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One Piece Wiki Italia

Template:Profilo nave

La Big Top è la nave dei pirati di Bagy. Il suo nome è stato rivelato nel databook One Piece Yellow: Grand Elements.


The Big Top is a brightly colored ship, which imitates a circus feel. It has many circus tent designs on it, furthering Buggy's theme. It's figurehead is a circus elephant with the trunk as a cannon. The prow also has two cannons on it. The ship overall is fairly large compared to many ships on the sea.


invasione del villaggio di Orange

La Big Top appare per la prima volta all'arcipelago Organ quando Bagy e la sua ciurma attaccano il villaggio di Orange. Dopo la sconfitta del clown per mano di Monkey D. Rufy, il resto dell'equipaggio salpa con la nave abbandonando l'isola prima che la popolazione possa prenderli e fargliela pagare.

New Captain

Soon the ship took the crew to Kumate Island, where the crew would unfortunately run into a tribe of cannibals there. Richie, who became the new captain while defeating Mohji and Cabaji in his sleep, was captured by the cannibalistic tribe and was about to be cooked, but was rescued by Buggy, who returned after an adventure of his own, bringing Alvida with him as an ally.

Grand Line

After escaping Marine Captain Smoker from Loguetown, the Buggy Pirates took the Big Top and entered the Grand Line. Due to Buggy's past experience with the unforgiving oceans, he was able to guide his crew through it with relative ease.

Eventually, Portgas D. Ace, the second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates and the adoptive brother of Luffy, who was in search of the traitorous Blackbeard, boarded the Big Top to join the party. Buggy ordered the crew not to attack, due to him fearing Whitebeard's wrath. Eventually, Ace left and continued his search.

Alvida Taking Over

Sometime after Ace left, Buggy was captured by the Marines due to him mistaking their base as captain John's treasure hold, and was sent to Impel Down. Alvida then took over, and she claimed the Big Top as her ship and left with it, despite Mohji and Cabaji's initial protests of saving Buggy. With that, the Big Top sailed away from the Calm Belt.

Reunion and New Recruits

After Buggy escaped from prison and participated in the Battle of Marineford, his actions and past as Gol D. Roger's crew mate were revealed in the newspaper which led him to acquire a mass amount of fellow convict followers. They somehow managed to find the rest of the Buggy Pirates and the Big Top, which were parked somewhere on an island in the Grand Line, and the crew reunited and increased in size and power.


  • "Big Top" è il termine inglese usato per indicare il tendone di un circo.