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Если вы искали вице-адмирала с похожим именем, смотрите Гигант Джон.

Гиганты — это раса существ, которые значительно больше других известных рас мира по размеру. Наиболее известными являются гиганты с острова Эльбаф.


Будучи гигантами, они в буквальном смысле выглядят как гигантские люди, хотя многие гиганты отличаются более преувеличенными пропорциями и чертами, чем большинство людей. Они настолько велики, что их слезы способны затопить значительные части земли.[3] Внешность и убеждения многих гигантов из Эльбафа основаны на внешности и убеждениях викингов, хотя есть и другие гиганты из других мест, которые не разделяют эту тему, такие как Ягуар Д. Саул, который говорил Нико Робин не путать его с дуболомами эльбафа. Вице-адмирал Морского Дозора Гигант Джон по видимому является еще одним гигантом не из эльбафа.

Их также не следует путать с обычными людьми большого размера, вроде Разрушителей Кайрики из Семьи Фрэнки или Бартоломью Кумы. Для гиганта эти большие люди не более чем "муравьи переростки". Люди самого большого размера доходят гиганту до колена, в то время как обычный человек лишь до щиколотки.

Некоторые гиганты, такие как Орз и его потомок Литл Орз-младший, больше чем среднестатистические гиганты, приблизительно в четыре раза, и на их голове растут рога. Также они обладают уникальным цветом кожи (например, розовым или желтым). Однако, Санхуан Вульф даже больше чем они, и сравним по размеру с штабквартирой Маринфорда, а также считается уникальным среди гигантов, по своему размеру.

Крайне маленькие гиганты также существуют, например Вице-адмирал Морского Дозора Бастиль, который ненамного выше большого человека.



All giants can live for up to three times longer than human beings. However, in the case of giant fishmen and merfolk, it is unknown if they can live that long too. Giants can also interbreed with fishmen, which produces a wotan. Though wotans are huge by human standards, they are still not as big as an actual giant.[4]

Despite their size, they are still just another race of "humans" and as noted by the Marines when Oars Jr. attacked, they can feel pain like any other human race.[5][6] However, due to their gigantic sizes, they are still more resilient than an average human. Incidentally, all giants have a strange laugh and they all laugh differently.

Punk Hazard Giant Skull

The skull of an abnormal sized giant.

During the Straw Hats adventure on the island of Punk Hazard, they encountered the giant bones of a corpse resembling the giants of Oars and Oars Jr. Coincidentally, the front gates housed a logo showing the image of the same giant skull with horns. The island was the home for many experiments in creating artificial giants for the World Government's use; a practice that had been passed down hundreds of years, that had often disastrous results. When Trafalgar Law explains about the experiments, a figure of a giant resembling Oars is shown. On the island, the scientist Caesar Clown had experimented on many children producing giant children. Due to their unnatural growth spurts, their lives were drastically shortened, and would have died if they had not been rescued.

Межвидовые отношения

Giants seem to get along fine with other races, though generally many humans think twice about upsetting them. Normally they seem very casual, lighthearted and friendly towards just about everyone despite their size. Though a different race, they are still regarded as "men" by humans, noting there is a respectful acceptance between them and humans.[5][7]

In the slave market, the male giants are worth BeliSymbol50,000,000, while the females are worth BeliSymbol10,000,000.[2]

Общая сила

G... Giants for gatekeepers...?? That's not fair!!
— Franky Family facing against Oimo and Kashi

They are a strong and almost unstoppable race, the average human cannot stand up to them making them both ideal guards and deadly warriors. Throughout the storyline, characters regularly are aware of just what the power of a giant is. Oars' strength was said to be enough to move continents, and his fearsome reputation was one of the attractions for Moriah that lead his desire to gain the corpse of both him and his descendant Oars Jr. to use their power to become the Pirate King.[8] Saul had lifted up and smashed a number of the large Buster Call fleet ships during the destruction of Ohara, he has been noted to have more strength than an average giant.[9] In fact, many giants are servants of the World Government and the Marines, enforcing the latter as one of the Three Great Powers. Their overall strength is primary aspect that the World Government is conducting research on Gigantification, in the hopes of creating their own giants.[10]

At Enies Lobby the sight of seeing the giants Oimo and Kashi made the Franky Family comment on how using giants was "unfair".[11] The Marines have an entire squad consisting of giants, these giants were placed in charge of guarding Ace's execution platform. When they were ordered to prepare themselves, the pirates advancing took note of the incoming giants and warned each other that "the big-boys are advancing".[12] They also have many other giants as high-ranking officers.

