One Piece Wiki

Kisah Armada Besar Topi Jerami yang Mengaku Sendiri adalah Cerita Sampul ke-23 yang dibuat sebagai cerita sampingan pada halaman judul setiap bab One Piece. Cerita ini berlatar setelah Arc Dressrosa, dan setelah Barto Club menurunkan Topi Jerami di Zou, dan sebelum Arc Levely di mana Bajak Laut Tontatta menemani Keluarga Riku ke Levely.


Setelah berpisah di Dressrosa, petualangan Armada Besar Topi Jerami diperlihatkan:

  • Arc Cavendish: Cavendish dan Bajak Laut Beautiful mengarungi lautan, dikejar oleh para penggemar, saat Cavendish mengenang masa lalunya sebagai pangeran dari Kerajaan Borjuis. (Chapter 864-868)
  • Arc Bartolomeo: Barto Club mendarat di Pulau Gartel, di mana mereka mengalahkan sebuah geng dan mulai menjual kenang-kenangan Bajak Laut Topi Jerami kepada warga. Setelah mengetahui bahwa pulau tempat mereka berada berada di bawah perlindungan Bajak Laut Rambut Merah, Bartolomeo dan Gambia membakar bendera mereka dalam sebuah tindakan yang berani. (Chapter 869-875)
  • Arc Sai: Setelah Angkatan Laut Happo kembali ke pulang, Sai mengakhiri pertunangan-nya dengan Uholisia. Marah, ia memukulinya sementara ayahnya memarahi Chinjao. Setelah itu, Uholisia terlihat di dalam klub suami, frustrasi karena ia gagal menjadikan Sai sebagai suami ke-26-nya. Setelah luka Sai dirawat, ia dan Bayi ke-5 menikah. (Chapter 876-881)
  • Arc Ideo: Aliansi Bela Diri XXX Gym menghentikan pertarungan antara suku Longleg dan Longarm yang merupakan bagian dari pertikaian selama seribu tahun antara kedua suku tersebut. Setelah itu di sebuah pulau terpencil, mereka menggunakan bagian-bagian kapal yang tidak rusak untuk menyesuaikan kapal baru mereka. Setelah kapal baru mereka selesai, Aliansi Bela Diri XXX Gym meninggalkan kru Longarm dan Longleg. Kelompok tersebut kemudian memutuskan untuk menjadi kru bajak laut dan menyebut diri mereka sebagai Bajak Laut Ideo. (Chapter 882-888)
  • Arc Leo: Korps Tonta di bawah komando Leo memutuskan untuk menjadi bajak laut. Setelah itu, mereka membantu warga Dressrosa membangun kembali rumah mereka dan kemudian menerima kapal baru dari mereka. Riku Doldo III kemudian menugaskan Leo, Bian, dan Kabu sebagai pengawal untuk Levely. (Chapter 889-894)
  • Arc Hajrudin: Setelah mengundurkan diri dari Pengiriman Buggy, Hajrudin dan kelompoknya berlayar menjauh dari kantor pusat Buggy. Akibatnya, Bajak Laut Prajurit Raksasa Baru dimasukkan ke dalam daftar pembelot Pengiriman Buggy. (Chapter 895-901)
  • Arc Orlumbus: Armada Besar Yonta Maria berlayar. Orlumbus kemudian berbicara kepada raja Kerajaan Standing dan mengundurkan diri sebagai petualang untuk memulai hidupnya sebagai pembajakan. Ia kemudian mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada kerajaan saat raja dan pasukannya menyerang armadanya dengan tembakan meriam karena telah mencuri 56 kapal armada. Setelah meninggalkan kerajaan, Orlumbus mulai menulis rencana pembajakan. Beberapa waktu kemudian, Orlumbus dan armadanya mulai menyerang sebuah pulau. Namun, setelah mengetahui bahwa penduduknya miskin, Orlumbus memutuskan untuk memberi mereka perbekalan sebagai gantinya. Setelah itu, armada meninggalkan pulau tersebut. (Chapter 903-913)
  • Cerita Sampingan: Bellamy pensiun dari pembajakan dan menjadi tukang celup. Ia mulai menggambar Jolly Roger. (Chapter 914-917)

Di akhir cerita sampul, para perwakilan secara resmi memperkenalkan diri kepada dunia. (Chapter 918-919)

