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"Tribunale del quartier generale della Marina" è ancora incompleto o disorganizzato, aiutaci a migliorarlo!

Il tribunale del quartier generale della Marina è formato da tre giudici e appare per la prima volta nella miniavventura di Jango.


The judge on the left has a wide nose, thick lips, long white colored hair, a widow’s peak, and a scar above the bridge of his nose. He wears the standard judge hat and robes but rolls up the sleeves to expose his forearms.

The middle judge is elderly with a wider nose and face, a bushy beard, and long, bushy hair. He also wears the standard judge robes, but his judge hat is black and white instead of the typical black.

The judge on the right has a long, thin nose, glasses, and a scar on his left cheek. He also wears the standard judge hat and robes.


The judge on the left seems very stern, while the judge on the right seems more relaxed, drinking an (assumed) alcoholic beverage. The middle one shows little emotion; however, all three danced with Jango and the rest of the court and let Jango go due to his friendship with Fullbody.

Abilities and Powers

As the judges of the court, the Marine Headquarters Court has the ability to make the final ruling on a case.Template:Qref


Il paradiso danzante di Jango

Appare per la prima volta nella miniavventura di Jango e lo condannano a morte in quanto pirata. Tuttavia, Jango ipnotizza l'intera corte e li spinge a ballare e, quando i giudici vedono i legame tra lui e Fullbody, decidono di lasciar andare Jango, purché Fullbody venga retrocesso al grado di recluta.