Just as large-sized humans have advantage against "normal" humans, large-sized giants like Oars have a huge advantage against "normal" giants.[13] Large-sized humans, even those with great strength are usually just too weak to take on a giant, as Oimo and Kashi proved to the Kairiki Destroyers.[14] Most giants thus far have either been taken down by the strongest of the human fighters, or by tactics; thus far the most common method to take them down is using one giant against another as seen with Oars Jr., Oimo and Brogy. Oimo and Kashi were taken down by joint efforts of Galley-La, Zambai, and Sodom and Gomorrah. While Sodom and Gomorrah had strength and size almost equal to the giants, the others who aided them had used more tactical efforts such as pinning down Kashi's face when he fell, and using Oimo to deal a knock-out blow to his partner.[15][16] Mr. 3 had to devise a plan in order to take down Brogy and Dorry. While he took down Dorry by a explosion in his stomach (Brogy had finished him off), the giant had survived.[17] During the Sabaody Archipelago arc, the kidnapping group, Coffee Monkeys reported that they only captured their giant because he was asleep.[18]

Kashi: We're natural born fighters!!
Oimo: We have a different kind of blood... Than some tiny humans who're bigger than usual!!
— Kashi and Oimo compare their strength to the Franky Family's Kairiki Destroyers

They are often shown surviving being hit by cannon blasts and explosions, usually simply being knocked down temporary or coming out with only minor injuries, and even when suffering major injuries, still having some life left in them to fight again with. Perhaps due to their size, they also have greater resistance to diseases that would kill humans. At Enies Lobby, when the allies of the Straw Hats appeared to have been wiped out by the Buster Call fleet, whose cannons are able to wipe out whole islands with their cannon blasts, it was revealed that Oimo and Kashi had taken the brunt of the attack, yet been largely unaffected, with no visible injuries.[19] Saul had also taken several hits of cannon fire while on Ohara from Buster Call shots, although the ships used in that incident were not as strong as the Enies Lobby incident.[9] Oars Jr. had taken many hits by cannon fire before he was initially taken out by the Shichibukai Kuma, Doflamingo, and Moriah; although he gave up the last of his strength taking Whitebeard to the plaza where one final cannon blast finished him off.[20] Despite the fact they survive these blasts, however, they will still feel the pain from the impact even if it does not topple them.[5]

Eternal Hell

Giants at Impel Down Level 6.

It should be taken into account that when a giant goes on a rampage, there is a general fear from the weakest of men, as very little can stop a giant normally and seemingly even less when one is angry.[21][22][23] As equal as they make for dangerous guards and enforcers, likewise they make for dangerous criminals and such giants end up in the lower levels of Impel Down, even as far down as level 6.[24]

However, while they are incredibly strong their size is also their biggest disadvantage. The larger giants such as Oars and Oars Jr. are so big that they make for easy targets during battles.[25] Another disadvantage is space, as giants need room to maneuver themselves without damaging buildings or stepping on allies.[26] Notably, to date no giant in the storyline has been known to have taken a Devil Fruit (with the exceptions of Blyue and Lily Enstomach, who are both non-canon), making them one of the most physically reliant races in the One Piece world. This can also put them at disadvantage as they have no alternative ways of fighting. However, they do use weapons of their choice to effectively increase damage. Additionally, while no giant has demonstrated Haki, at least four Giants have achieved the rank of vice admiral in the Marines, and some degree of proficiency in Haki is said to be a requirement of that rank. Furthermore, the giant who was chained together with Silvers Rayleigh during his time as a slave in the Human Auction House was able to discern the latter's use of Haki when Rayleigh used it to render Disco unconscious. Therefore it must be concluded that giants are not only aware but also capable of manifesting Haki.

One should also take into account that giants seen thus far seem fearless of Sea Kings (even seen hunting them), a remarkable note as fishmen are wary of them and careless mermaids (such as Keimi) may fall prey to their jaws.


The majority of giants seen so far believe that to die in battle is a great honor, and that duels are sacred battles between the strong to determine who wins the favor of the Gods of Elbaf. Upon returning to Elbaf after a victorious battle, the winners are treated as heroes. However, not all giants believe that fighting and dying in battle is a great honor. For example, Jaguar D. Saul considers the Elbaf giants' lust for battle "barbaric" while expressing that gentle giant races do indeed exist outside Elbaf, and dislikes it when others believe that all giants are warriors like those of Elbaf.

Another note is that due to their longer lifespan, they tend to treat time differently to humans. Where as 50 years to a human would be a lifetime wasted, to giants 50 years is only 1/6 of their potential lifespan. As such, a vow that results in them losing 50 years of their life can be seen by them as "nothing".

Известные гиганты

См. также связанную категорию: Гиганты.