Judul Chapter

Arc Cavendish

  1. Bajak Laut Cantik mengarungi lautan dengan indah. (Chapter 864)
  2. "I think you already know but in the past I...". (Chapter 865)
  3. The incident of young women refusing to get married because of Pangeran Cavendish's overwhelming popularity in the Kerajaan Bourgeois. (Chapter 866)
  4. Cavendish, who ran out of his own country for the crime of being too popular, has just 74 underlings and just Beli500,000,000 in tow and feels like he's really in trouble. (Chapter 867)
  5. "...So, as I've been saying, those are not enemy ships, and therefore there is no need to fire on them, Suleiman." "That explanation was way too long." (Chapter 868)
Berkas:Chapter 864.png
The Beautiful Pirates sailing the sea beautifully
Berkas:Chapter 865.png
"I think you already know but in the past I..."
Berkas:Chapter 866.png
The Incident of young women refusing to get married because of Prince Cavendish's overwhelming popularity in the Bourgeois Kingdom.
Berkas:Chapter 867.png
Cavendish, who ran out of his own country for the crime of being too popular, has just 74 underlings and just Beli500,000,000 in tow and feels like he's really in the pits.
Berkas:Chapter 868.png
"...So, as I've been saying, those are not enemy ships, and therefore there is no need to fire on them, Suleiman." "That explanation was way too long."

Bartolomeo Arc

  1. "We're the Barto Club, and we bring the ruckus!" (Chapter 869)
  2. "First off, we'll take down the greatest evil at the port." (Chapter 870)
  3. "Selling Straw Hat decals and a Luffy Senpai pin badge to the baddies at a 'special' price." (Chapter 871)
  4. "We were advertising half-price stickers to the public, but...?" (Chapter 873)
  5. "Kaisar!? It doesn't matter...!!!" (Chapter 875)
Berkas:Chapter 869.png
"We're the Barto Club, and we bring the ruckus!"
Berkas:Chapter 870.png
"First off, we'll take down the greatest evil at the port."
Berkas:Chapter 871.png
"Selling Straw Hat decals and a Luffy Senpai pin badge to the baddies at a 'special' price."
Berkas:Chapter 873.png
"We were advertising half-price stickers to the public, but...?"
Berkas:Chapter 875.png
"A Emperor!? It doesn't matter...!!!"

Sai Arc

  1. "Don Sai of the Angkatan Laut Happo: Returning Rumah" (Chapter 876)
  2. Fiancée Uholisia: "Hey, I decided on the date for the pernikahan ceremony." Sai: "I have something important to tell you, Uholisia." (Chapter 877)
  3. "The cancellation of the engagement and paying the expected price." (Chapter 879)
  4. "To think that I even thought of letting him be my 26th husband..." (Chapter 880)
  5. "Don Sai and Baby 5's wedding ♡" (Chapter 881)
Berkas:Chapter 876.png
"Don Sai of the Happo Navy: Returning Home"
Berkas:Chapter 877.png
Fiancée Uholisia: "Hey, I decided on the date for the wedding ceremony." Sai: "I have something important to tell you, Uholisia."
Berkas:Chapter 879.png
"The cancellation of the engagement and paying the expected price."
Berkas:Chapter 880.png
"To think that I even thought of letting him be my 26th husband..."
Berkas:Chapter 881.png
"Don Sai and Baby 5's wedding♡"

Ideo Arc

  1. "Sailing at sea with the ship he got from Orlumbus, but...!?" (Chapter 882)
  2. "Since we saw you two quarreling, you'll both be punished." (Chapter 883)
  3. "We ended up catching them...but it looks like the battle was part of the thousand year-long dispute between the Longarm and Longleg tribe." (Chapter 884)
  4. "Anchoring the ship on a deserted island...Let's make a ship using all of the parts that haven't been destroyed!!" (Chapter 885)
  5. "We don't care whether you reconcile or kill each other." (Chapter 887)
  6. "The Ideo Pirates - We started a pirate crew -" (Chapter 888)
Berkas:Chapter 882.png
"Sailing at sea with the ship He got from Orlumbus, but...!?"
Berkas:Chapter 883.png
"Since we Saw you two quarreling, you'll both be punished."
Berkas:Chapter 884.png
"We ended up catching them...but it looks like the battle was part of the thousand year-long dispute between the Longarm and Longleg tribe."
Berkas:Chapter 885.png
"Anchoring the ship on a deserted island...Let's make a ship using all of the parts that haven't been destroyed!!"
Berkas:Chapter 887.png
"We don't care whether you reconcile or kill each other."
Berkas:Chapter 888.png
"The Ideo Pirates - We Started a Pirate Crew -"

Leo Arc

  1. "We've become pirates" (Chapter 889)
  2. "Boys! We're gonna rebuild every last building in town!" (Chapter 891)
  3. "From the people of Dressrosa." (Chapter 892)
  4. "We're checking out our new pirate ship, The Usoland." (Chapter 893)
  5. "We've been assigned as escorts for the Levely." (Chapter 894)
Berkas:Chapter 889.png
"We've become pirates"
Berkas:Chapter 891.png
"Boys! We're gonna rebuild every last building in town!"
Berkas:Chapter 892.png
"From the people of Dressrosa."
Berkas:Chapter 893.png
"We're checking out our new pirate ship, The Usoland."
Berkas:Chapter 894.png
"We've been assigned as escorts for the Levely."

