 Chapter 217 dan Episode 130, Robin memberikan Cobra penawar racun kail Crocodile untuk diberikan pada Luffy.
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 55 Chapter 536 dan Episode 437, Dokter Impel Down menyatakan tidak mungkin menyembuhkan akumulasi racun dalam jumlah besar.
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 22 Chapter 205 dan Episode 104, Saat kail kalajengking Crocodile mengiris kulit Luffy, ia mulai goyah.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 55 Chapter 535 dan Episode 436, Luffy tidak dapat menyerang Magellan tanpa diracuni, dan begitu terkena racunnya, Luffy langsung kalah.
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 62 Chapter 610 dan Episode 529, Luffy diketahui kebal terhadap racun mematikan milik Hyouzou.
- ↑ 7,0 7,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 82 Chapter 826 (p. 10-12) dan Episode 785, Reiju menyerap racun Ikan Batu Lapis Baja dari Luffy.
- ↑ 8,0 8,1 8,2 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 54 Chapter 528 dan Episode 425, Magellan terungkap sebagai pemakan Doku Doku no Mi.
- ↑ 9,0 9,1 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 69 Chapter 681 dan Episode 607, Caesar Clown terungkap sebagai pemakan Gasu Gasu no Mi.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 10 Chapter 88 (p. 11) dan Episode 41, Arlong recounts how many times Nami attempted to kill him.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 39 Chapter 372 dan Episode 260, Wanze pulls out his poison-coated butcher's knife.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 50 Chapter 487 dan Episode 380, The Rumbar Pirates lost all their lives to poisoned weapons.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 51 Chapter 494 dan Episode 388, Duval launching harpoons coated with scorpion venom at the Straw Hats.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 64 Chapter 635 dan Episode 556, The Deadly Poison Squad prepares to counter Robin's limbs.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 65 Chapter 646 dan Episode 556, Hyouzou coats eight sabers with his own venom against Zoro.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 68 Chapter 669 dan Episode 595, The Yeti Cool Brothers use a variety of chemicals against their targets.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 68 Chapter 668 dan Episode 594, Caesar explains how he compressed poison gases into Smiley.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 81 Chapter 811 (p. 3-15) dan Episode 761, Caesar explains his Koro gas weapon, and the Straw Hats counter it.
- ↑ Manga One Piece — Vol. 77 Chapter 773, Gladius launches his poison-coated hair.
- ↑ Manga One Piece — Vol. 86 Chapter 869, Reiju kicks Charlotte Smoothie's arm, simultaneously injecting it with poison.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 81 Chapter 811 dan Episode 761, Jack is revealed to have used Caesar Clown's Koro gas against the Mink Tribe.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 519 dan Episode 413, Marigold spitting poison at Luffy.
- ↑ Manga One Piece — Vol. 109 Chapter 1108 (p. 12-13), Saturn's legs are corrosive.
- ↑ 24,0 24,1 Film One Piece — Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura, Musshuru is revealed to have eaten the Noko Noko no Mi.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 76 Chapter 762 (p. 4) dan Episode 701, Doflamingo tells Jora that Amber Lead Syndrome is a type of poisoning, not contagious disease.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 16 Chapter 143 dan Episode 86, Kureha strikes Chopper for giving Hililuk a lethally poisonous mushroom.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 18 Chapter 157 dan Episode 94, People believed Ace ate a Desert Strawberry and died, when he was only asleep.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 27 Chapter 255 dan Episode 168, Nola spits highly corrosive venom.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 516 dan Episode 409, Yuda are noted for their ferocity and poison.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 54 Chapter 529 dan Episode 430, Puzzle Scorpions are noted for their toxicity.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 62 Chapter 606 dan Episode 526, A giant fish died by eating a giant jellyfish.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 82 Chapter 825 (p. 10-11) dan Episode 784, Luffy poisoned from eating the skin of the Armored Stonefish.
- ↑ 33,0 33,1 Film One Piece — One Piece Film: Strong World, Beberapa tanaman dan hewan Indigo yang dimodifikasi menghasilkan racun yang mematikan.
Tautan Eksternal
- Racun – Artikel Wikipedia tentang racun.
- Penangkal – Artikel Wikipedia tentang penawar racun, obat untuk racun.
- Mithridatisme – Artikel Wikipedia tentang tubuh yang mengembangkan kekebalan setelah selamat dari racun.
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