  •  : персонаж мёртв.
  •  *: статус персонажа неизвестен. При наведении на символ можно получить более подробную информацию.
  •  : неканонический персонаж.
  •  : персонаж больше не состоит в данной группе. При наведении на символ можно получить более подробную информацию.
[ш · п · ?]
Ягуар Д. Саул  Орз  Литл Орз-младший * Сан-Хуан Вульф Биг Пан *
Гиганты из Эльбафа
Локи Оймо Каси Стансен Хайрудин
Роад Голдберг Гигант Джон  Дорри  Броги 
Ёрл  Ярл * Герт * Райдин * Эйри *
 ?????  *  ????? *  ?????  *  ?????? *
Лакруа Ронс  ??????  ??????  ??????
 ??????  ??????  ??????
Бобби Пого Блюе Панз Фрай Лили Энстомак
Себастьян *

  •  : персонаж мёртв.
  •  *: статус персонажа неизвестен. При наведении на символ можно получить более подробную информацию.
  •  : неканонический персонаж.
  •  : персонаж больше не состоит в данной группе. При наведении на символ можно получить более подробную информацию.

Другие гиганты:


  • Ягуар Д. Саул первый показанный гигант, родом не с Эльбафа.
  • Орз является представителем злостных гигантов, которые тоже родом не с Эльбафа.
  • Блюе и Лили Энстомак единственные на данный момент, показанные гиганты владеющие Дьявольским плодом (Мини Мини но Ми), но они не являются каноном. Так же они единственные гиганты, чей дизайн и пропорции тела больше похожи на нормальных людей, а не как у других гигантов.
  • Так же известно, что каждый гигант из морского дозора имеет или имел (В случае Саула) ранг Вице-адмирала. Это означает, что они владеют Хаки, так как говорится что все вице-адмиралы владеют им. Однако это до сих пор не было подтверждено.
  • Сан-Хуан Вульф является самым крупным гигантом, в мире и он единственный в своём роде.
  • Среди рыболюдей и русалок могут встречаться особи таких же размеров как и гиганты, например Вадацуми и Сирахоси.
  • Вегапанк  проводил опыты по превращению обычных людей в гигантов, но безуспешно. Его соперник Цезарь Клаун добился больше успехов, его эксперименты требовали, чтобы испытуемые были в детском возрасте, но побочные эффекты, вызванные непрерывностью эксперимента, подвергли их жизнь опасности.


  1. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 11 Глава 96 и Эпизод 45, Появление Гиганта Джона.
  2. 2,0 2,1 One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 51 Глава 501 и Эпизод 395, Цены выявлены в списке аукционного дома.
  3. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 40 Глава 384 и Эпизод 270, Согекинг думает, что слезы гиганта были потопом.
  4. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 33 Глава 309 и Эпизод 210, Big Pan, "the Wotan" is introduced as a half Giant, half Fishman.
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 57 Глава 555 и Эпизод 464, a Marine orders his men to keep firing at Oars Jr. as he is still human despite his size and it will hurt him.
  6. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 40 Глава 378 и Эпизод 266, Kashi feels the pain of having his face pinned to the ground.
  7. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга — Том 57 Глава 554, the Giant Squad of the Marines are referred to as "men".
  8. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 57 Глава 554 и Эпизод 463, Moriah sees Oars Jr.
  9. 9,0 9,1 One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 41 Глава 396 и Эпизод 277, Saul and the Buster Call.
  10. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 68 Глава 668 (стр. 8) и Эпизод 594, Law talks about gigantification.
  11. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 40 Глава 378 и Эпизод 265, Franky Family comments using Giants is unfair.
  12. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга — Том 57 Глава 554, the Giant Squad of the Marines.
  13. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 57 Глава 555 и Эпизод 464, the Giant Squad of the Marines loose several members to the bigger giant Oars Jr.
  14. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 40 Глава 378 и Эпизод 265, the giants take out the large-sized Franky Family members.
  15. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 40 Глава 378 и Эпизод 266, the effort to take Oimo and Kashi down.
  16. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 40 Глава 380 и Эпизод 267, the effort to take Oimo and Kashi down.
  17. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 15 Глава 127 и Эпизод 77, Brogy gets up having simply passed out.
  18. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 51 Глава 501 и Эпизод 395, the Coffee Monkeys mention their giants capture.
  19. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 44 Глава 428 и Эпизод 310, the giants take the buster call and survive.
  20. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга — Том 58 Глава 566, Oars Jr. is finally downed by a last cannon blast.
  21. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 40 Глава 386 и Эпизод 272, Spandam receives amongst the other bad news the giants have switched sides.
  22. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 40 Глава 388 и Эпизод 273, the giants exact their revenge on the Enies Lobby workers causing great alarm.
  23. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 57 Глава 555 и Эпизод 464, Oars Jr. attacks.
  24. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 54 Глава 529 и Эпизод 430, two giants seem to be imprisoned at Level 6.
  25. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 57 Глава 555 и Эпизод 464, Oars Jr.'s size turns against him as he becomes the target.
  26. One Piece Anime EmblemOne Piece Манга и Аниме — Том 48 Глава 469 и Эпизод 364, a desperate Hogback calls to Cindry for help before Oars steps on him.

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