Hajrudin Arc

  1. "The top 5 earners of Buggy's Delivery have resigned." (Chapter 895)
  2. On the deserter list of Buggy's Delivery: The New Giant Warrior Pirates' captain, Hajrudin. (Chapter 896)
  3. On the deserter list of Buggy's Delivery: The New Giant Warrior Pirates' shipwright, Stansen. (Chapter 897)
  4. On the deserter list of Buggy's Delivery: The New Giant Warrior Pirates' navigator, Road. (Chapter 898)
  5. On the deserter list of Buggy's Delivery: The New Giant Warrior Pirates' cook, Goldberg. (Chapter 899)
  6. On the deserter list of Buggy's Delivery: The New Giant Warrior Pirates' doctor, Gerd. (Chapter 901)
Berkas:Chapter 895.png
"The top 5 earners of Buggy's Delivery have resigned"
Berkas:Chapter 896.png
On the deserter list of Buggy's Delivery: The New Giant Warrior Pirates' captain, Hajrudin.
Berkas:Chapter 897.png
On the deserter list of Buggy's Delivery: The New Giant Warrior Pirates' shipwright, Stansen.
Berkas:Chapter 898.png
On the deserter list of Buggy's Delivery: The New Giant Warrior Pirates' navigator, Road.
Berkas:Chapter 899.png
On the deserter list of Buggy's Delivery: The New Giant Warrior Pirates' cook, Goldberg.
Berkas:Chapter 901.png
On the deserter list of Buggy's Delivery: The New Giant Warrior Pirates' doctor, Gerd.

Orlumbus Arc

  1. "The Yonta Maria Grand Fleet is Heading Out to Sea." (Chapter 903)
  2. "In the Standing Kingdom: The Trailblazing Adventurer Announce His Retirement." (Chapter 904)
  3. "The Pirate Life - At 6 AM: Folding Pajamas." (Chapter 905)
  4. "At 10:00 A.M. - Onboard Cleaning Check - The Fastidious Orlumbus and Columbus!" (Chapter 906)
  5. "The 56 ship fleet Thief - A Tearful Departure 'Thank you For everything.'" (Chapter 907)
  6. "At 3:00PM - Drafting a piracy plan." (Chapter 908)
  7. "At 4:00PM - A pirates first campaign! Commence the assault!!" (Chapter 909)
  8. "At 4:30PM - Because they were extremely poor, we gave them supplies instead." (Chapter 910)
  9. "At 5:00 PM - A grateful farewell. First Pirate Expedition: Failed." (Chapter 913)
Berkas:Chapter 903.png
"The Yonta Maria Grand Fleet is Heading Out to Sea."
Berkas:Chapter 904.png
"In the Standing Kingdom: The Trailblazing Adventurer Announce His Retirement."
Berkas:Chapter 905.png
"The Pirate Life - At 6 AM: Folding Pajamas."
Berkas:Chapter 906.png
"At 10:00 A.M. - Onboard Cleaning Check - The Fastidious Orlumbus and Columbus!"
Berkas:Chapter 907.png
"The 56 ship fleet Thief - A Tearful Departure 'Thank you For everything.'"
Berkas:Chapter 908.png
"At 3:00PM - Drafting a piracy plan."
Berkas:Chapter 909.png
"At 4:00PM - A pirates first campaign! Commence the assault!!"
Berkas:Chapter 910.png
"At 4:30PM - Because they were extremely poor, we gave them supplies instead."
Berkas:Chapter 913.png
"At 5:00 PM - A grateful farewell. First Pirate Expedition: Failed."

Side Story

  1. "This is a dyed-goods town." (Chapter 914)
  2. "A pirate's retirement...the dyed goods craftsman, Bellamy." (Chapter 915)
  3. "This town uses unrippable cloth." (Chapter 917)
Berkas:Chapter 914.png
"This is a dyed-goods town."
Berkas:Chapter 915.png
"A pirate's retirement...the dyed goods craftsman, Bellamy."
Berkas:Chapter 917.png
"This town uses unrippable cloth."


  1. "Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance." (first half) (Chapter 918)
  2. "Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance." (second half) (Chapter 919)
Berkas:Chapter 918.png
"Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance." (first half)
Berkas:Chapter 919.png
"Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance." (second half)


  • Karena Serial Pemisahan Topi Jerami tidak secara resmi dibagi ke setiap karakter, ini adalah Cover Story pertama yang terbagi menjadi beberapa bagian.
  • Volume 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 21, 33, dan 34 telah diadaptasi dalam Episode 885.
  • Volume 9 dan 10 telah diadaptasi dalam Episode 1081

Arc Navigasi

Kisah Armada Besar Topi Jerami yang Diproklamirkan Sendiri
Chapter Manga (sampul)
864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 873 875 876 877
879 880 881 882 883 884 885 887 888 889 891 892
893 894 895 896 897 898 899 901 903 904 905 906
907 908 909 910 913 914 915 917 918 919
Episode Anime
885 1081

Navigasi Situs
